Spawn camping is unfair especially when player behind or side the spawn next to detection zone spawn camping with his Up tier tank.
Not take part in the battle just watch the spawnpoint and seal clubbing much lower BR opponents.
Spawn camping come from different reason(like farming , map concept…etc) but as i see Gajin really need to do something with it. Like punishing spawn campers.
Forexample possible solution which harmless but really effective:
No credit and XP for damag and destroy tanks if they stand on in they own spawn point or in detection zone. (That will force spawn camper farmers to do not spawn camping.)
If your tank destroyed on your own spawn or in detection zone your repair cost is free.(compensation for enemy unfair behavior)
If someone destroyed a tank which stand on spawn, this player’s every tank still visible during the remaining battle like in arcade game mod case(tank number +his name+title).
This 3 rules walid for planes/ground units and Helicopters also.
tbh if your team has mostly died and the other team hold all the caps you are going to get spawn camped its just a fact of WT. While I dislike spawn camping the above does not bother me it is what it is if the team fail.
However I am not a fan of those who drive around the edge of the map just to sit in your spawn. Personally I try and kill them if I can but there is an silly number of people out there who are just blind and drive right into their guns…
If spawn camping not unfair how convince new players( in low BR 1.0-4.0) to warthunder not a s.h.*.t. game while they died multiple times in row by spawn campers?
Ok it’s legal and easily to get 10-22 kill/ battle but i still keep as an ungentlemanly behavior…and that was the reason why this topic created…
I had an entire match of dumb teammates who didn’t flank, they kept driving forward, didn’t even know the enemy was to our right, kept dying, and repeated the same action. heck, a couple of matches ago your typical German main decided “Hey, I’m being hit, instead of trying to identify the location of the enemy tank, I’ll just keep driving forward”. Pretty much ignored where the fire was coming from. I do feel bad for the few German mains that are good at their job but what can you do sigh.
Better map design. Don’t punish players for doing what Gaijin encourages with their shitty sightlines and flat maps.
Give us maps with hills, soft and hard cover and multiple egress points from spawn and multiple spawns in general.
Give us bigger maps so it’s hard to have oversight of both spawn points.
Make it so you cannot shoot from objective into spawn or even the egress points of said spawn. Clarification: Do this through smart placement of concealment, hills and cover NOT arbitrary mechanics.
Give us objectives that are more spread out so that in event a spawn is lost, players can spawn on the other side of the map and push the enemy objectives. If the enemy snowballed into your spawn on one side, that likely means they’re way underdefended on the rest.
And my holy grail wish:
Make it so capturing objectives unlocks new spawns so maps are dynamic and there’s tactical advantage to prioritize specific points.
Ok chance come from maps bad construction, battle situation, blind players , dumber teammates lemming trains or other many reason. Basically in some upgraded map case thanks to construction hard to fall back when reached the final layer.
But Bro just one question, What forced you to do not stop next to bridge or in safe distance set up an ambush and wait while enemy try to attacking? Choose spawn camping and stand on enemy spawn always an easy way. If they allowed for you or not.