Shades On — It’s Time For The Sizzling Summer Sale!

When: From June 26th (13:00 GMT) until July 8th (07:00 GMT), get standalone packs with a discount!

It’s the summer time! Get a boost of good humor by replenishing your hangar with amazing high-ranking vehicles at great prices. Visit the Store and choose packs that fit your taste, or make your friends happy with a gift!

This summer sale features 30 packs of various vehicles of ranks VI-VII with a 50% discount!

Note! The offer is available to PC users only.




There’s no discounts or sales or anything on console? Man that sucks, I had a friend who only plays on console and has a very small budget, we was only slightly considering getting a premium or even buying premium time, but only if there was a sale, guess that’s not happening…


Thank god there’s nothing on sale I want.
We’ll be getting SL crates though, right? I saved up for another 1000 crates now. :D


No GE vehicle sales?


Those usually happen a week or so after the sales, do they not?

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No. It’s usually the other way around. First GE and then packs.
Which makes me kinda sad since I sold some coupons to buy 10k GE last week.
Also come to think of it, aren’t GE sales only during may and november sales?
Mishun phail’d, we gettem next toim.

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Console stores got discounts in different dates (they are independent to our sale schedule) than discounts on our official store


They don’t happen in the summer. Only in May/October/December


No packs being retired after this sale?

We would announce it in advance, so no.


with amazing high-ranking vehicles

Why is this limited to high-ranking vehicles?

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Great,i can save money for next sales when some will be retiring then instead. Sadly sale ends day before paycheck so no spare money to spend.

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When might be the soonest they could see a sale/discount on premium vehicle packs or premium time (if you know)?

(Thank you for the quick reply and taking time out of your day to help inform me, I really appreciate it! <3)

I think a Sale will come for the Console but a Bit later

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Lower rank packs were on sale just over a month ago: [Shop] May Sale in the Gaijin Store! - News - War Thunder

We have a range of sales throughout the year with different packs featured.


Would it be possible to have some indication or notification if a vehicle on our wishlists is on sale?

Like here for example?


Are there any Dates for it? I mean Xbox Sales Comes Most times about 3-4 Weeks After the Store Sale.
If i had a PC Account would definitly buy something.

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Thanks for the suggestion. We will pass it on for consideration :)


Might pick up that Mirage…

And if anyone wants to kind and buy me that F-5C I won’t object to it… Might be something special in it for you ;)