I just said there is tons of videos of ppl playing with them and i can see russian planes lunching at me outside of my reach zone as spaa
Your spaa? Which one? Adats? Adats as spaa is piece of kaku. Could only shot down helis and straight flying jets.
o-okay you got killed by Kh38 launched at 15km but you don’t play it so you don’t know it can lock at that range!!!
buddy is so addicted to the handholding that he’s literally immune to basic logic
and even if the lock limit was 12 km that is still the absolute maximum range of the VT1, way beyond effective range (i know you don’t know the difference but w/e)
b-b-but you could just not play the game/BR you’ve invested thousands of hours in and let us sealclub in peace
GFY coward
Do it to yourself
So what? AGM can be launchet at you, jdams too, and your VT1 can’t do anything at them too. BUT RUSSIAN BIAS. RIGGED GAME
P.S. A10 doing same at 10.0, but nobody cares, because its not russian.
no u!
other weapons can kill you so Kh38 is okay!
JFC Russian mains are pathetic
Even actual cheaters are less disgusting, at least they risk getting banned for playing the game with an unfair advantage
Yea adats and soon the flarakrad
And again i see videos its a known thing that russia outrange nato spaas
Glad to see the weekly “reeeee Russia biased” thread has been posted on queue.
You have no idea how important your opinion is to me.
Flarak better.
Just play ARB in an F15E or a Typhoon and you can have your hand held too.
Might give you some closure.
ARB is nowhere near as busted for NATO as GRB is for Russia
Main reason why is that the teams are almost always mixed
Maybe you’d have a good argument if ARB teams were as homogeneous
Ik flarak is better but its still stupid that u can lunch 6 mach 2 misslies from over 12km
Maybe you’d have a good argument if you weren’t so biased yourself.
Those 2 planes simply fly up high, go mach 2, shoot their missiles (which happen to be the best, longest range FOX 3s in the game) and turn around to rearm with practically zero risk. Far more busted, as these planes deny half of the other top tier jets that can’t do that a level playing field.
But for you to admit that, you’d have a quandary on your hands, with your argument that Russia being the only nation that has “bias” seeming less legitimate.
I guess swedish ground is biased for having great MBTs, too, right? Israel biased for FnF helicopter missiles? China also has more SAM range than any NATO nation, is that biased too?
What does ARB have to do with GRB?
The whole “bias” argument is a poor one.
If differing capabilities is “biased” and the game is “biased” towards Russia, how does the “bias” in ARB being towards NATO support that argument?
I mean, we’re focusing on the KH38, a missile carried by 2 boats that are food for an AMRAAM. It’s goofy.
You’re exaggerating, AIM120 are not that good and neither are their airframes. They’re also not that hard to defeat. Yes NATO has an advantage at long range but Flankers are far stronger at close range. I’ve been having a great time with my Flankers
b-b-but if they allow NATO to be superior in ARB then russian bias isn’t real
Not really, it just means that even their chauvinism has a price tag, there’s too much money to be made from wannabe Mavericks, so Russia takes a backseat. Also russian jets don’t underperform as much as NATO tanks.
Look at the Su27SM. Not doing well? Let’s just add 30% more thrust and fictional double racks for R77.
Now look at US GRB win rate. Below 30%? Not low enough, let’s add Kh38 on a supersonic jet to face the fucking ADATS. Hilarious tbh
You’re exaggerating, AIM120 are not that good and neither are their airframes.
And you and I both know why US winrates suck. It’s the premium top tier noob nation.
Nope. Because in ARB enabled “all against all” mode - AMRAAM carrier is playing against the same AMRAAM carrier.
Even in GRB with high probability AMRAAM carrier will playing against the same AMRAAM carrier.
Sure, but what about the planes that don’t carry AMRAAMs? I guess it just sucks to suck for them, right?
I love this argument. Let’s imagine that US players (premium or not) are magically inferior, why shouldn’t they be buffed to balance out the game?
Flankers were doing poorly with 10 missiles and obviously that’s a kit issue, but it’s totally different for the US so they should stay in the gutter? Definition of bias.
There is no problem to dodging AMRAAM. At GRB distances ARMAAM is not much more dangerous than the R-77 or MICA.