Serious Balance Issues with Russian Vehicles in War Thunder

Don’t most players think that gaijin is at least somewhat greedy?

They’re a business not a charity. Of course they are.

That looks fun, yeah L27A1 struggles with Leopards and T series equally!

ZT3A2 also works at top-tier if you wanna give it a run. Nice tandem warhead on it. Ratel chasis is worse, but it gets better thermals than AFT09.

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Not sure I could go back to using the Ratel ha ha

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It doesn’t matter what most players think about greed, my post was nothing about money. It was as observation of how a business and a fellow war machine nerd could be approaching adding vehicles into the game. They are not trying to win internet wars they make a living off of people enjoying their game.

Fair enough, haha. I’ve been using it at 8.3 because it gets ammo box now. Pretty fun line-up



Then what has introduction of new vehicles to do with balancing?

Any lineup wit the Falcon and ZA-35 I’m on board with!

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You are off topic, did you even read the original post?

you’re off topic there bud. my post were relevant but nice trolling

Rushing your launches in order to not get clapped by CAP will decrease your efficiency.
And also stop playing 2nd gen jets so you don’t need to spend so much effort in trying to dodge a Pantsir from 15km lol.

I guess the only question left to solve in this topic is to wonder whether it is ‘russian bias’ or whether it’s a simple case of Team America not being able to bring freedom to War Thunder.


For me at least the Tiger HAD Block 2 is the best heli in game. And i do have the KA52, Mi28NM, AH-1Z, AH64-D and Rooivalk. i dont care about having 2 times the amount of ordinance when i can reload in 12 seconds on helipad with a free ace crew you know? and if you do your first 2 sorties somewhat close to helipad that is easy to do, reloading. The only Problem is when you’re completely defenseless. Which is what the Tiger UHT basically is. The HAD? not so much. Those Mistrals do slap and everything in a 5 km bubble around you is in serious danger when it doesnt pay attention. And when they do decide to go for you. Believe me, when you’re also not a 20 IQ heli player those 20 mils in combination with dodging and staying extremely low will also slap. and if they dont, gl running from a 16 g Mistral.

Also Explosive Mass Pars 3: 3.7 kg, Spike: 3.3. Cant check for speed atm cuz new wiki doesnt show shit and i cant access the game atm. Anyhow Pars doesn’t feel any better in game. Same inaccuracy, maybe (and that’s a big maybe) slightly higher probability of kill, which doesnt matter at all since especially facing Pantsirs unfortunately all you can do is spam like crazy anyhow (sometimes needing 3 hits to it while he easily shoots down half your missiles. Shit gameplay? Sure. But it iiiiiiis what it iiiiiiiiis.

Granted i don’t have the blackhawk with 16 Spikes yet, but as i said, what is 2x the ordinance gonna do for you if every player in the enemy team just has to spawn a 8.0 jet to counter you?

Premium spammers have to a big reason behind US’ recent struggles.
Yes, some might notice other major nations have 11.7 premiums as well, but those aren’t as good as their 12.0 options and people might opt to buy 10.7/10.3 premiums instead, as those are still rank 7.

On the other hand, Click-Bait is basically the same thing as 12.0 M1s but without gen2 thermals.

Their ground/air vehicles certainly aren’t 30% WR bad and players themselves play a big role in that.

wut? elaborate pls

I have Eurofighter, Getting launched on the second I spawn still means I have to defend from it. The point is that Russia never has to worry about anything touching it from that range, yes it’s hard for Panstir to hit you at that distance unless they know what they are doing. It’s the fact that no other nation gets to give them the same experience. Why is the Roland and VT-1 not Radar guided like they should be.

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Rest of the helis cant fire after taking a bit of damage exept russian that still can take a ton of damage and fly like nothing

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Pantsir isnt the issue anymore it’s jets camping the jet spawn area.
You get locked and engaged in seconds from Su-33/27 or another fox 3 jet

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