So, I get sever damage, right? But a hungry team mate snags him and gives me a “Severly damaged aircraft counted as kill,” do we still get full rewards, do the rewards split? Why doesn’t gaijin make planes auto-J out when they are sever damaged? Why am I writing a philosophical post on a forum about war machines?
Because you can disengage, return to airfield, repair and return to battle.
You can do it in sim without instructor. You can do it even more easily in ARB with instructor.
Severe damage was introduced because it felt very dumb to be taken out of your plane when you can still control it and maybe save it.
Severe damage to a plane is considered to be: destruction of all engines (or destroying one engine if there is only one left), destruction of all elements of the control system (or the remaining controls left), which makes impossible to control the ailerons, elevators and rudders, separation of more than half of at least one wing, and destruction of all horizontal stabilizers (or the remainder of the horizontal stab).
To destroy a plane you’ll need to hit its pilot or inflict enough damage so that its tail is torn off.
and rewards:
When you deal severe damage to an enemy aircraft, you’ll receive a new “Severe damage” reward. This reward is 80% of the reward for a destruction. At the same time in the statistics window, the number of enemy aircraft destroyed will be supplemented with a “+” symbol by the number of current severe damages. For example, the entry “3+2” means that 3 vehicles were destroyed, and 2 more were severely damaged and are still alive. When a severely damaged enemy is destroyed or they repair themselves, they’ll disappear from this column.
If you continue the attack and achieve the destruction of the enemy, you’ll receive the remaining 20% of the reward. Accordingly, the reward for severe damage and subsequent independent finishing off the enemy is equal to the reward that’s given for destroying the enemy without the severe damage mechanic (80% + 20% = 100%).
If you didn’t manage to finish off a severely damaged aircraft and they flew away, this status will remain assigned to them. If your ally finishes them off, the following will happen: they’ll receive a new message saying “Aircraft finished off” or “Helicopter finished off”, 40% of the reward for destroying the enemy and an increase in the number of destroyed aircraft in the statistics window.
When this happens, you’ll be shown the “A kill of a severely damaged aircraft / helicopter counted” message and the destruction of an aircraft will be counted in the statistics window, but without occurring an additional reward, since you did not play any role in finishing off this enemy, and had previously received a reward for your action. The overall reward when two players play a part in the destruction of an enemy is higher with the severe damage mechanic: 80% to the player that caused the severe damage, and 40% to the player who got the finishing off. As a result, both players will receive a kill in the statistics window for defeating the enemy, which is taken into account when unlocking camouflages and completing tasks.
An aircraft can only receive severe damage once: all subsequent damage by the same or other players can only be normal or critical damage, or will lead to the destruction of the aircraft. Therefore, the destruction of one aircraft can only be counted towards two players: the one who inflicted severe damage and the one who finished off the aircraft.
Yes. Severe damage doesn’t mean you are on fire flat spinning into the ground, because I was counted as severe damage here despite flying perfectly fine.
This was a bit different, this was a F-14 in a horizontal spin, on fire; and going to crash.
This is fine. Nothing to see here. Perfectly flyable :P
(landed a Lightning with similar damage in sim before. the mig-21 that shot my tail off was both pissed and impressed)
There’s a reason why they didn’t J out btw.
I don’t J out in ARB if I die early.
The repair cost mechanic is broken.
On paper, your repair cost increases each minute right? It’s sth gaijin did because of player revolt.
Well… if you J out of a plane on fire, with engine on fire and flatspinning from 4 km altitude at 5 minutes into the match… you pay full repair cost as if you were alive for like 15 minutes.
It definitely needs further refinement. As others have posted, it can be mostly superficial damage that you can fairly easily get back to the airfield with, land, and be off again. On the other hand, I have lost count of the times I have had a plane flatspinning, burning, missing a wing(or more) but no-skill, greedy players shoot them and get a free kill.
The source od 99% of severe damage planes landing and repairing is the fact loss of control wires or loss of elevator and rudder do not count as severe damage BUT getting black horziontal stabilizer, which barely affect AF performance is insta-severe damage.
So people with planes crippled beyond any chance of further combat are not severly damaged.
But people with dogfight-capable planes are actually considered severly damaged and they are surprise-killed when the match ends. How fun.
Anyway, for some time only the final killstealer was getting a kill reward affecting their statcard kills per battle. Gaijin reportedly fixed it. But I kind of doubt that.
There’s also wing models.
I noticed that for korean war jet aircraft, those with swept wings are effectively impossible to “Severe damage” by shooting their wings off. Way too much effective wing area counts under the “50% of wing removed” (sure, technically it is less than 50% but… you’re not gonna fly that thing).
A similar issue arises with twin-boom aircraft like the P-38s. The plane spins out of control as it lost all the wing area outside its boom, but it’s just a crit as it’s less than 50%.
Whereas with straight-wing or delta wing aircraft, minimal wing damage can give you a severe as it now counts as over 50% for the same control outcomes.
The mechanic is good in intention, but it has some severe flaws in what it counts as severe or critical, and it’s excarbarated by instructor game modes vs instructorless in different damage having different effects when it comes to taking a plane out of a dogfight.
i had three severe hits on a plane once and it was still flying and bombing targets. And shooting at me.
Didn’t know/notice that, I never usually have issues with SL, that’s probably why.
I’ve lost both wings in the T-2 before and was able to RTB and land. Bless Mitsubishi for designing the T-2 with huge tail flaps.
I’ve also taken this much damage in a Phantom and remained air-worthy. The match ended but I was fully capable of RTB’ing.
Severe damage gives you 80% of kill reward
If a teammate kills a severered plane, they get the remaining 20%
This was also counted as “severe damage” lol
80% rewards, and aircraft already auto-J… It’s called killing the enemy properly.
Have done the same thing with mig-23, its great.
It is especially bad if you manage to stay alive until the end in your heavily damaged bomber, multiple bullet holes in the wings, only two engines working anymore, beeing proud to have survived.
But then you get hit with the “aircraft written off due to severe damage” in the last second. And on top of that have to pay full repair cost as a final middle finger.
Yeah, it’s been reported as a bug many months ago. No fix in sight.