Server Update 23.01.2025

Still weird, I’ve seen @gszabi99 datamined changes to AI vessels and each nation had some, but in reality playing naval RB I don’t remember encountering any Japanese, Italian or French vessels controlled by AI.

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In my opinion, the main problem is the loss of RP. SL can be farmed using other vehicles and in other game modes. But how to level up while getting several times less RP?

Such a loss in RP is absolutely unacceptable, no matter how it is explained. If upgrading the modifications of a rank 2 boat will require dozens of battles, there is no point in starting to play this mode at all.


Yeah, me trying to spade 3.7 boat, get miserable amount of RP shooting at AI boats and destroyers, until I get annihilated by some Frank Knox arrived to boats point :/

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Do a simple thing: HP and RP per bot are proportional to the number of bots in the team. The more bots, the higher. If there are more than 10 of them per team, then it should be the same as for a living player.

Then, in rounds where there are few bots, there will be no reason for the whole team to chase them, and in rounds where there are many, players will not lose RP and SL.


Yours only now? What about things like size of cards, spur points? like the BR adjustment? All of that is rubbish at the moment… and you’re adding more bots and celebrating it? What’s the point of playing if you’ve had zero successes? Please play your game yourself and you’ll see that the game is going in the wrong direction…

Maybe I don’t get something, but rewards are much different


Снимок экрана (110)


I’ve been in a few 1v1 matches (even 1v0 when the other player never started the match), and lots of 4-or-less players per team, so I’m not sure what the reduced player count bit is about. (Maybe that is in Realistic as my reference is for Arcade battles?)

What I would like to see is the reduction of the maximum 10 minute queue time (for arcade) to be reduced. It’s not fun waiting around 10 minutes for a 2v2 match when it could have made the match at 5 minutes (or even less when the “waiting for battle” is sitting 10+ for several minutes)

Do you have “Join already active battles” turned on? I personally don’t play Naval without that turned on. I am going to try it off to see if the new changes make much of a difference, but I would def suggest turning that on if you currently have it off. (I don’t usually use it for Air or Ground matches, but for Naval, imo, better to just get in and make more RP/SL’s per hour vs waiting in a longer queue.)

No I don’t.

With a lot of slow boats (think early coastal… especially looking-at-you-Japan), even when you join at the start you sometimes don’t even make it to the battle before the match is over, so joining an in-game battle would be even worse.

I also don’t like it for AirRB, which I mainly play, so switching it on and off is a bit of a pain (as if I play different game modes I “interleave” them switching back and forth between Naval and AirRB for example). Maybe if it was a per-game type setting…


Now do the same for tanks now also please

Thanks for patience.

Silver Lions reward for damage to the naval targets (the main source of income in naval battles) is calculated as:
damage dealt x vehicle reward multiplier x premium and/or boosters

So, this reward depends on the target you hit. Max damage (HP) for any boat is 1200 and for any ship is 2200.

An example: Enemy: SC-497, You: Pr.1124 late.
Vs. BOT:

268 dmg dealt to the Bot controlled boat (max in this case is 1200)
268 x 0.81 (vehicle multiplier) x 1.5 (premium account) = 326 SL

Vs. Player

407 dmg dealt to the Player controlled boat (again, max is 1200)
407 x 0.81 (vehicle multiplier) x 1.5 (premium account) = 495 SL

As you can see, there is no difference between Bot and player controlled vessel when it comes to the main source of income.

But I found that there is a difference in the reward for the final kill (all bots and AI vehicles in the entire game have the same multiplier, which is 0.3).

And as you know, reward for the final kill in naval battles is just a small part of the overall SL reward.
We are aware of it (the smaller multiplier for reward for kill for BOTs and RP gain for actions on BOTs) and discuss the possible change on this in future, but there are no details on this that I can share for now.


I will need to do more tests, but I dealt more damage to some of the bots than I did the players, but still got a far larger payout from the players.

I believe there may be a genuine issue with bots not registering damage correctly.


I tried to go back to naval when i got the BP Murmansk, but the first game was a full uptier with a fat Japanese battleship farming my team… Meanwhile, I couldn’t leave a dent.
Last time I played naval before this was when the Cadiz was released and that was fun, but 5.0 uptier is unplayable.
Naval needs to be decompressed.


Thank you for the continued communication Stona_WT 👍
Regardless of the final results of these adjustments, I just want to express my appreciation that Naval is getting some love and and attention. I hope that the team is hearing some of the positive messages that many of us have for Naval 🍻


Yes, yes and for the love of Elvis pleeeze


Thank you Stona ! Awesome sauce thanx 8)


Can it also be changed so the person whom does the most damage to a navel target gets the kill? / also increase the % of reward for assists.


I am so sick of doing 90% crew damage, then suddenly a team mate starts finishing off the guy I’m shooting at, and it awards him the kill.

And when I get the assist for “helping” my team mate take my kill, I seemingly get ripped for rewards.


Severe damage should go to all game modes tbh, I hate hitting a critical shot in a tank with a lengthy reload only for the crippled enemy to be swooped up by a shoddy teammate


Been saying that for some time. That mechanic is needed in Naval, especially when its a ruddy Bot that steals a kill.


Naval just isn’t fun to play after rank 3 as you just hit a brick wall progression wise. It takes literally weeks to unlock even a single new ship while you’re suddenly battling against impervious heavy battleships and rapid fire / missile launching post war ships.

Naval needs a complete rework where ships are more separated by both classes and years and a seriously needed massive increase in rewards. Even with a premium account you need over 100+ long, slow and in the end boring games. It’s just not fun as you barely even see the progress bar move. I did all this for… what? For the 100th time…? Repeat it yet again with basically the same multi-ship lineup and opponents.

It’s the same issue with tanks and helicopters too. Once you hit tier 4 progression just grinds to a halt and the game just becomes a chore instead of having fun. What’s the point of paying for premium or premium vehicles if progression only goes from nothing to abysmal? It’s just not worth it. At that point people just chose not to play at all instead, which is what’s happening especially to ships. You’re literally just applying a band aid to the result and not the cause of the issue.

Stop treating top tier as end tier. There are thousands of vehicles in the game. Players already need to spend about a decade with premiums to even have a chance at unlocking all of them. Top tier is just another tier with its own game play and play style. There’s nothing special about it.