Sd.Kfz.251/21 should get a much higher BR

I don’t care if they put in all stuff from WWII …prototypes /paper tanks even completely made up tanks …at least they will have two things in common …armor that was designed to take hit and gun designed to try and pen that armor

Stopped doing events after IS6

All missing tanks will turn up as premium or crafting crap

They lost control of their own game to very very small very vocal portion of community

Mainly Russian community, looking at the br of 2s38 or their other vehicles xD

Penned by shot at any point of their armor …frontal arc side/back …thanks to shells that either overpressure them (152) or brute force (maus)…I’ve shot T34 11 times other day in weak spot with Panther …scored “Hit” twice

Vast Majority of USA/USSR/SWE stuff is undertiered …some germans and french as well

Don’t get me started on Israeli M51 with 400 mm pen at 6.0

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Where were you aiming? There are two types of weakspots, easier ones and more difficult ones requiring precision. The T34 can be destroyed by shooting at the sides of the bottom plate or, for example, with the Tiger 2 simply at the front of the turret, depending on the distance, but at long 8.8 you have about 237 mm of penetration and the front of the T34 turret has about 200 mm of armor.
I would recommend shooting with Panther at the sides of the bottom plate or at the barrel and tracks to neutralize T34.
However, you have to take into account that if you get T34, it means that you have an uptier, it’s not that if you have an uptier you still pierce everything from the front normally, especially heavy tanks.


Chi Nu II

Chi To late

Chi Ri

As you can see, all of them have better P/W ratio than the Pz IV H. The Chi-Nu II is considerably smaller, the Chi-To late is better protected, and the Chi-Ri gets an assisted loader.

As for penetration, they all have a pretty significant advantage in angled pen:

AND nearly 3x the explosive filler, so needing a second shot to finish off an enemy is a much rarer ocurrence.

So while not 4.3 and 4.7 worthy, the japanese mediums are definitely better.


Wow someone made a fair comparison, bravo. You also need to remember about the transmission, the power of the engine and horses per tonne does not mean that the vehicle must be mobile.
In my opinion, Pz.4 is better and easier to play in some aspects, especially it is smaller.
I’m not sure about this mobility anyway, even despite the data you provided, I remember that even though the Chi-Nu II was quite slow, it seemed slower than the Pz.4.
Sometimes pure statistics do not tell the whole truth about a vehicle.
Nevertheless, I’m going to stop talking because I haven’t played with these Japanese tanks for a long time and you may be right.

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When was that changed?

Alpha Strike.

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4x575 RPM is hardly better than 3x700 RPM

Not to mention the damage between 15mm HEFI-T compared to a single 12.7mm is miles appart.
12.7mm only have API as effective rounds being largely ineffective against the air frame while 15mm HEFI-T can deal similiar damage to components but most importantly deal heavy damage to the planes structure.

I don’t know when it was changed but the combine firepower of 3 MG 151, the 15mm HE rounds can easily shoot off wings and damage other components just as easily as .50cals.

While the ballistics aren’t oustanding the damage is just so much better.


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Wow the guy who cant kill an old half track is the aiming expert all of a sudden

I’m mainly a tanker.
I am capable of destroying everything I SEE.
And it’s ridiculous to write about some paper half truck that it’s indestructible, it’s all about its weapons.
Well, I’ve explained it several times and you still don’t understand.
But what can you expect from someone who has 13k battles, plays on a console, plays mainly Germans, and has 47% win rattio. So what do I expect from you xD
Average German main.

They have comparable top speeds both forward and reverse, but the Pz IV H is still the worst of the bunch. Even if its gearing is better, the Chi-Tos have a huge p/w advantage.

A tiny bit shorter than the Chi-Tos and definitely smaller than the Chi-Ri, but the Chi-Nu II is significantly smaller, especially in width. It’s a much smaller target with a quieter engine. Plus the advantage in both flat AND angled pen can’t be denied and that goes for all 3 of them, shooting M4s, T-34s, and KV-1s is much more reliable with the japanese cannons.

25000 games and cant fly? 13k battles at the era you are on about so I know you are talking rubbish
47% win ratio ,it has been as high as 60% and stayed like it for a long time so it fluctuates and that isn’t bad on a console with no cheats and no ULQ which I presume you are using.

Describe what an average German main actually is as I am not German and play all the nations as you should be able to see.

You have so many games but struggle to deal with very early CAS and have a shockingly immature attitude to the game. Please tell me you are a kid or a teenager because if you are an adult I am worried.

