Wow, thats quite a statistic in that plane, I knew it was a Beast in a competent pilots hands. However, I would like a BMW as well but everyone seems to be on the same page…At its current BR, its best to wait for a sale.
Thank You
I would 100% wait for a sale. Good idea.
BTW, I rushed through those BRs so quickly, wanting what was beyond, I really missed out on the fun of some of those planes.
I have “discovered” that the Sabres are really super good, particularly the F86 5, amazing cannon…but two I have run into here in the last few weeks, I like the Chinese Meteor at I believe 7.7, I looked at the stats and tried it, it is very good. But then I have fallen in love with the Yak 23. Its like a Zero with some power…still a little frustrating that I cant chase someone down like in the CL mk6, however, nothing can turn with it and its energy retention is amazing at 350 km/hr, in a rate fight…its not all about the airkills for me anymore, I enjoy making people crash because they cant keep their plane in the air at that speed near the ground. And its cannon is decent. Thank you once again. Time to go play for a few hours.
I really do not miss grinding, it is great to be able to hop in any plane I want now, from the Yak 3 to the F15C or F16C, Mig29 or the SMT. Im glad that “grind” is not in the back of my head anymore. Some people like that, understandable…but Im glad its over. Good Luck
I cant speak for RB performance, but it is an absolute m e n a c e in AB. AAMs reload there, so a good Vixen player can wipe a lobby fairly easily - though a better pick for that role is the MiG-21 (R-13-300)
It was good at 8.7 and is still great fun in sim at 8.3. but now it’s 9.0… it’s woefully under powered.
The great hope for it these days is that red tops are meant to be all-aspect and that change is now vital for the sea-vixen is to stand any hope of not being doa.
Please I do not want another MiG-21 situation.
All-aspects at 8.7…
Its good as long as you dont get into head ons and rather boom and zoom missile strike people.
Red top missiles are missing their all aspect capabilities at the moment so you cant do anything in head on fights
Sea Vixen is still good IMO, the missiles have good range and decent enough pull, yes its unfortunate that they are not all aspect, though, with the historical radar slaving requirement perhaps as a balancing factor.
Would be super cool if the TT got the prototype with 4 ADEN’s and firestreaks though.
Either way, the thing has ridiculous thrust, good turn, but no guns which is a very unfortunate aspect.
Then sea vixen needs to go down to 8.3
You cant have it both ways. But red tops can be easily kinematically defeated, which is the key difference. Unlike R-60Ms, 9Ls or even SRAAMs which are also meant to be all-aspect. Red tops would be easy to defeat regardless of aspect.
But the fact you are forced to rear-aspect only leaves you unable to do anything 99% of the time, even against something without flares
I’m talking about AB, where it is currently oh god its lower then I thought.
Its much better in AB anyways due to missile reloads, and I do not want to be terrorized at 6.7 by all-aspect missiles.
Then it should get a BR increase in AB. But 9.0, in RB, with no reload except when landing and often Vs supersonics or flare equipped aircraft. It’s down right stupid
Can agree on that, unless it gets its all-aspect capabilites.
Might actually pick it up now that I know its so low in AB tbh.
Yeah, 9.0 would be fair with all-aspect red tops, but without, it should never have gone up. Was on the rough side at 8.7 in an uptiers
Maybe? Depends tbh, could be higher.
No guns, Sub-sonic, no CMs. Any higher and it would be even worse, even with all-aspect red tops.
remember, these arent 9Ls or R-60s. They can be defeated fairly easily kinematically, so even if you didnt have flares, you can defeat the missiles fairly easily. The difference is that the Red Tops oculd be used on distracted targets more easily.
They are still all-aspect, so I dunno.
Eh, we will have to.see ig.
I did go ahead and get the plane, Im not doing too badly right now money wise…Yes it has really good thrust, very good handling…but Im going to have to get used to not having a gun. I will say, I have noticed you are a prime target, everyone jumps on it like its a Yak 38 lol.
Not doing too well in it so far in first in first 10 flights, but I will learn how to make it work.
Thank you for your reply.
Dont try to turn fight, keep your speed high, turn slowly and if something gets on your tail, you can typically out climb it at around a 20 degree angle
I did get the plane,…added to the art collection if you will. It is an enigma for sure…I havent done well the first ten flights, but I think I can make it work, I just need to think about it and get some experience in it. I cant quite decide what “general plan” I want for it.
I may be shortchanging myself because Markmash showed me his stats in it (250 flights, 1500 airkills)
It will be something to get used to because primarily when I fly in that BR I fly CL13 mk6 and F-86-5 with amazing cannon.
One thing is for sure, I was fond of Zeroes and Yaks in props, and so while its top speed isnt all that, it handles very well, Im not bad with my flaps and throttle. And it accelerates quite well.
Thanks for your reply Morvan, your observations are always noted.
I noticed that.