Sd.Kfz.251/21 should get a much higher BR

Yes, because I will always be able to see everything on the battlefield from several kilometers away, I told you, I don’t have thermal vision in my eyes, in addition sometimes you have great weather like fog 20 meters above the ground…

I would be careful about publicly accusing others of cheating in a forum.


Coming straight from Plebbit? This has to be bait :D And if it isn’t, then let me explain:

M16 MGMC (2.7 RB)

  • quad .50cals with lots of (full inciendary belt) ammo
  • 90° gun elevation
  • good mobility

BTR-152A (2.7 RB)

  • 2x 14.5mm fast firing guns
  • 89° gun elevation
  • good mobility

Sd.Kfz.251/21 (3.3 RB)

  • 3x 14.5mm fast firing guns
  • 49° gun elevation
  • bad mobility

First of all, these 3 vehicles should be at the same BR. Second of all, the BR should be 3.0 at most.
They all have their strenghts and weaknesses perfectly matching each other. The gun elevation is actually a massive weakness making it the worst SPAA out of the 3 vehicles listed, while being 2 BR steps above the 2 other vehicles. Makes one think.

Ah, now we know where the problem is. Case closed.


It’s 3×15 mm MG 151s.


Yes you are right. For some reason I always thought that middle gun is a 20mm lol. Though that supports my statement even more.
I will edit my previous reply now.

Ive read some crap on here but this wins the prize

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Are you saying that HE ammunition doesn’t change much? So what if the spaa is not very mobile, they mostly stay near the resp anyway.
What matters is the armament, with the sdkfz having the best of the three.
You write as if you were baiting, especially giving br 3.0 to sdkfz.

However, you need to be able to think
Ah, now we know where the problem is. Case closed.

With all due respect, the German nation finally needs good players … ;-)

That’s OK…
I can do something they cannot = ima haxxor… :)

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XD I play all nations, including your funny Germans, and I see in battles and in person that this sdkfz is quite strong and a very common choice.
3x15mm are more powerful than 12.7 and 14.5, have a long belt, high rate of fire and HE belt.
There must be something wrong with your head to even say that 3x15mm is weaker or comparable to 2x14.5mm.
The only problems of the German nation are the lack of people playing planes and noobs playing this nation dying for 0 and returning to the hangar.
The only battles in which I made kills and my entire team did absolutely nothing were with Germans on the team, I was playing Italy then.
I’m not surprised that so many noobs play the Germans since they have such easy tanks to play as Tiger, Panther, Tiger 2 P/H, even Pz.4. Pz.4 is comparable or even better than Japanese tanks i.e. Chi-Nu II, Chi-To’s or even Chi-Ri II (I would rather play Pz.4 on 5.0 than Chi-Ri), but Japanese tanks are a whole 1 BR higher, they have slightly better penetration, but Pz4 are smaller and more mobile.

Chi-Tos are definitely more mobile than long barrel Pz.IVs now that they have 500 horsepower.

but even before then, Chi-Tos had more hp/ton, and accelerated better.


Those aren’t really that easy to play though.

The Tiger II H is extremely slow, faces many vehicles which can lol-pen it frontally, is easily outflanked by the countless number of agile vehicles and it’s armour is also quite easily exploited via it’s weaknesses.

Panther’s now being at higher BR’s with lower horsepower than before has meant they aren’t as powerful as they used to be. Same for the Jagdpanther.

Tiger 1’s can get some rough matchmaking where they fight large numbers of T26E5’s, T34’s and T26E1’s.

Minor nations often have slightly higher BR’s for equivalent vehicle due to higher average player skill.

Now, I don’t play Japan myself so I can’t comment on whether or not the PzKpfw IV’s are better, but compared to the M4’s and T-34’s they’re slightly worse.
Both the T-34 and M4 are also easier to play than a PzKpfw IV.

How about 11.7

All German vehicles should be at least 5 br’s above OP american crap from 1960’s fighting German WWII stuff .

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M16 has an entire extra gun and a LOT more ammo.

Haven’t you noticed that you already have a lot of vehicles from the 50s and 60s on WW2 era…
The most broken examples are the M51 and all kinds of howitzers.

Exactly ,that is why you move all American Mickey Mouse tanks (T Series) all Russian Objects tested after WWII from BR’s where they fight WWII Vehicles .

Then you create BR for those science fiction tanks (Sci-Fi as far as WWII is concerned) and they can fight each other.

Then you move those original Rats M56/M50/T92 into BR hosting 1970’s vehicles

We all know why game is in such state as it is …Business model comes first …who cares if War Thunder resembles Tanki more and more with each passing day.

Pz.4 are a bit demanding, but in my opinion they are good tanks.
When playing Tiger 2, you play as a heavy tank, so you automatically accept the loss of speed in favor of armor and cannon.
Tiger 2 is easy to play, they can often even take a hit to the side and nothing happens to them, just snail moment.
I don’t know, maybe I’m doing much better in them than other people because I’m just patient and I check everything, I listen to my surroundings, and I’m not going ahead to die.
Besides, German tanks are perfect for long-range combat, which people don’t do very often, from what I see, and maps often don’t allow it.
I need to refresh my Tiger I because I haven’t played them for a long time, but I think it should still be a pretty good tank.
The same with the Japanese, but I remember that they seemed much worse than the Pz.4.
T26E5, T34 and T26E1, they are easy to defeat, with the possible exception of the T26E5, but just shoot the barrel or the sides of the bottom plate or the mg port and you have it, remember that the T26E5 doesn’t have a better cannon and still has a regular 90mm gun from the M26, so a regular bullet from the front won’t do much to you, it may destroy the barrel, but he will have to switch to a sub-caliber bullet.
It’s a pity that this game went in such a direction that vehicles with HEAT ammo or howitzers from the 1960s are in the WW2 era

Generally, there are still a lot of prototypes of tanks and planes from the WW2 era, but they are still not added, not to mention vehicles that were mass-produced, such as the StuG IV.
You can already guess why this is so, all these vehicles are waiting for all kinds of future events and battle passes. It’s a pity that lately we only get vehicles copy-pasted from the tree, possibly with minor changes, see the last yak-3 or kungstiger.
What also bothers me is that they no longer add any interesting premium tanks that can normally be bought for gold, they only add battle passes that force you to farm.
It’s good that there is nothing interesting in the new one, just an Israeli howitzer, another howitzer…

You are talking about Tiger I from 2018 there …Tiget today is lol penned by everything it faces thanks to constant introduction of bullshit tanks that it is facing.

They don’t snipe since apart from Hurtgen and Sinai there are no long range maps in this game

Only tanks that can lol pen them are Maus and USSR 152 mm cannons ,all others have to flank (in german tanks lol) or look for one euro weak spots that 90 % don’t work

All part of “Lets grab the money before zombies wake up” plan

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I have no idea what you mean with the “lol pen”. They can be pierced normally in specific weakspots without any complicated tricks.
Especially the T34 and T26E1 are easy to defeat, only the T26E5 can pose any challenge.