You can’t use winrates as a measure of player skills. This is a team game with a 16v16 lobby and the actions of a single player are most of the time insignificant. Win or lose is up to the team. I would like to see you win a game when 3/4 of your team leaves after 5 minutes and you find yourself in a 3v15 situation.
If you want to throw stats around, show us your average relative position on team in RB (GRB since you say you are mostly a tank player) for the last month, then we talk. And if that particular stat is lower than 70%, you should honestly tone down a bit.
If you have a skill and play in the range of 1.0-7.0, you can contribute a lot to winning.
It’s obvious that it’s a multiplayer game and there are a lot of noobs, but with your skill you can significantly influence the outcome of the battle.
You can make lineups and not rely on just one tank.
Although, despite everything, in my case, my greatest results were achieved in one life.
I don’t know if the average position in the team is the best idea, considering that there are a lot of vechicles that are quite difficult to play, or weak and difficult to achieve results with, or depend on whether you get a downtier and are only good on the downtier, see Ho-I which I played recently.
Fairly good armor for the initial cannons, but its armament is terrible, about 43 mm of penetration for a APHE shell and 90 for a HEAT shell, and doesn’t do much damage. In addition, it has a low rate of fire.
At the downtier it was possible to get results, but at the uptier you are a whipping boy and there is not much you can do.
The T20 used to have only 3 forwards gears and 1 reverse gear.
This is no longer the case.
It has 6 forward gears and 2 reverse gears now, and accelerates only slightly worse than an M41.
Transmissions can definitely impact the overall mobility of a tank, no doubt. But it is important to understand why that is the case. The issue that the T20’s transmission used to have (too few gears) is simply not applicable whatsoever to the Pz.IV or Chi-Nu/To/Ri.
But that affects both tanks equally (as well as everyone else), and you can’t even claim volumetric is worse for one or the other - they fire shells of the same caliber. So that’s not an argument.
However, it hurts more when you shoot with an even more powerful gun with even better penetration and you still bounce or receive a “hit”
It especially hurts people in ob 292 who have 152mm cannon with 700mm of penetration and bounce off ifv xD
Two months before it became 6.3, which likely happened as an indirect or maybe even direct consequence of this change.
I’ve made this Reddit post that compares the straight line acceleration of the T20 before and after.
The biggest change in acceleration happened in the 25 to 40 km/h range. Which also just so happens to roughly be around the average speeds your tank will be traveling at.
Regarding CAS and spotting vehicles from a distance, etc. I forgot to mention FOG.
This is a mild case, an extreme situation was happened when I was playing strikemaster and the fog started 18-20 meters above the ground…
Which ones? Our primary ground attack aircraft remains in a neutered state in this game with missing wing racks, missing ordnance such as the SD 4 & SC 250, & other weaponry. Most of our fighters are also missing bombs, rockets, or both:
Furthermore, the Luftwaffe’s standard aerial anti-tank weapon, the SD 4 HL remains entirely missing from this game…