Seriously? All 120mm M1 get 5s reload time

Isn’t that similar to the Type 10s, Leclercs and T-series being able to reload in game with their guns fully depressed/elevated?

Good luck finding a video of that.

Great video

Somehow American loaders got stronger arms 💪🤣

you cna only achieve the 5s reload with a lvl 150 crew and a aced crew so its not that unbalanced stop crying

Loading 2 piece ammo in 3 seconds?

Why should Abrams get 5 seconds of reload time when Merkava tanks only get 6.7 seconds of reload time? Is Gaijin biased against Israel?

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The Challenger 2 MBT only has 5 seconds for the first four rounds of ammunition, while the Abrams MBT has 5 seconds for the first 18 rounds of ammunition, which is very balanced Xddddddddd

No, it’s pretty simple.

US winrates are likely tanking hard right now (partially because bad players, and because the SEPv2 is dissapointing/worse than the SEPv1, a lot of the better multi nation players are likely grinding Germany, Sweden and Russia).

So Gaijin sees numbers (winrate) go down, when they see this happen they will buff some stats to see if numbers go up again.

The reload was simply just the easiest thing to buff I assume. Far easier than adding new rounds to vehicles and the SEPv1 and SEPv2 LFP armor bug report situation is still something they are going through.

Germany didn’t get stomped when the PSO was worse than its predecessors and of course worse than the SEP, 122s and BVM.
France didn’t get stomped when the AZUR was worse than its predecessor and of course still a Leclerc.
Please explain what led to US players performing so extremely bad when being in the same situation.
(Not to say that they were better before the update)


Except that the PSO wasn’t really that much worse than the SEPv1, it had some advantages and disadvantages.

Both tanks were worse than the BVM and 122s.

I’ll quote the reason I wrote in the post you replied to again, as it explains why the US is getting stomped:

It’s quite well known that due to the lower player count and overall better players minor nations have better stats in terms of K/D. And because there are so little of them they usually get to lift along with the stomping “major” nations in terms of winrate. Except for Britain.

I think you might have missed this bit when you went into “reee Germany suffers” mode.

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  1. US is a popular nation and the Abrams is a legendary tank for many leading to a lot of new players buying the M1A1AIM right away and now the M1A1 Clickbait.

  2. Only the US and the UK received top tier premium tanks this patch, further aggravating the problem.

  3. Imagine if the PSO was introduced alongside Sweden receiving a Leopard 2A7V or something like that. Yeah.

PS: US winrate exploded through the roof when the F-16A was added mostly because the US was one of the only nations(maybe the only? Don’t remember) not receiving a premium top tier plane. USSR teams were swarmed with noobs flying the MiG-23ML and killing any chances of success for the MiG-29. The US Winrate quickly stabilized the next patch when the premium F-4S was added.


Sounds like it’s an issue of 11.3 premiums flooding the matchmaker and flavour of the month.
I don’t think a 5s reload will help with that.

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To be fair even quite a few of the M1A2/SEP/SEPv2 players are problematic.

Because the top tier Abramses are so easy to one tap, in particular when not hull down, a lot of the average players are afraid to play it outside of hull down positions.

This is fair to some extend, but a lot of them take it too far by not playing it outside of the same hull down position for most of the game.

You play slightly agressive and look back to see half your team still sitting in the same ditch 5 minutes into the game.


Yes lap loading and two piece is just faster to load surprisingly

Oh yeah absolutely. The M1A2s are all mid. Their survivability is outright trash, and even more now that spall liners have been added for other tanks. They were amazing at some point, but the meta has changed. A short list of historical fixes that would make the SEPs enjoyable again, most of them bug reported:

-Better turret cheek armor.
-250% turret side armor increase.
-Hull armor increase
-Armored fuel tanks 25mm instead of 19mm. Armored fuel tanks are also fully enclosed, improving both the LFP and UFP armor where they are located.

Quality of life feature:
3x-6x-13x-25x-50x zooms for both gunner and commander instead of 3x-10x.

All in all, I find the Merkava 4s simply better right now despite the horrible reputation they have in the War Thunder community.
-Gen2 thermals on every Merk 4.
-200mm of composite on the roof protecting against HE overpressure(can even protect against offmap artillery).
-400mm of composite side armor protecting against BMP-2M/Pantsir gun. Even from the HSTV-L.
-better zoom(4x-12x/4x-14x TC). Doesn’t seem like much but it does really help for 2000m shots.
-laser warning+APS(ultra helpful against the Ka swarm), very trolly armor on the upper half of the turret, even on the breech.
-Great survivability. The frontal engine can stop stuff like the BMP-2M missile despite the 1200mm of pen.
-64kmph forward and backward with overall great mobility. Coupled with pretty much infinite smoke grenade to get out of tight spot.

