Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

im sorry mate, the CR2 won the shooting part of the competition, in all aspects of it, the tank itself has remained more unchanged than any of the other competition, the things obsolete nearly by nato standards.
The CR2s suspension and FCS is why its so accurate as well. especially on the move.
However ukrainian crews have literally described it as a sniper compared to the abrams, or leopards they are using, and they do have leopard 2A6s there so its not exactly old gear. compared to say an M1A1 compared to the A2.

Challanger 1 got a 5km tank kill with HESH.
also as far as im aware ammunition needs to be taken into account as well. as hesh is what is used prodominantly on the CR2 as far as i know.

End of the day im not arguing the rifled barrel is like a rail gun, but it is incredibly accurate compared to how some folks downplay it. Much like some poeple go over board with the whole RPG story.

That’s what I said man, it won this year

Which is sorta my point. They all remain mostly unchanged. The darts and guns are all mostly the same in the last 20 years for all tanks. The challenger won this year. It doesn’t win this aspect every year. which is why I say it’s a unreliable metric. Unless we’re gonna say the Leo’s winning the shooting another year means it was the most accurate until the unchanged challenger(insert any tank here) then beat it the next year. The accuracy doesn’t change, the crews do, and different crews win it year to year.

It’s more down to the crews and all at this point which is what I’m trying to say. Who wins shooting changes from year to year.

The only real way to prove what is the most accurate tank is to do a bench shot, like with a rifle. No nation is gonna do this though for a completion because it’s silly and they all hit stuff at range just fine.

But I think we’re gonna run in circles at this point so I’ll just bow out because to be honest I don’t care, we’re splitting hairs here. Idc which tank is more accurate they’ll all still hit a point target miles away.

the courses and testing metrics do change though its not an identical trial every single competition as well.

not about bowing out man, dont wanna debate it as you say theyre both accurate af, and more so smoothbore now adays as well as better ammunition due to higher velocity, hence the change over to a smoothbore anyways! if anything the accuracy doesnt matter if you can hit a target and do fk all to it.
The L30 cannon now adays just isnt capable for what its needed to do.

as for ingame, the CR2s are genuinely pathetic, i seen one 2 or 3 games ago die to a 3bm15 in 1 tap xD