Sd.Kfz.251/21 should get a much higher BR

Sd.Kfz.251/21 should get a much higher BR, this vehicle is much better than even the SPAA on 4.0-5.7, better than any SPAA with a 20mm rapid-fire cannon.
3.3 is definitely too low for this vehicle.
You have 3x15mm mg, rapid fire 700 rpm, a large ammunition belt and HE belt.
Bassically you have M16 but with HE belt.
You can spray randomly in the sky and kill in literally one or two hits.
Considering that this SPAA is so good, it should be at BR 5.0 or even 6.0.
Just another brainless German vehicle at too low BR.

I played with this sdkfz and I am convinced that it is a very good spaa.
Some believe that 49 degrees of elevation, muzzle velocity and mobility are the weaknesses of this sdkfz.
I played with it myself and I can confidently say that it’s nonsense (excluding muzzle velocity).
Mobility is ok, apart from the fact that it’s a spaa, it’s supposed to shoot at planes, not drive around the map like a Ferrari.
The elevation works fine, in fact, if someone tried to attack from above, it didn’t work and he died, you can also position yourself so that you have a higher elevation, so I don’t see a problem.
Most people attack from a lower altitude anyway
The only real problems with this spaa it may actually be the muzzle velocity, but also something I noticed is the number of tracer bullets, which is a bit disturbing if the plane is flying straight at you and there is some unfavorable weather.
Sd.Kfz.251/21 should go to BR like 3.7/4.0, similarly to Ostwind, which for some reason was moved lower.
In every battle there is spam of this sdkfz, 2-5 in the team
I also don’t understand why German players don’t use planes, for example on 3.0 they have the Bf 109 F-2, which is a very good plane, especially for tank battles.
All this spitting of German players is only due to the fact that they have no skill, as can be seen in the screenshot, I only played this sdkfz as spaa, so I couldn’t do much in these battles on the ground. Only 2 out of 10 battles were won.
More than half of the battles looked like this, 2-3 minutes after the start the entire team was pushed to the respawn.
As always, it only confirms that German players have a skill issue and cannot play, even if they have good vehicles.

If you want to use a spaa to shoot at tanks, use Ostwind, especially on the downtier.




Lmao. This thing is worse than the Ostwind or Wirbel and you want it higher than them. Also M16 have actual good balistics compared to the MG151/15s


Since when is 960 m/s a worse muzzle velocity than 930 m/s?
You’re talking nonsense, without taking into account that the M16 itself is a very good SPAA, the Sd.Kfz.251/21 has an HE belt for it and has a higher rate of fire.


M16 has better fire rate, flatter trajectory and far far more consistent damage than German 15mm.

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XD? You must be joking, I see what happens in battles, how this sdkfz oneshoots planes, the M16 usually won’t kill you instantly, unless you’re flying in a very weak rank 1 plane or you’re flying quite close to the M16.
The HE belt on sdkfz do their job, the ballistic is good, in most battles it’s what I write about, i.e. people just spam the sky with this 3x15mm and get free kills, 1-2 hits and you die.
I don’t know what kind of person you have to be to say that 575rpm>700rpm, sdkfz has one MG less, but has a higher rate of fire and HE belt.

Doesn’t the Sd.Kfz have a pretty limited gun elevation, thus being helpless/easy to kill from above?


German 15mm damage is ass.
M16 has better fire rate, it has 4 guns not 1.
Ballistics of M16 are far better.

Just simple facts.


Only if you see him and know where he is.

Which you usually do…


Well, the M16 has 4 MG, I wrote that the sdkfz has one MG less. I guess you didn’t understand what I wrote.

Seems like you dont understand that you consider all the guns into the fire rate of the vehicle considering this is an AA, not a singular gun. But you just like to omit facts that dont fit your narrative.

The picture I am getting from all your useless complaint is that you fly straight and stable through the objective area and complain about getting hit. You can maneuver your plane you know?

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Well, if you destroy a tank and fly over the ground and get surprise bursts, it’s no wonder…
However, you need to be able to think and be aware that SPAA can also fire a random burst from a kilometer away and tear off your entire wing.
I love this wt community, you write something and they will immediately accuse you of lack of skill…
Apparently you don’t have the ability to use your brain, you can’t see that some things in this game don’t work, I understand that you wouldn’t complain about Strela-10M either and say that you can somehow kill it xD
You can, anything is possible, I once killed a Maus with a shot from the IS-6 into the gun’s breech.
This does not mean that all this is common.

There must be something wrong with your head to write something about making maneuvers with a plane to a player who has over 25k battles…

Obviously you have problems with your complaints that are EASILY negated by simple maneuvers.

Also simple fact: 251/21 has by far the WORST positive vertical guidance of any 3.3 br area AA vehicle

Because it’s a problem to position the vehicle so that you can shoot higher.
In case anyone forgot, SPAA can also hide behind buildings.
Most planes fly from a relatively low altitude anyway, that SPAA did very well in battles.
“simple maneuvers”? I’ve already written that you can spam with this sdkfz in the sky and don’t care about maneuvers. This is not Ostwind to shoot so precisely.

It just isnt hard to avoid them, simple maneuvers negate their fire rate. Also you can easily use terrain to your advantage or those buildings and drop a bomb next to them.
It really isnt the AAs fault that it can do its job, your fault for flying in a way they can easily kill you.

Well, it’s rather difficult to make maneuvers with the IL-2M, which is a slow cow, the guy, despite my maneuvers, killed me from well over a kilometer away, with one hit that tore off my entire wing.
That’s why I write that the 15mm with HE are too strong since it took 1-2 bullets to tear off the entire wing. This is not the first time that when hit, the plane behaves as if hit by a 40 mm gun.
SPAA on 4.0-5.7 are easier to avoid than this sdkfz and deal less damage.
Idk maybe it depends on the plane…

TLDR: CAS Main “Can’t beat 'em, get 'em a BR nerf.” cope.


But remember “germany suffers” so u have better BTR-152D at lower br.

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