Severe Damage issues

Has anyone else noticed since the recent update with the BR changes the severe damage mechanic does not seem to be functioning correctly.

Multiple games now ive shot a planes wing off, they are spinning out and I am left with a hit and an assist rather than a severe damage counted kill.

Or what is worse, ive had allies hit enemies with missiles, they are wingless fireballs falling from the sky, and i fly in shoot them for the assist, and it steals my allies hard earned kills.

Im curious, if i was to record it as well could i potentially create a bug report ? im new to the forums and all this.

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You surely should report it to Community BRS,

With enough video/replay proof they, Technical moderators, may pass this to Developers and eventually fix this bug.

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I haven’t noticed a difference since the update. Some damage models though function strangely with the Severe Damage mechanic which makes it seem inconsistent. On some planes taking out tail controls counts as severe damage and on others - as a crit. Or if you take out an F-104’s entire elevator and rudder it’s still not enough for a severe check. Wing rips are also weird, some planes can be missing an entire wing (Mig-23 for example) and still not be counted as severely damaged, others may lose a wingtip and instantly be counted off (Su-7) which makes everything in between seem random.

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thank you for this, ill try sift through what i have and compile something substantial.

i mean a wingless, on fire plummeting to the earth F14 should could as a severe damage yet when i hit him a burst on the way past it stole the kill from my ally and gave me the full kill.