Seriously? All 120mm M1 get 5s reload time

This is just not true. Literally every single 10.0 game for USSR has been 80-100% premiums. I see significantly more prems on Russian teams

No, this is 100% true, which is why Russia at that BR has sucked since the T-72AV was added (November 2020):

Premiums have little to do with it, because its the same ratio.

Premiums have everything to do with it, not my fault you didn’t know this and actually just though it was because such and such nations bad…

The US at those BRs had a 60% WR, then the wolfpack was added, then the KVT was added, now both Russia and the US are trying to compete for who will suck more, because both sides are filled with nothing but premiums now, go figure.

Also, you should stop trying to look like you know what you are talking about i.e. go read up on what libel is…

I think to accurately get win rate results is to bring back/add to GRB the 1 vs 1 nation.

The only nations with accurate win rate are the big 3 USA/USSR/Germany since the majority of the times its always full of them. But the other nations not so much.

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Yeah, I think the most i’ve ever seen of France, Britain or Italy on one team before is about 2 or 3 people.

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True. I get about 5.9s reload without expert crew.

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Not really. They buff and nerf reloads all the time, historical or not.

It was just justified that way to make it seem like they somewhat care about accuracy.

What is this argument lmao. Like me telling you “stop complaining about the Abrams and use the same energy and anger to fix your skill issue” lmao.

Oh the projection lmao.

Is this another delusional thodin take? Damn havn’t witnessed one in a while.

Not happy with German/Swedish dominance at top tier? Do you need to be even more dominant?

Some real “crab in a bucket” attitudes in this thread. Really showing the best of the community.

True, but statistics for balancing vehicles isn’t an argument.

Oh, so assuming when it comes to vehicle armor is not okay but when it comes to balancing its completely fine…

1 Like Why would we do anything else?

Because the HC/A2/SEPv1 are still very capable tanks and can be played aggresively well. It just takes significantly more awareness and skill to do so than in a 2A7V, Strv 122 and BVM.

Just because you can sit in a ditch the entire game and it’s the easiest to do, doesn’t mean it’s good. These players are honestly just as much the cause of low US winrates as the low level premium players.

hmm nope i’d rather not get 1 shot through my lfp or turret ring.

Im not sure what youre saying. This whole thread has more than half the community who voted, voting to re-eff the abrams out of spite, instead of looking at the issue which is gaijin.


Well, yeah thats all we can do, since we don’t get our D.U Hulls. So we dont care.

What are you on about? Did you even understand what I said

So its immature to cut through the bullshit and see how childish this entire threads purpose is? Did you even read the poll? Have you been reading the comments here. Its literally implying all M1s should be reverted since no other western nations get a reload fix yet. Thats the advocation here

You might not think thats what this means, but thats whatll happen, thats how gaijin works.

And people are actually just asking for that here.

People need to 1. Stop undercutting realism because they have a disgusting nationalistic pride

And 2. Divert infighting to actually banding together.

Of course im mad and going to call it out. Its pathetic


It really isn’t all you can do though. Well depending if you mean the same ditch or different ditches across the map. It just isn’t an easy playstyle

But I guess that is just a skill difference.

That is the weird thing. Reloads have always been exempted from realism as a balance tool, we know this and so does Gaijin. Why the fancy talk around it in the blog.

The “We buffed the reload because it was technically possible because these rounds are a similar in length blah blah” was all just BS. All just fancy talk to make it look like Gaijin was actually doing something, while in reality they were just completely caught with their pants down by US top tier performance.

I do agree though that infighting should stop. However there are also multiple other buffs to the SEPv2 that it should have, after which the reload buff is reverted or other NATO tanks get brought up to the same standards.

oh yeah much skill getting lol penned through the hull or turret ring and dying in 1 shot. so much skill.

for the last 5 years u.s win rates have been sub 50%

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