Seriously? All 120mm M1 get 5s reload time

Could be that it changed, but last time I had the TUSK package equiped (which was months ago iirc) it only offered like 30mm vs KE, so I just went off that value.

I never have it equiped because the ERA slows you down a lot, the shields on top make you a free kill for anyone with HE and the big gun shield for the commander MG handicaps the 12.7 too much.

US teams are terrible because Gaijin has added 3 top tier premiums for people to buy, i.e. the US currently has the most premium top tier ground vehicles in the game and for whatever reason Gaijin really wanted to screw with the US because they gave them the AIM, Wolfpack, KVT and Click-bait all within a 1 1/2 period, this is why the whole US 10.0+ WRs are ****ed.

People seem to forget how bad it was when Germany received the 2PL, they went from a 60%+ WR to a 40% WR and that WR stayed for over a year.

US teams are terrible because the good players don’t want to keep playing with a bunch of level 4s and also many were sick of getting stomped by Russia, so many actually go and play Russia. With the SEP being added the US’s WRs went up to 60% and stayed that high until Gaijin added the Pantsir upon which the US’s WRs tanked again:


every american tank is next to garbage they sorta deserve it shrug, i dont think its awfully great that my 9.3 chinese mbt thingy can pen the brams already but since its always gonna be an uptier at 9.3, maybe it is SORTA balanced in their favour, regardless - american players probably deserve a little bone sometimes


Yep, video clip above

Guys, you only get the 5.3sec reload speed on the M1A2’s with expert crews.

and it should be 5 sec with ace crew

Every player does not have Ace crew. Some even don’t have expert crew. A big percentage of the players don’t use Ace crew. So 5s reload won’t be game breaking or anything like that.

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One of the best M1 loader videos out there, goes to show that a fit loader can keep slinging sabots without issue and that it does not take days to swap rounds around in the rack for easier handling.

This crew is a well oiled machine and should be the standard US tanks are held to in WT.

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LoL gaijin made a most irresponsible decision, balancing with so-called winning percentage statistics is not realistic and irresponsible, dare you say Israel has a higher winning percentage than the US but is it really better than it?
As War Thunder’s most crippled system and most useless tank, one has to wonder if Gaijin is biased against Israel

You mean like any other loader in any MBT?Or just US loaders are something special.

Great! Now Leclerc is going to be more obsolete. It’s in dire need of 5 sec reload, better round and fixed armor.


haha no its french get a grip man

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This buff remind me of the old joke i’ve heard on the other forum
“They don’t have auto loader. But they have 19 year olds with a strong arm”
“19 year old fuelled by red bull and nicotine”


Only makes sense seeing as you don’t get to pass to be a tank loader unless you can sustain that 10RPM with 120mm to my understanding.

That’s the Floor, not the ceiling.


There is footage of Challenger 2 loader, and whilst the tank is stationary, he was easily able to do 3 or 4 second reload. When moving it was more like 5 or 6 seconds. Of course an auto-loader can maintain a consitant reload speed, no matter what, all the time. But yeah, manual loaders are really really fast and that is what they get trained and paid to do


You mean any other manual loader.

The Israeli tanks and Leos and Challys should be near equivalent, if ergos are the same.

Ive heard the Leclerc should be 5s, and type 10 can achieve 3s-4s

Fr. Im at 5.8-6s

The outrage is polarized

Reminder that the 5 second reload time was added to the abrams not because of historical reasons but because the devs saw the abrams as underperforming, so they provided this buff.

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This is just not true. Literally every single 10.0 game for USSR has been 80-100% premiums. I see significantly more prems on Russian teams

Quit spreading this libel, this needs to die.

Premiums have little to do with it, because its the same ratio.

Its the vehicles dude


False. Its been reported multiple times as a bug. Theyre just only accepting it now *because * of tve terrible state the abrams itself is in. The is a direct part of fixing that

Stop lying, it is historical and even 4s isnt rare, with 3s achieved by many loaders