And while some would have me hanging for what I’m about to say, I actually really really enjoy the high profile. It allows you to peak over ridges you usually can’t with smaller tanks. Legit the Merkava 4s only need better turret armor(it’s super inconsistent at times), 6 seconds reload, and spall liner to be perfect.


As long as everyone is around 6 seconds reload time the buff that the abrams gets isn’t that significant. I just wish they would stop adding nerfed models into the game just because they don’t want to upset some balance. Why even add something like the 2a7V if they are just gonna keep making the armor worse somehow?

It certainly had a lot more frontal weakpoints (read: the entire hull, not even the upper plate worked, to this day that is), granted it did bring an improvement against CE all around, but I wouldn’t say that it was better than SEPv1’s all around CE improvement.

a lot of the average players are afraid to play it outside of hull down positions.

I’ll be honest and say that it isn’t true. My last match (was playing Russia) against US & Germany resulted in M1 players playing like the Russians back during their hey-days, press W and move forward. We won it fyi, majorly because US players are massive 1-death-leavers.

There are of course US players that play too passively, but most of them play too aggressively… to their own detriment.

It’s not like this is a new occurance either, US W/L R has been low since April, recovering to a neutral ~50% sometime in June/July, and then started a total free-fall in mid/late August. That’s also when I’ve given up on US, the sheer amount of AIM players killed any enjoyment I was getting out of the nation, I just couldn’t pull a win at all, and cut my losses short.

The underperformance of SEP/SEPv2 of course plays a role in their performance, but that isn’t nearly as much of an issue as US simply being filled in by people with ~20 hours tops of experience playing the game, doesn’t help either that PSO actually pulled away experienced players towards Germany (which had already recovered, as their players toughened up over the months of having to deal with 2PL 1DL), and 2A7V sealed the deal.

I’ve also noticed a drastic decrease in F-16C spawns, there is no CAS being spawned by US players, so they try to fight Germany & Russia & Sweden on the ground only…

The TUSK package brought more disadvantages than advantages so good players shouldn’t use it.

Also that “improved all round CE protection” was only useful against BMP-1s, recoilless rifles and stock HEAT-FS.

It was kind of a tradeoff. The SEPv1 had better gunner thermals and acceleration while the PSO had the better gun handling and side protection against some of the common autocannons at certain ranges.

From my experiences the M1A1 AIM/Click-Bait and sometimes base M1A2 players are the rushing types, while the SEP players usually play way too passively. Almost like they overcorrected hard lol.

SEPv2 players are just not there. ~40-50 games in my SEPv2 and I only met around 3 SEPv2s, one of which was me.

Yup, US winrates have been low since forever. Only went up around Fire&Ice due to the FOMO effect of the SEP, not because it was actually such a good vehicle compared to the already available M1A2.

The underperformance of the SEPv2 played a major role in the low winrate in the sense that it pushed a lot of the better multi nation players away from the US tree, to grind other trees.

I can’t blame them, why grind a worse version of the tank you already have when you can grind actual new and interesting vehicles.

Agree on most of the other things you said though.

This can likely be attributed to 2 reasons:

  1. The good players who usually have these aircraft have either moved to grind other nations that got actual interesting and new vehicles, or just stopped playing top tier because of the SEPv2 being super dissapointing.

  2. It takes like 700-900 SP to spawn a CAS loaded F-16. If a Germany/Sweden/Russia team stomps a US team hard enough they won’t be able to get the required SP.

And seeing as the caps are mostly in open or urban areas, the US fights at a huge disadvantage around them against the before mentioned nations, due to their lolpen armor and huge “kill me” 1-2 tap turret ring.


TLDR: US Teams are terrible and M1A1 AIM + Click-Bait doesn’t help the situation.


As far as I can see, SEPv1s side protection w/TUSK is around ~550mm against CE and ~100 - 115mm against APFSDS, for comparison PSO packs ~560mm CE average and ~130mm KE, not too much of a difference, most common auto-cannons at this BR would belong to the BMP-2M, which will do nothing to either.

Seems like neither tank is that well protected all-around. But I agree on slight gun-handling advantage (even if it is miniscule), but then again, frontally PSO is a lot weaker.

Almost like they overcorrected hard lol.

Ah, the opposite situation of the 2PL post-addition for Germany, where they doubled-down and played even more aggressively, trying to off-set the fact half their team will be gone by the time the match develops into mid-game, and hoped to just stomp the living shit out of the enemy team before that happens.

At the end of the day, neither solution worked.

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