(Serious Question) Does anyone know why SPAA gaps aren't addressed?

Neither does the usa for any Air to ground weapon of these country.

Yes they do…
LAV AD and Machbet.
I didn’t even need to be in-game to remember those.
Even Germany has Gepard 1A2.

Cause Gaijin has prioritized the Modern and Late Cold War over the other eras and as some claim, many of the SPAA options wouldn’t bring much of a difference in battle nor have an impact. Which i heavily disagree with.

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Doctrine differences.

Game was designed with fighters and bombers first.

Then added tanks. Tanks getting bombed, tankers complain, they make SPAA. SPAA was prevalent in all nations until end of World War 2, so everyone gets a SPAA.

Then comes Cold War, where US and UK did not invest nearly as much as USSR or Germany. Tide shifts.

So Gaijin did it all to themselves. It’s why bombers are removed and put into Simulations so they can fly peacefully, and now SPAAs are ultra-lethal except against certain choppers and high-alt GBUs.

SPAA in 'Merican:


Dirty self insert high tier and up SPAAs

Germany lacks SPAA aswell compared to russia who gets an SPAA every Update now it feels like. The FlaRakRad is not as good as other nations top tier SAMs

As 9M39 could do something and it can, ZSU-23-4 is a short range SPAA, the missile are there just to compete with FIM-92E/K.

LAV-AD has missiles, the Machbet/M163 have a radar, and the Gepard 1A2 has a radar and missiles…

Has Gaijin ever said this was the case, though?

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It is a good question and it’s not only top tier, but throughout the trees. It’s deeply frustrating


Well I was talking about the 4M4 since that was the only one in-game and confirmed.
4M2 has equivalents known as M163 in Israel and USA.
VEAK 40 gets a search radar at the same[ish] BR.
China has WZ305.
If Gaijin ever removes the Falcon’s APDS Britain would have that.

Let me show you a SPAA loop

Rewards for killing planes are trash ----> bearly anyone plays SPAA -----> is is not as high priority as bearly anyone play it -----> repeat


No, 4M2 is equivalent to M163 CS, Standard 4 is equivalent to stanadard M163

osa isn’t even close to toptier

Britain has alternatives, quite a few vehicles never added such as the warrior VERDI-2 but there are many

Read through this thread for suggestions by others

At top tier you always have things like the Supacat HVM that fires ASRAAM


are you really that pissed off that there aren’t enough vehicles on which you can just sit on the respawn?


all the “muh different military doctrine” people in discussions like this annoy me so much. There is plenty of SPAA vehicles and experimentals which can fill the gaps in nations. But no we get another Shilka to fill a gap which doesn’t exist for the USSR, I’m all for more vehicles of all nations being in the game but its unfair that many nation mains cant play certain vehicle types in their lineups unless its extremely under the BR they are playing, id have to play the skink up until 8.0 and the US has to play the M42 until 7.7 its insanity.

The difference in choice for SPAA may be the best argument for russian bias to be honest. Not bias in vehicle modelling but in bias to get a vehicle type nobody else really gets so they have monopoly


Additionally, it is quite hard to use at lower BRs, while also being incredibly easy for planes to kill.

4M4: Has missiles and search radar at 9.3
Machbet: Has much worse missiles (due to Gaijin adding a “pre-targetting” or whatever feature to the 4M4) and search radar at 9.3
M163: Has a search radar, no missiles, not at 9.3.
Gepard 1A2: Has missiles and search radar but the missiles are much, much worse due to the “pre-targeting” stuff on the 4M4, at 9.7

The M163 has a search radar and sits at 7.7, and the 4M2 doesn’t have a search radar and will be lower than 7.7. They could’ve added any 7.0-7.3 SPAA to the US and it would’ve helped fix the massive 3.7 BR gap in their SPAA line, but no the USSR needed to fill a 0.0-0.7 BR gap.

4M2 doesn’t have a search radar, nor will it be higher than the normal Shilka in BR.

Would it not be around 10.7?

Are you mad that people want nations to have access to viable SPAA?

Exactly, which is why I put the “(Serious Question)” in the title since it only really makes sense for Gaijin to ignore these nations so much if they are basing the lack of SPAA off of doctrine, and I hoped there might be a quote or something about it.


id love to see a tracked rapier or another self propelled rapier system in the game as I spent my childhood going to Firepower museum in London (which has since closed because a building corporation strangled them out) and I always loved the thing. I even got to traverse a rapier system one armed forces day at the Royal Artillery barracks when they were still mostly based at Woolwich arsenal