It has all that over the T-80U, or UK, or UM2? I’ll have to check that out
Those are the only things russia dominates in
Well, let me get a level 150 crew, ace that crew for the abrams, and we shall see. (Currently they’re just level 102)
I literally haven’t played the T-80UK in a very very long time. Back before decompression happened, and when it was pretty much peak Russian equipment.
Lastly, it’s not a bias, my stats are generally worse in the abrams, because my whole team folds in 10 secs, and I respawn 2-4 times at least to try and do some damage to the enemy.
Faster horisontal turret rotation
Which also a bit helps with vertical, due of how WT aim works
Uh no?
If that were the case, the 2s25 wouldn’t be so god awful XD
it’s not a bias
It is, i was also in this topic.
I genuinely don’t have issues if you main a nation, but don’t come here preaching about balance when you’re closer to an apologist to anything else.
LMAO BROTHER, I added more vehicle to Russia to be nerfed, maybe check the changes?
If anything, I’m an Italian apologist, that nation is so freaking bad in WT.
Russia: 6 buffs, 4 nerfs
Italy: 5 buffs, 1 nerf
I added more vehicle to Russia to be nerfed
One, to a grand total of three. While the rest of nations have at least four to five BR increases. I don’t buy it.
If anything, I’m an Italian apologist,
Yeah, and so is everyone i guess, it’s the meme everyone hangs on to claim on balance.
Proposed Battle rating changes for ground:
Working list
T-34 E STZ 4.0 > 4.3 (no need for two T-34s at the same br, the STZ also has a smaller turret).
Shturm-S 8.7 > 9.0 (good multi role, and IT-1 is the same Br, being higher br would fit into a good line up, causing less one death leaving, while providing better rewards).
2s25 9.3 > 9.7 (speedy with a good gun, lacking thermals and survivability, spreads out the vehicles).
Krizantema-S 9.7 > 10.0 (ability to use radar to detect tanks, mostly sees 10.3 / 10.7 matches anyways. Has 2 good ATGMs, and gen 3 thermals. Lacks good survivability)
KV-1(Zis-5) 4.7 > 4.3 (the Sweden one is 4.7 with a far better turret and same gun, making little sense why they are identical in BR placement.)
IS-3 7.3 > 7.0 (terrible reload, somewhat slow, bad gun depression, terrible performance, terrible shell unable to deal with many things at 8.3, 8.0, or 7.7, can deal with some 7.3s, heavies are a bit of a problem though).
IS-6 7.7 > 7.3 (terrible reload, bad gun depression, gunner optics are a big weak point aams as roof hatches, bad penetration, not equal to other 7.7s in performance, being typically equal to or slightly better than the IS-3, not enough to warrant a br difference).
T-54 (1947) 7.7 > 7.3 (absolutely terrible vehicle, other than armor, gun handling sucks, shell is okay, turret traverse is like a panther D. The cons make fighting vehicles with HEAT-FS a living hell, as your armor was made to stop AP, APHE, etc).
T-54 (1949) 8.0 > 7.7 (same as above)
T-72B 10.3 > 10.0 (pretty much a T-72A but at a br where everyone fires APFSDS, absolutely terrible to play when you can’t rely on a single part of your tank like: speed, reload, armor. The only good thing is the gun).
T-90A 11.0 > 10.7 (Good armor if facing 11.3s or lower, difficult to play above that. Long 7.1 sec reload and poor speed overall, terrible turret traverse, and a APS that doesn’t work vs vehicles you face).
All T-80U, UM2, UE, UK, UD, BVM (T80U or newer) reload corrected to 6.0 seconds. (Historically accurate, cyclogram data literally even says 6.0 seconds.)
Thats battle reload, aka announcing each step, spotting and aiming taken into account, technical reload is cyclogram, aka what we should have in game for each vehicle. But we dont, not for soviet vehicles, not even medium reload time for NATO MBTs now, 9 RPM as in Greek tender. T-80UD (6EC43) states battle reload time of 7-9 RPM, with it’s cyclogram stating average technical reload time of 6 seconds. When you consider T-80U/D have more advanced and stabilised commander sights it does make sen…
I was about to add the 2s38 to that list from 10.3 → 10.7
But that kind of comment makes me think I shouldn’t, and maybe I should feed into the bias I am often accused of
But that kind of comment makes me think I shouldn’t, and maybe I should feed into the bias I am often accused of
Don’t add it, and therefore, don’t talk about balance. You’re doing the exact same thing most of you guys accuse US mains of doing.
All T-80U, UM2, UE, UK, UD, BVM (T80U or newer) reload corrected to 6.0 seconds. (Historically accurate, cyclogram data literally even says 6.0 seconds.)
All T-64/80, not just the mentioned, it’s same 6 sec for T-80B/64B for all rounds except ATGM
When you team isn’t total dog water m1a1 clickbait/HC is a pretty good vehicle, but there are still things that need to be fixed on most vehicles at top tier. I don’t think its about any 1 nation being worse than others but there are definitely some vehicles that need more attention when it comes to the damage models.