I mentioned the transmission for a reason - the T20 has a similar weight, engine power and number of horses per tonne, but the transmission allows it to reach higher speeds, but it still accelerates quite slowly. This is also not the only example of this type where the transmission limits the vehicle’s capabilities, for example in the French AMX series vehicles, especially in the Somua SM, you have a 1000 horsepower engine and a not the best transmission limiting you to 41/-6 km/h.
I don’t know about the acceleration of Japanese tanks in the game because I haven’t played them for a long time. Those great Japanese cannons they don’t change the fact that you can still ricochet from the T-34 and KV-1, which happens many times, even from the unangled side. Well, unfortunately, volumetrics.
It’s also about the BR of these vehicles, simply by playing Pz.4 on 3.7 you encounter vehicles that are easier to fight, at least theoretically, because sometimes it’s easier to destroy a Tiger than a broken KV-1.
Anyway, even on the top tier with several hundred mm of penetration, the game can tell that you didn’t penetrate the vehicle from the side or that you bounced off the paper IFV.
Realistic game yes.

25k battles and I play MAINLY WITH TANKS
I take planes just to fly them, you don’t have to be sweaty in every aspect of this game.
You don’t have to play ULQ like some brainless people to achieve results in this game.
You play Germans the most, which can be seen in your statistics and medals, so don’t talk nonsense.
47% so you are in the ideal average German player.
You still have 13k battles and you still can’t win battles xD
A big surprise when you are destroyed by a spaa that has just spawned when you fly near an enemy resp…
Please tell me you are a kid or a teenager because if you are an adult I am worried :)

lol you are only on 56% which is what mine was (on console) last time I checked.

You play more arcade : )

I have to actually are my medals they are not given for just showing like yours If want a medal for killing 20000 enemies I have to literally kill 20000 enemies. So I rarely get medals.

Like I said any fool can come on here and ramble in with all the cliches but tell me what a German main actually is especially as they stomp the USA the top tiers. I am not German like I said ,I play Russia a lot and I am playing more Sweden currently.

I think we find you talking out of your bottom old chap that is why so many are laughing that you have had so many games yet can’t deal with a very low level SPAA in game blighted by CAS.

Go back and look at my games you will see plenty of top positions and top 3 all with a console controller and many on the old Xbox one. Non with cheats or ULQ.
Like I said ,what is a German main?

I used to only play Arcade, which actually helped me play much better in Realistic Battles because you have to be very careful because of the markers in Arcade mode. Now I only play Realistic Battles.
I can deal with spaa, I have a problem with this one, because as I wrote, as other people wrote, and as this other guy gave an example in the video, it is simply broken. It has 3x15mm, has a high rate of fire and HE belt, all it has to do is hit you once and you die, and it is very easy to hit a plane with this sdkfz with such firepower.
Well, I and this guy above have explained it several times, but your brain, if you have one, cannot understand it.

“Like I said ,what is a German main?”
A noob who can’t play, dying for 0. Who dies several times in battle, does nothing and leaves.
I think I’ve explained it a few times, but you obviously can’t read.
I’m ending discussions with you because you’re irredeemable, I’ve explained everything several times and you keep asking as if you threw your brain out the window.
Most people don’t think, as you can see from such discussions on the forum, I don’t care if they laugh or not, I certainly laugh at a guy like you who asks the same question 10 times.
People like you will say such nonsense, you probably also think that the HSTVL is on good BR with this gun that has a low rate of fire, low penetration and its bullets do nothing.
The 2S38 is probably perfectly balanced in your world.
With 2S38 I did a few nukes and HSTVL it’s a big problem to get more than 6 kills in a battle. It’s just a joke, not a vehicle, but in your world everything’s probably fine.
Go there and play with your friends on the playground, instead of writing anything more on this forum.

I’d have to time these side by side, which shouldn’t be too hard. Maybe I’ll edit a video later.

Everything can bounce off of anything if you shoot poorly enough. In any case, the japanese cannons give you a much better chance at a penetration than the Pz IV’s 75mm.

3.7 vs 4.3 if we consider the Chi-Nu II. And if you want to bring other vehicles along, you might want to step up the german lineup to 4.0. Given that I consider the Chi-Nu II especially as being better (despite having a free Ace crew earned on the Pz IV H), I don’t see this as entirely unfair.

It’s not about bad aim, it’s about the stupidity of this game, you can literally shoot at a flat spot and receive “hit”, having 2x more penetration than the place you’re shooting at has armor.