Seriously? All 120mm M1 get 5s reload time

So is this Gaijin’s attempt to appease US mains? Instead of giving the Abrams effective armor and a spall liner they are going to buff its reload speed? Strange. In its current sad state I don’t think a reload buff will make the Abrams anywhere near OP but it’s an odd choice.


I like how the merkava 3/4s still uses the L7 reload. Ariete is also the one in the most dire need of a rate of fire buff.
If anything, all leclercs and ZTZ99A/VT4/LCT should have 5s and 6.7s reload if the abrams can do with 5.


Here’s some video evidence of what reloads are like, with one of them outright stating a 5 second reload is the maximum it should take:

4.4 second reload: “Should take less than 5 seconds. 4.4 seconds still slow.”

3 second reload:

4 second reload:

4.5 second reload:


Merkava 4 series:Yeah that’s cool how about us?😅

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Will the remaining 15 rounds in the primary bustle rack do, or do you want to be pedantic and require that this guy sling the entire rack?

Manages 5 or lower for the first 13 rounds, only the last 2 in the really hard to reach slots give him any issue.


@TrickZZter Is there any material you are basing this on to change the loading time of the M1 to 5 seconds? What was your basis for this? Why do you not accept any information about Leclerc? I think many French players would like to know the answer.

Obviously this was a “balancing” decision, the win rates for the high tier M1s were terrible even before they decided to sell a premium version.

All CR1/CR2 players be like
pqraoRGJUMoTIIPBkeXjt4Q0jBE1IooAJJ8aGMoHmVs (1)

Oh also dont forget leclercs, arietes, as well as the merkava 3/4

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Why is everyone arguing about the possibility?
Reload is a balance factor in game.


At least i am angered because firstly, I play CR2s, and secondly, I believe the merk 3/4 or arietes in a bigger need.

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Challenger 2 im fairly certain is known to have a fire rate up to 1 round every 3 seconds. So if the Abrams needed this buff, then surely the Challenger 2 needs its full fire rate and should have gotten it 2 years ago

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All the abrams get one shot killed while everyone else can take two or more to get killed. The abrams originally had a 5 second reload time when it was added. This was a balancing for the abrams as they truly suffer right now. I know everyone love to one shot the abrams so they can pad their numbers and pat themself on the back on how well they are but there needs to be a balance so its not shooting abrams in a barrel match every match.


Meanwhile, leclercs and merkavas doesnt even require good aim, a shot anywhere and they are paralyzed.
Arietes? Anything sneezes on them is an instant death.
It is gaijin’s fault, but honesly, some players trying to defend the decision has made minor nation players immensly upset.


I’d like to see a 3 second reload from the 2 piece (and a primer) 120mm rifled gun.

Abrams loaders have to be qualified to hit 7 seconds so a 6 second reload without any buffs seems plausible, but 5.3 seems a bit much. In my opinion it would be better with 6 seconds (non upgraded, level 1 crew) that could theoretically drop to 5.3 when upgraded but only if similar tanks using one piece ammo in a similar configuration (Leopard, Merkava(?), Ariete) also get a reload buff of some kind. Obviously the reload time differs from tank to tank, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t all be somewhere in the same ballpark.
As for the Challenger 2, while it can reload fast the fact that it uses two piece ammo seems like a reason for that reload to slow down unless the loader is lap loading with primer and a round. Of course, it should theoretically make up for that with good armor but that issue is another problem that is hopefully being addressed.

But reload times are also used as a soft balancing feature, so I don’t really expect anything less than this “buff” to be present. On the other hand, in the past the NATO 120mms have all had the same reload time, ~6.7s I think, so maybe it should’ve been applied to all. Or, like I said earlier, more armor to compensate for the longer reloads, but that’s an “in progress” thing that may or may not ever actually happen

That first reload was 3 seconds, but when it starts moving it was more like 4-5 seconds

More like 5 or 6 sec. Not bad. But I suspect he has the tops of propellant cases off all ready. And gawd help him if the TC suddenly decides he wants a HESH round instead.

Yeah, true.

But I’d really love to see more dynamic reloads Including additional stages of ammo. For the CR2 you could have 3 second reload for the first 1-2 reloads. Then 4-6 for the next few, then after that it’s the current reload rate. (Does also have a fraction of its first stage ammo capacity btw)

Would also be interesting for things like moving to have a small impact on reload rate. Give an advantage to stopping or being in a hull down position

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find me a video of an autoloader that fixes itself in the middle of combat when it damaged, can you find me that video?

Probably because Germany and Sweden are stomping everyone currently and the US is getting stomped (padtially because their flagship MBT is worse than the previous one and partially because of terrible players).