Sure, add me and let’s do a few, i’ll take the SM (i don’t have typhoon)
Ope, looks like you don’t either…
What I wrote didn’t mean that the deflection was perfectly proportional all the time but thanks for clarifying
Human loaders could reload even faster than 5.0, and 5.0 is only possible with ace top level crew (which beginner players tend not to have on their click bait). 5.3 with expert, and the slightest crew damage takes that up to well over 7 seconds (higher than T90M)
Either way rate of fire is not the meta. Bouncing rounds is, it gives you a massive opportunity to kill or at least pen the enemy tank, which on an Abrams means gimped or frozen reload.
T80s are far more likely to bounce rounds especially from beginner players than the other way around, they’re therefore far superior.
- ROF didn’t make the Abrams perform any better
- Armor buff made Leopards into such a menace that the devs hardcoded the MM to pair GER with RU
Flyer plate ERA overperforms in at least one way, and that’s the fact that its effectiveness doesn’t decrease as the angle of impact approaches 90 degrees.