Seeing lots of discussion about multipathing and fox 3s but none about the silly RP costs of the fox 3 jets

We have what are essentially duplicate jets tacked on for another 400k RP to unlock, then the 300k+ RP stock grind. For virtually the same vehicle, just with ARH missiles. At the very least they should be foldered, but it’s disappointing to see so little discussion about what seems to be a cash grab aimed at impatient or casual players who’ll inevitably GE the modifications.


I was also quite peeved when I saw that.

My new F-15J is a flat copy paste, but I have to grind 400k to unlock it, and then another 250k RP just to get the EXACT SAME PLANE I already have, BEFORE I can even start unlocking the ARHs.

Its really, REALLY stupid.

And I have to stock grind with just 2x 9Ms


F-15JM is not copy-paste.
Insulting one of my favorite aircraft with that defamation… annoying.

So what exactly changed,
No turkey feathes, whatever
Hmd, fair, that’s a good feature
Aam4/aim120, armament option, doesn’t matter until it’s unlocked
Weaker engines, doesn’t matter if it has some nicer curve in reality, not modeled.
New radar, same radar but with tws

It just comes out to add up to still be the best f15, only because its granted access to the superior amraam and aam3. Possibly also because of weight issues with the American one
It’s still missing its maw on the back of the aircraft and doesn’t use the ecm under the front, but no aircraft has that modeled so whatever


Adding missiles to existing jets for some nations but requiring entirely new jets for other nations to get this capability is what’s messed up.

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so, prey tell, what is the difference then?

other than it being fit out with the capability for ARHs, what differences or improvements am I going to see over the F15J. Lets pretend I have fit it out with 7Ms and AAM-3s in the same configuration, with both planes being otherwise spaded.

what improvements in flight performance or capabilities am I going to see with that plane that justifies me having to grind out another 400K RP to unlock the plane, and then another ~270K RP of modules to get it to the same level of spaded as the first one, not including the ARH missiles?

because the only difference that I can see in the hanger is the Radar can now do Track while scan, which frankly I’d class under the added ARH capability since I still can’t fire more than one sparrow at a time

edit: just took the new one for a test flight, since I’m only 150k in to the grind. I can lock my IR missiles off boresight now, so there. I found one improvement.

Stronger* engines.
Just cause they’re weaker at 0 speed doesn’t mean they’re weaker.

Engines, weapons, cockpit, radar, HMD…
More difference than between P-47N-15 and P-47M.

That makes… Little sense?
If they have lower static thrust then how is it possible to higher thrust at speed?
(Taking into consideration that channel losses are same for both F-15C MSIP II and F-15J(M))

Top tier already cannot hope to refurbish on its own.
You can access ARH as soon as you put in the money, but not all of us do.
It will only be an experience for those who own ARH.
It would be somewhat better if we could at least have just two 9M, R-73, chaff/flares and ARH from the start. I think it is better than nothing.
This is a machine translation, so apologies if it’s wrong.

The Swedish Gripen makes the least sense to me. You gotta grind a whole new one for absolutely 0 reason. And all of these new planes should be in folders. I dont care.

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Tuned differently for at-speed.

400K for a plane we should have got months ago lmao


Man I’m of the mind that the final vehicle in any tree should have the least RP needed for modules

It’s be nice if that were true, but gaijin has decided not to model that Community Bug Reporting System
Also wt issues search engine has got to be the worst experience I’ve ever had, every time I want to find a certain bug report, it’s impossible to find among tons of irrelevant unrelated bug reports. I had to scour the whole f15j thread to find this