Separate thrust inputs for each engine

can we get separate throttle inputs for each engine instead of just selecting what engine to control the thrust for one at a time?

instead of spliting the throttle like this

can we get throttle axis for each engine like the general option for thrust control

this will help out alot with players that have similar throttle like for example this
Thrustmaster HOTAS for the A-10


+1 And also include separate controls to power off/feather each engine.


+1 Necro Bump, been over 10 years and we still dont have even seperate port/starboard engine axis for aircraft but we somehow already have them for ships! Individual engine axis controls are an absolutely needed addition and should be very easy thing to add in.


Happy anniversary to this thread - I guess the popularity of this one shows us why we’re stuck the way it is… I just don’t understand why it’s so hard.


I want this too, but in my case I want to use it for trick flying with the Yak-38/Yak-141, and eventually the F-35B. With explicit controls for each engine, it would be easier to do something like keep the main engine providing forward thrust while the lift fans provide lift forward of your center of gravity to improve the amount of AoA that you can pull. It’s just really awkward doing that with manual engine control in game where you need to fumble with enabling/disabling engine controls before setting desired values. The trick also rides a fine line between “UFO performance” and “backflip to your death”

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thats the thing - it isnt, gaijin could easily take the fast and lazy way out and just add the exact same port/starboard controls to aircraft that they have in ships and it would get the job done perfectly for 95% of the use cases people want separate engine controls for. As is the track record with gaijin, they will end up devoting the absolute bare minimum dev resources to something if they can see its something a sizable amount of players want - luckily the bare minimum is all this needs. So the trick is to just get enough traction for the snail to pay attention.

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I did do some testing and if as long as you’re NOT using manual engine controls then the engine will feather if it goes out - so that’s nice.

I keep a button mapped to switch between MEC and auto as I’ve found it’s only in certain uses where I may want to open the cowl flaps when using WEP but otherwise find auto to be adequate if not as iMmErSiVe