Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

b-b-but it’s still the word “average” tho


I never said that the missile should be able to maneuver at 30G. Normally I’d say you’re putting words in my mouth but in this case I know it’s just because information that conflicts with your preconceived beliefs might as well be nuclear physics to you.

Not sure what your point is since the data lines up and the devs are open about their (specious) logic

Please. You can’t even change your mind about your own quote that you misinterpreted.

The devs’ argument that 22G is peak instead of max is completely unreasonable because that number is listed in Tornado and Jaguar manuals about how to evade the Stinger. Peak overload would be utterly irrelevant to a pilot trying to evade the missile.

But the devs see that the Igla pulls less (most likely due to communist servomotors and guidance logic being trash irl) despite being an imitation of the stinger, so they got jealous.

It’s like if I compared the Tu144 and Concorde and went “NOOOO the Tu144 can’t be faster!! The max speed of M2.15 must be the speed of some component in the engine and not the plane!!” (Except the Tu144 is the pathetic imitation rofl)
The devs are the only ones making assumptions here.

Could you post them here for us to read please?

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That’s what they could do if their average was 20-22G.

Your max is actually average.


  • this is off topic
  • it’s in the relevant topics
  • i’m done humoring his strawman
  • adverse evidence only strengthens midwits’ beliefs (see backfire effect)

False. The missile cannot maneuver at 30G. That’d be like saying a V1 rocket’s top acceleration is the peak longitudinal G force it can generate. I know you don’t know what that means but that’s not my problem.

Yes I’ve said that. It’s funny (pathetic) that you’re trying the semantics route and even there you’re still out of your depth.

Idk stingers are super effective. I fired 3 mistrals which all missed, and my buddy then fired a lav ad stinger, at the now flaring su-25k, and his aam killed it…

So we’re still seeing averages on the stat cards, got it.
There’s a reason Gaijin doesn’t put maximum overload (or as you call it peak) as it’s misleading to people.

Stingers are the best IRs until you get to 9M37M and Type 81.

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So we’re still seeing averages on the stat cards, got it.

It’s dishonest to call it an average. It just plays into the devs’ specious reasoning but I forgot that’s your purpose in life as a cope parasite.

There’s a reason Gaijin doesn’t put maximum overload (or as you call it peak) as it’s misleading to people.

The maximum overload of the IRL missile is 22G. Peak is probably 30+.
So I’m describing different things with these two words. That’s adequate for the context (a missile that engages and disengages control surfaces at rapid intervals).

I miss when you used original unsubstantiated insults, change it up a little maybe?

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Mate please show some respect to other users. You might disagree with them but there’s no need throw insults. This doesn’t just apply to ExcaliburSniper… Everyone please engage in respectful discussions.


I have been respectful to people who argue in good faith even if I disagree.
Using fallacies, mass reporting and cheating is far more disrespectful than a couple mean words.

He doesn’t want Stingers to get buffed since then his little SU-25 wont be able to dodge

True. Su25 and Ka50 are essential here.

  • Both have very high resistance to damage compared to NATO and it used to be even worse.

  • IR SAM lock range (even on Type81) is extremely gimped so Ka50 can easily sealclub from a distance

  • Vikhrs have both proximity and impact fuzes active (not realistic) allowing them to easily take out every single US heli

So at a glance it looks like it’s rigged for wallet warriors, but if that were true then the premium Apache and A10 would have equally broken damage model and similar capabilities vs their AA counterpart but they don’t. Apache players can’t do anything to Ka50s above 5-6km, Apache need to have 200 iq and zigzag between trees to get kills, while 99% of Ka50s just fly straight up like zombies and still get multiple kills. That’s proof it’s not about the money.

Isn’t premium a10 the best CAS at 10.3 battle rating because of his fire and forget weapons? Oh, I forgot, that they added Osa at this battle rating. Hehe…

Yeah and Tunguska is at 10.7 as well so only absent in full down tier which are obv. rare.

No, it’s dishonest to call non-max value maximum as it’s contradictory.

So the maximum is 30+ and average is 22, got it.
If that’s what would get modelled, we’d still see the average value of 22 on the stat card.

Considering I’m almost exclusively using Stingers and don’t play any CAS, I believe your statement is very wrong.

Wish my Stingers were working that well against most targets (A-10 included), my kill count would be much higher.
I also wish YAH-64s didn’t just eat Type 81 missiles producing nothing but Hits.

I think you forgot about the big balance-issue with the 2S38. It is sitting on 10.3 but is way better in terms of thermals, LWS and firerate then the HSTV(L) and the RDF/LT wich are sitting at 11.7. They have a bit more armour than the 2S38 but it doesn’t matter, because the 2S38 is way more viable and tanky then the HSTV(L). Additionaly the 2S38 can carry more ammo than the RDF/LT. The 2S38 is still performing good at 11.7. So why is it sitting at 10.3?

It’s also way better than the PUMA, which sits at a similar BR and is overtiered.

On the topic. Nothing will change because GJN wants this to be the situation. Russia and China have these win rates because it’s what GJN wants them to be. People keep talking about “player skill” and the likes, which is a hollow argument.

At the end of the day BR’s, modelling, and available vehicles as well as other decisions made by GJN directly impact and lead to Win Rates. 80%+ win rates for some countries aren’t because the players of that country just happen to be the best players around. But is based on a variety of factors.

Strong line up and countries further become FOTM, leading to certain people switching to them. There’s a reason the 2S38 ammunition functions as proxy when it shouldn’t in game, while AHEAD doesn’t despite both being very similar ammunition IRL.