Summer sale 2024?

Anniversary or winter could Both be possible 🙂

Yeah. That’s what I’m banking on getting it

I hope they up the sales to Rank 6-7… if its like last year where they were 4-5 ranks. it will be very disappointing.

We had already the lowtier Sale in the last one. We‘ll get High Tier packs

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do you think there may be a discount on leopard 2 (pzbtl 123)

It’s here!!!

Shades On — It’s Time For The Sizzling Summer Sale! - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum

Well allegedly it is supposed to be a sizzling summer sale, more like the cold greasy burgers left over from the days previous barbeque.

I just want to confirm before spending any SL on my tech tree vehicles, the Summer sale will NOT include tech tree sales…correct? I know some sales have a 2 part component where premium pack sales are either first or second and tech tree SL sales (30% I think off SL costs of buying vehicles) is the other week. The summer sales is premium packs only though…correct?

Thank you!

No it will not.

Thank you

No problem :)

Is there any news for when playstation will be getting the summer sales? I really want the ka-50 and the F-5C

No. It does not get announced. It just kinda happens. If there is a WT group on PSN I would recommend joining them and you might get a notification that the sale is happening through there. Or you could just add them to your cart and you should get a notification if they go on sale that way.

Is there a topic for discussion here about what premium should be bought?

Yes. @war_Tinder has an amazing guide for premium vehicles here


The sale is bad, you got the click and bait tank but not the other nations tanks of same br

Because the other 11.3 Tanks are way newer

No money for gajin I guess

Thank you for plugging this one.

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Yep :)

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