It wouldn’t defeat the chode dart that’s for sure
Moving Russian vehicles up in BR for the sake of moving them is a bad idea.
2S25 9.3 → 9.7 3BM46 added. 9.7 is a gap for Russia and the 2S25 is pretty mid with only 3BM42. Consider the Sabra at the same BR that also ha s high tier round. And 3BM46 isn’t even that strong to begin with.
IS-2 (1943) 6.3 → 6.0 AFAIK pretty much everyone agrees both IS-2s are overtiered. If necessary, remove BR-412D.
IS-2 (1944) 6.7 → 6.3
BMD-4M 9.3 → 9.7 APFSDS added. Same reason as the 2S25, to expand the 9.7 lineup.
T-72B 10.3 → 10.0. The T-72B is a pretty terrible vehicle currently. Removing 3BM42 isn’t even necessary. It shouldn’t be two BR steps above the T-64B.
T-62 8.7 → 8.3. Th3 T-62 is insanely powercrept. It feels more like a sidegrade of the T-55A. Longer reload but better shell.
T-34 (1941) 4.0 → 3.7. I’m not sure why this one was moved up to 4.0 in the first place. It’s a T-34 (1940) with a better gun.

IS-2 (1944) 6.7 → 6.3
Just a sad vehicle overall, you can prep a meal before that thing reloads.
Why NOT talk about balance? It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun, otherwise things like panthers, m60s, t-80s would absolutely dominate
Vextra, Type 16 and 2C being great for top tier ? M1128 is easily on par with those for top tier.
PUMA is trash and Spikes aren’t much better either.
They’re decent for top tier, your little 2S25M with every pixel covered in pay to win bushes is great too. BMP2M as well, probably the best. Then the HSTVL and RDF.
Nah Spikes are great. Almost never misses against helis for the last month or two. Very important to take out Kamov zombies
50% is expected as M1s are clearly not below average.
If US players magically sucked then there would be a difference between servers, there isn’t, so you’re full of it.
Marking valid arguments as strawman is totally on you buddy.
Strawman can be valid arguments, just not in this conversation lol
You want M1s to be by far the best tanks
I said they’re 40-45% material and I want them at 50% like every vehicle. So you’re saying a light buff would make the Abrams the “best tanks by far” hahaha the delusion is actually insane. Fun fact they’ll still be good tanks in Ukraine even if they are nerfed to hell in cope thunder
They have no crippling downsides, which can’t be said for bias mobiles.
Only crippling downside in the bias mobiles sits between the gaming chair and the screen
They’re decent for top tier, your little 2S25M with every pixel covered in pay to win bushes is great too.
All of them have pretty shitty rounds with shitty reloads as well. That is, if you think OFL 105 F1 is bad for top tier standards lol.
M1128 is still easily on par with those.
Nah Spikes are great. Almost never misses against helis for the last month or two. Very important to take out Kamov zombies
Good against helicopters that might not even spawn.
Trash against tanks that will always spawn.
It doesn’t look good for PUMA.
If US players magically sucked then there would be a difference between servers, there isn’t, so you’re full of it.
Who said only US region sucked ?
Most ODL wallet warriors suck and US is the nation with most of them apparently.
I said they’re 40-45% material and I want them at 50% like every vehicle.
They’re already 50% worthy.
So you’re saying a light buff would make the Abrams the “best tanks by far”
You would need to buff them substantially to mitigate the Click-Bait spam.
Only crippling downside in the bias mobiles sits between the gaming chair and the screen
That’s correct in your case, as obviously you did worse in your bias machine that in other, suffering vehicles.
All of them have pretty shitty rounds with shitty reloads as well. That is, if you think OFL 105 F1 is bad for top tier standards lol.
I took my Type 16 to top tier many times with less pen and did just fine. Cope how you need to tho
Good against helicopters that might not even spawn. Trash against tanks that will always spawn. It doesn’t look good for PUMA.
Professional straw grasper
Who said only US region sucked ? Most ODL wallet warriors suck and US is the nation with most of them apparently.
Lol yeah so they magically suck across the world if they happen to want an Abrams. If the devs themselves admitted it was rigged you’d still try to play it down.
They’re already 50% worthy.
Just a lie you tell yourself to cope with your inferiority complex.
You would need to buff them substantially to mitigate the Click-Bait spam.
But I never said that the Abrams was the only problem with US or that it should be buffed until US is at 50% lmao, the whole ground and heli lineup needs to be revamped.
But there you go again with the strawman lol, never won a fair fight in your life.
That’s correct in your case
“n-n-no u!!!” jesus christ how embarrassing
as obviously you did worse in your bias machine that in other, suffering vehicles.
I take the thermal-less, bush-less T80UM2 with my Flanker and 29 (so to 12.7*) and play it like a press W machine and I still do 1.6. It just proves my point. If I played it like a sweat, ez 2.0 k/d or more, but it would feel like cheating and that’s more your style
edit : reporting this post just makes it more correct :)