Seriously? All 120mm M1 get 5s reload time

With all the extra weight that was added and no improvement on the engine. It’s just better to use the M1 with a 105.

Having loaded and used the real tanks ( M60A3, M1, M1 IP, M1A1, M1A1 HC). 5 sec is close enough. First rounds are always loaded for every tank, reload is only minor factor after the first shot. It’s a fun game but it’s not a good simulation. Excessive visibility is the biggest issue in my opinion.

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I would just point out that now the Abrams has a 5 second reload the one advantage something like a Challenger 2 had is now completely null and void. Now the Challenger 2 is just worse in every way.

You sitting the entire game in the same ditch is definitely a skill difference, especially if you still can’t manage a 1 K/D.

Curious, my M1A2 and SEPv1 have a 50% and 59% winrate from before the update. My SEPv2 isn’t really representable because I queued it a lot wifh Germany for the fiest day of having it.

If all you care about is mobility, sure, but I prefer the firepower, spalling and the little armor improvements of the 11.3+ Abramses.

EDIT: don’t get me wrong, the 11.3+ Abramses should be buffed, but I disagree with certain US mains that I quoted that have both a victim complex and a skill issue.

I don’t care if i’ve upset you. Go get a psychologist or something. It’s just fact, the 120mm do not provide any additional benefits. The 105mm is effective enough to handle anything you are facing. You will be aiming at the exact same spots with the 120 that you would with the 105. And its not like the armor is really that better. In the end the m1s with the 105s are better because they are quicker and you can get around the battle field faster.

Why is this statement upseting you? It is literally just an observation.

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I wasn’t even upset lmao, even if you are wrong in this case.

The last efit bit was mainly aimed at sartt. I probably ahouls have placed it differently in my reply lol.

I don’t see anything wrong with my point. You still have to aim for the same spots with the 120 that the 105 can pen. And the 120 adds more weight. Unless they improve the armor or properly model and introduce m829a3, the 120 is like dead weight.

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Not averse to M1s being able to do this provided it is actually achievable. which i imagine you probably could.

However this change has basically negated the only real advantage the Chally 2 enjoyed pointless. Then again that’s debatable given Type 10 autoloader

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One of the wonderful joys of reload being a soft-balance factor. Realism is mostly optional

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well… until it gets ridiculous anyway lol

why the fuck would i care about K/D in a fucking video game where i know for a fact, the Abrams, and half the other U.S Tanks are literally being held back by a russian game company on purpose to keep soviet/russian "beliefs " that their tanks are even somewhat combat worthy? To actually think i would care about win rate or K/D in this game is fucking comical. The Abrams armor is messed up, the ammo is nerfed, fighting tanks where you have to pixel hunt to even penetrate them, and then hope that you even hit their ammo, and then hope again that their ammo actually detonates? lol

People like you literally think half the people who main u.s gives a damn about this game anymore? Gaijin wants you to make 40,000 points every 2 days per type of vehicles for events now, instead of what event requirements used to be, where anyone could get the vehicles instead of sacrificing their sanity for it.

I will continue to sit on a hill, hull down, and laugh as people try to bomb me or shoot vihkirs at me.

I embrace the chaos! I’ve even had some of the sweden Flavor of the month trolls curse me for camping on a hill .

Wanna know what really pisses them off? I ll sit in a corner with my engine turned off in the HSTLV or adats and wait for them, then let 3 of them drive by and blast’em.

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M735 is nerfed.
M774 is overbuffed.
M833 is ‘correct’.
M829 is overbuffed/overperforming.
M829A1 is correct.
M829A2 is correct (no, it was never made to defeat ERA like LKE II or M829A3, it was likely following in DM33s footsteps by improving performance against composite armour).

Out of all the things to complain about, US KE choices are not one of them.

m774 is not overbuffed, they actually corrected it towards is real penetration.

You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about. Gaijin even messed up 3BM42 and its weaker than it should be.
All the U.S Rounds after M774 are missing 20% - 30% of their actual penetration.
M829A2 , DM53 , Relikt should only protect against m829a2 over 1km.

Tandem explosive reactive armor “Duplet” (


Which is why the penetrator is currently 30mm longer than it should be?

You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about.

Cool, this is reason enough for me to not bother with what you’re saying.

I don’t care what US mains care about. I just want them to use thair brains, however seeing their capabilities I think 90% of their brain power is mostly used for breathing.

Which takes what? 3-4 hours most at top tier? I get around 2-4k score (after the RB and top tier modifiers) per game on average if I have decent games.

If these reduce your sanity that again sounds more like a skill issue to me.

this matters how in a video game?

You’re wrong here.
3BM42 penetration is fine & correct.

cant be seious, did you utter the words decent armour??? 3bm42 (a 9.7 round) can pen the turret. mobility is nothing to sully your pants about, t80U and BVM are faster, speed is on par with leopards. In summary the whole tank is a weakspot, meaning as long as you dont aim for stupid areas like the tipity top of the left turret cheek, you will go through within 3000 meters. not even close to being meta. dont believe me? look at winrates…


What are you even talking about? The 11.0 M1A1, which the person you quoted was talking about, is absolutely amazing.

One of the few extremely good Abramses left. The others are mostly meh now.

Also I would argue that the bad winrates can be attributed for 60-70% to bad players.


A lot of the frontal profile of the M1A1 is proof against 3BM-42:

The T-80U and BVM are both at higher BR’s, and they’re not even more mobile than the M1A1.

The M1A1 is currently among the strongest MBTs in the entire game relative to it’s BR.

The M1A1 sits on a 54% winrate and is climbing quickly.

m1a1 winrate

The T-80BVM in the meantime is on a 49% winrate and dropping quite quickly.
The 2S38 and BMP-2M have also historically held the lowest stats of any high tier vehicles, with poor winrates in the '40s, abysmal K/D and K/M ratios.

So what you’re saying is that the T-80BVM, 2S38 and BMP-2M are terrible vehicles and completely non-META? Or could it be that there are other factors at play which determine winrate such as the quality of players using said vehicle?