Share your Toolbox Reward

Yeah. I have the very OP 4.3 premium line up for Germany, and it gets most of my SL for me. Or the 335B2 in ARB

Mmm I love the 335.

I think it’s my 2nd best vehicle according to my stats😂. It’s so OP

My first is the premium AV-8A, but I don’t know if thats actually my most efficient SL grinder. It just has inflated stats because I religously grinded it when I bought it.

Oh lol

I think my top one if German Sherman. I grinded most of low tier German with it

Damn rare

Yeah I got it when it was on sale for Xbox. Then I switched to pc

Ever play naval? With a 500 percent booster you get 50k a kill with the Frank Knox or Moffet. Super dopamine hit when you see 50k sl come up for a kill. I’m thinking of hitting up naval for some sl for more boxes.


You’re right,IF you’re able to get it.

Let’s take the guy who spent 72 million SL for example. First of all, it’s no easy task and requires you to either play most of a day everyday or to wait several months to reach that amount of SL.

He got approx. 410$ worth of vehicles,which is nice if you think about it for a moment.

However,even if he spent 72 hours to accumulate 72 million SL (which is a generous assumption) only to get those vehicles,it means that his effort was valued at 5.70$/hr. You can receive the same or more amount of money with most of the jobs available.

So yeah,the idea of refunding the currency you lose is a big IF since you’re basically at the mercy of an astronomically low RNG: you either get super duper lucky and get a 200$ vehicle by spending less than a million,or you can get a 5$ vehicle by spending 20+ million SL,and then there are all of the possibilities in the middle regarding “how much you spend vs. how lucky you were”

You can’t make a statistics out of these crates,you can’t consider them a source of income other than the mole of RP/SL boosters,so gambling on them is absolutely a bad form of habit

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Thanks for doing the maths. I can only speak for myself. As I don’t play Toptier, I have little interest in buying the vehicles from the trees.
The SL I earn accumulate over time and what else am I supposed to do with them? I’m not even saving consciously. It happens on the side. I also don’t think I’ll throw another 6 million into the toolboxes. I was lucky … like last time … VK45.01 (P) bagged^^

You may get it on sale earlier in the May Sale in less than a month, last year it had a 50% discount on 90d, 180d and 1 year of premium:

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That’s the that I meant

The problem is every time i play naval i want to kill myself.

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Same, I just played a few matches and forgot how frickin annoying it is. I forgot that even using the moffet or frank knox, you can get an assist after killing most of enemy crew and still only get 300 SL

Still,even if you prefer playing at middle tiers and don’t have all of the event vehicles there,getting one from these boxes has the same chances of getting another one or getting nothing basically.

For anyone that says “But the chances”: Yes,Gaijin added the chances of getting said rewards, but not the exact amount (only the Obj. 279). It is mandatory for them to add a “chance number” publicly available, otherwise they would break the first EU law regarding gambling. They did the minimum,so unless they’re gonna publish the exact,unbiased and super-documented chances for every reward in these chests,every vehicle has the same chance of getting picked

30 boxes


Awesome! I’d love to have this thing too! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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See,that is what i was talking about

Someone spends 72 million to get this vehicle (and others),someone will spend 1.8 million. These boxes are a complete joke


Happy for you - 125 boxes and also this VFW thing.

Still useless as i can’t sell it as pure xbox user.

I spend over 100m in the last 5 rounds (as a pure Air RB pilot) and received:

  • 1 useless UK tank A.C. Mk I
  • 1 useless IT boat MC 590
  • 1 useless jet F4D1 (event jet i already owned)
  • 1 useless RU prop i owned already (Po-2 M)
  • 1 the Yak-3T at 5.0
  • and now this VFW thing.

…and, ofc, hundreds of extremely useless back-up vouchers - 727 now…

So even as i invested access SLs (i have everything i want to play) i still miss a kind of trading platform without money (in order to circumvent this block by MS and Sony for consoles).

I would have no problem to trade the stuff above for a Fw 190 C and/or Ki-94 plus a PV-2D - fully aware of that they are not easy to use in Air RB, but in test flights they responded very good to the input of my HOTAS, so from a pilot perspective they would be nice to have…

Edit: Another 25 boxes - so now 150: Nothing.
Edit II: Another 25 = 175 this round: Nothing.