Britain doesnt need op cas since unlike russia it doesnt just get stomped in air rb because it has the worst fox 3 in the game and one of the worst airframes and worst radar at top tier
Ever heard about R-darter? The real worse fox 3 in the game and it in Britain TT and Israel
Make me wonder why that sht sit on the same BR as Strf 9040C despite being way better than it
Darters have litterly the same maximum overload and can turn much sooner after going off the pylon, what are you talking about ? How is it worse
Yeah, 2s38 should be at 10.0
@Forum Moderators
This guy along with others… have been trying to get this topic shut down, why has this toxicity from these individuals been allowed to continue?
Do their uncles work for gaijin or something ?
I hate to tell you your wrong, but your SUPER WRONG.
The KF41 is at 11.0, and is worse than the PUMA in pretty much every way.
Same to what missile?
Neither Russia
Especially when they had most of their stuff better than Brits
I don’t think I’ve ever had winrates that high… and I’m a Russian main.
I might have similar rates with Germany tbh.
How… is Ground RB C*S related to Air RB…?
prove my point even further that Russia main think as they are the most suffering nation in the game.(German suffer meme it’s old now)
Same to derbies and most other foxs, and better then the aamraam? the 10 additional G difference litterly does not matter one bit since the r77 doesnt instantly turn from pylon like darter and flies straight for like 1 second
“Most”? like what, britain is better in air rb, coastal and blue water, the only mode where russia is superior is ground rb
Shows that there is no favoritism in the game, some nations are better at certain modes then others, what russia has in cas and helis it lacks in air to air and tanks
Yeah let’s fix the abrams busted damage model, which leads to it eating way more rounds than it should. Or the driver / gunner / commander getting hit by a 152mm and being fine is fair.
I think it’s Russian bias
So I have sent this in this thread before…
But if you take a look at this:
The R-77 should be slightly better than amraam
Barely keep up like everyone
Yeah bro forget royal navy rule the seas for hundred years and know how to build warships and surprised why Russia can’t complete with them
Lack in tanks lol compare to who Sweden? Everyone lack in tanks compare to Sweden
Ofc it should but the American main hivemind cope every single time shit doesn’t go their way , like they coped their way to abrams buff and f15e spaceship engines
y-you secretly want more russian bias
I’m as surprised as you that they’ve let me destroy your feelings like that, since you’re the protagonists and all. But many of my posts were deleted by staff, if that’s any consolation.