Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

Maximum value will never be the average one unless they’re all the same.

There are two averages at work little buddy. Read the original quote over and over until you get it or ask the devs to spoonfeed you some more, idk.

I don’t play CAS

we’re discussing game balance which include looking at all related vehicles.

Adding the Pantsir is similar to making the Stinger realistic without changing its BR, and the Pantsir broke US winrate 1 or 2 years ago now. You think that the situation is fine at top tier, doesn’t that make your opinion about balance absolutely worthless?

smol hint

air realistic exists.


I mean maybe make russian air playable at anything but cas, and make russian tanks even equal to their nato counter parts and then we can talk, russian tank kd is completely attrocious, and it has to rely on helis and cas to get kills, so if you nerf the cas capabilities and spaa then atleast bring the r77 and su27 to their historical values and buff russian MBTS

A. he uses CAS jets (which are some of the worst ARB jets) exclusively in ARB
B. he uses them for CAS and is just being dishonest like he has been throughout this entire topic

Russia air is very playable at top tier because teams are a mix of all nations, so even if the F15 and Typhoons are better, it’s not a stompfest like GRB. Especially with how messy it gets on tiny maps with 16 players.

Incredible. Especially that last part. I remember when the russian main hivemind go-to argument was “ummmm like US doctrine is to use air units for everything so it’s normal that their tanks are ass”
I guess I can add doublethink to the list

Stingers don’t work the same way, due to the combination of the Proportional Actuators and the Closed Loop Control schema, there isn’t any requirement to do things via rotation.

Excerpts from patent US4054254A (FIM-92 G&C) & US3010677A (FIM-43 G&C)

Stinger G&C

Redeye G&C (Similar to Igla)

See above.

I mean the so called playable top tier is where russia has no long range fox 3 and looses in every single close range scenario to the typhoon, and in some of them to the f-15e is completely vile, not to mention the lack of a radar on the su27sm since the refresh rate and the scope of the radar is worse then that of a 12.3 and has the same amount of datalink as 12.3 which is not playable at all, and not even a MAW system which is just completely laughable

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I mean it is incredible since abrams have better mobility, reload, shell, survivability , and a loader instead of autoloader but ig the lobotomied USA mains who want everything handed to them on a silver platter still somehow call russian tanks superior?


No we just want the Abrams to be fairly represented

Litterly makes no difference if there is 400 mm of protection or 70 , which I agree is too little but i can also find some angle in drivers port where bvm gets 1 shot by 1.3

Curious what you think I’m getting wrong, the missile is constantly rotating and control surfaces are being actuated accordingly when in the correct plane. I was referring to a max pull scenario only since we’re talking about max missile overload, maybe that’s the disconnect

The radar does suck but the Su27 is best played at close range. It’s just not true that it always loses to the Typhoon at close range. Maybe with pre-nerf 9Ms.

Legit insane to say that when the literal vast majority of US games are defeats, usually severe defeats at that. Russian armor is vastly superior, ERA overperforms, AA CAS and helis are all best in game by far… Just more projection tbh. I’ll recognize that US gets preferential treatment in air in general but not to the same extent as russia does in ground

You can literally bounce a round into the turret drive disabling the Abrams. Anything between the bottom of the driver’s view port and mantlet is a penetrable area. if the area was better armored in game, at least the ricochet shots wouldn’t have enough energy to penetrate

I haven’t played RU top tier in GRB for years now and I also have only 9 ground kills with Su-34.

I’m using it exclusively to play ARB as I like to play with underdogs. Feels pretty rewarding to kill UFOs that got you by the balls in every single measurable metric with this HMD-less shitbrick.

I always said that we need more top tier AAs as most are unusable against current jets.
Stingers are perfectly usable against air at their own BR though.


Heavy doubt on the first one - but respect for the second. Too bad you’ve got the opposite energy in GRB

Pantsir unusable against current jets… aaaand respect is gone

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I mean we can go into a game right now and test it out , su27sm just completely dies due to a lack of instantaneous turn rate , and r73s cannot compensate for that at all

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This bit here

control surfaces are being actuated accordingly when in the correct plane.

“Bang bang Actuators” can only be in one of two states, and so at some point must by definition transition between them all to way to full deflection.
Combined with an Open loop system that obviously does not take into account the rate of rotation (open systems do not incorporate feedback) only the true position.

They are effectively Always pointing in a constructive (to varying degrees over the rotation) but non-optimal direction, which averages out over a roll cycle to be correct. Thus why the Pull is averaged. As seen with “Figure 9.” from the prior excerpt(s).

The use of both Proportional Actuation and a Closed loop Schema (takes a number of things into account) allows for the Deflection of the Guidance fins to respond in sync with the rate of rotation, and relative position though a cycle to maximize the produced net force in the commanded direction. As evident with “Figure 6c & -6d.”

My only games are in the BVM from the time 27K was their best CAS IIRC. I’m grinding tech trees, I don’t really care what happens at RU 12.7 as I’m not even using their selling point, KH-38 slingers.

Keyword is most, pay attention.
My point of Stingers being fine against planes at their BR still stands though.

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I mean I don’t know what kind of projection it is when USA reload rate is like 1 sec faster then all other loaders for no reason (not USA biased btw ) and the abrams turret cheeks and unpennable, also please give me a source for the era or aa overperforming please , I would be happy to read that

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But but Russian bias


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