Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

Heat Maps. Russia usually varies between 60-80% month by month at the higher BRs. Other nations seriously struggle. It’s why I find the assertion that some stuff is “entirely fine” and “BRs” are fine, or even “need to go up” hilarious when they don’t align with win rates, at all.

bro the german spaa at toptier is simply horrid with only 4 very much nerfed missles, the 2nd best spaa is the ITO90m in the swedish and french tt.
Plus, having a good tank does mean fun and counter to KH38MLs

Not really, no. Because Manpads are currently pretty gimped. They can be easily dodged or outmaneuvered by any half aware pilot. Same for Roland type missiles. SPAA is meant to “counter” CAS. If it can’t reliably do that, it’s pointless. There doesn’t need to be a “parity” same way there’s no parity between CAS and tanks on the ground.

Because other AA vehicles exist ?
You can’t just massively buff something and leave it at the same BR, it doesn’t make any sense, especially if you consider that Stingers are decent against planes at their current BR, so buffing them massively would create massive unbalances.

It’s interesting how perception and reality don’t necessarily align. FlaRakRad was moved down in BR a tiny bit for a reason. Because it’s arguably one of the worse SPAAs. People demand tanks of nations such as Germany, America, etc go up in BR, when their win rates are often quite bad.

The use of pseudo imaging, dual band seekers confers effective immunity to standard Flare compositions (and should also cover DIRCM as well).

According to your heat map, only nation that seriously struggle is the US.


In context of top tier, yes. In context of entire BR adjustment, modelling, etc? Absolutely not. Having said that, a lot of nations with 50/50 or close to it win rates achieve that by feasting upon the US. If US was fixed theirs would plummet. Even a 65%+ win rate means that nation is seriously over performing.

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Stingers don’t go for flares regardless.
MAWs won’t defeat the missile but it will issue a warning to the pilot and considering 670m/s missile isn’t really that fast, they’ll have ample time to hide, especially against seeker in the photocontrast mode that will easily get fooled by foliage.

Ok, so what else exists for said nations that could fit at that BR to replace it?

It happens all the time, for example they didn’t raise all of the M1’s when they had their reload rate reduced.

They aren’t great considering they can straight up miss targets that don’t do anything, it’s only the fact that the-92K received a proximity fuse that makes them somewhat reliable.

How? Most IR SAM equipt vehicles only have MG’s at best as secondary armament so all they are doing is dealing with planes that get too close, and they are easily countered by not closing the distance too much.

Usually, MANPAD SPAA are not some slow big trucks it a highly mobile platform playing around the cover and forest as well with fire n forget it not really hard to work around and MANPAD as people know it is to shootdown any aircraft that flying near the Battlezone (hench why some of them don’t even have radar install) if it is too far it other type of SPAA job

yeah but around those BR most of them are using Stinger (with few using Mistral which should perform similar of not higher G pull than stinger

Most nations have 60%+ WR according to the heat map.
Sweden is at 59%, Israel is at 58% and UK at 55%.

I guess everyone is feasting upon the Click-Bait spammers lol.

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Our maps are pretty small so your “playing” field is usually 400x400m lol.
My point still stands, MAW will give them a warning and since Stingers are like 2x slower than top tier missiles, they are laughably easy to avoid at 5-6km away.

Correct, but they’ll be put at a BR where planes don’t need to come near the battle zone, so their effectiveness would plummet.
At 9.3 - 10.0 they’re still fighting jets with dumb ordnance that have to come close.

You need to consider stuff under/above Stinger slingers, not just them. You need to consider the planes they’d face as well.

Also, I’ve heard Mistral behaves like a wet tissue after few seconds after launch even if they have higher G load on the stat card.

You need to realize vehicles at a lower BR than Stingers exist. Keeping the current BRs and massively buffing Stingers will make those lower ones much less effective. Same goes for planes/helis at that BR.

They got a 1s faster reload.
Stinger would get almost double the G-load, photocontrast and 6km engagement range against helicopters.

Latter one is much, much more impactful.
This would be like you give all M1s DU armor, spall liners, M829A3 and fixed turret ring while keeping them at the same BR. It’s not going to happen realistically.

From my experience using them, they will miss targets that don’t do anything at very close ranges, otherwise they’re fine.
They are perfectly usable at their BRs, so making them much stronger and leaving them at the same BR is a recipe for disaster as those things would absolutely club all CAS around them.

You seriously want 8.3/8.7s to face better missiles than 9M37M ?
I’m a pretty anti-CAS oriented guy, but even I think that would be broken.

That’s the problem, planes at those BRs can’t really operate from big distances as they still use dumb bombs, so they’d be forced to enter what’s basically a death bubble in order to even have a chance to bomb someone.

so it seem decompression would still be needed even more than it already is

Where do you want it to be?

SACLOS ATGMs or large caliber rockets + CCIP work well enough especially against the lightly armored targets that TEL(AR)s tend to be.

That is entirely the point force CAS, either to return to the hanger or be more carefully about overflight of the battlefield. The earlier Radar guided SPAAGs were supposed to prepare them for encountering low altitude death bubbles, due to technological overmatch and they ignore it at their own risk. and with F&F ordnance just above the BR anyway it’s not as if there is no way to hard-counter IR SAMs anyway.

This is a separate issue, and helping people shift away from solely prioritizing what has the most TNT equiveillance though good design isn’t necessarily a bad thing. CBU / Dispensers are going to trivialize CAS once they turn up.

11.7 like hstvl or 11.3 at min

Keep in mind that we’re talking about ~9.3 planes here.
Evading a missile that’s better than 9M37M is not something they can reliably to, especially at ranges their ordnance starts being effective.

Helicopters as well, most of those will get reduced to not-worth-playing status as Stingers will not only massively outrange them, their missiles will also be massively “out-speed”.

The point is that buffed up Stingers would massively increase the workload CAS has to do in order to get something done. This wouldn’t be fair.

Changes you’re proposing would definitely pull those vehicles up to FnF territory where they would get clubbed. No point in doing that if they’re decent where they sit at the moment.

Gaijin is actually doing a favor to Stingers by keeping them as is.

Nah, thats gonna fck up russian premium setup. Turms+2s38+su25k. Money > Usa mains wishes.