Sd.Kfz.251/21 should get a much higher BR

Planes are not tanks. They are not meant to be hit. If you’re playing your aluminum airframe around surviving AA hits, you’re playing it completely wrong.

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You have 4k battles, maybe you are just inexperienced, there are a lot of good spaas in this game and people use them to destroy planes. idk problem.

The point is that the sdkfz has a lot of firepower, it’s not the ostwind or spaa with a 40mm gun with a slow rate of fire.

Brother what? You sound like the inexperienced one, you expect your plane to survive aa hits.


No. Read what I wrote earlier.

No. Theres no logic in it at all. You’re crying about an AA killing you when you get hit. You should instead be trying to prevent yourself from getting hit, I.E. maneuver. I’m a war thunder player with a history of whining about some shit, but I have never seen something this ridiculous. You’re mad that you got killed after getting hit in a plane?? really?


No, I’m mad at this particular spaa that has 3x15mm with a HE belt and can spam around the sky and it only takes one hit to kill you.
I have no problem avoiding regular spaas.
That’s what I’ve always wanted in this discussion, from the very beginning, it’s not an ostwind or a wirbelwind firing short bursts that are easy to avoid.

If you can avoid other AAs, wait for it, YOU CAN AVOID THIS ONE. It doesn’t have a radar, the rounds dont make it any easier to hit than any other AA. Players like you are why some vehicles get unjust uptiers and face shit they have no business fighting.


Maybe you should play this sdkfz yourself or play against some of them in battle to understand better.

I legit use the M16 until the M163, it’s god tier AA lol

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OMG what’s the argument that the spaa doesn’t have a radar, it can hit you anyway, here it depends on the player, if you have some skill you can hit it, what’s the argument that the vehicle doesn’t have a radar…

Maybe you should find a valid thing to whine about. This is just ridiculous.


Eidiculous is that a guy who has 4k battles in this game tells me that I don’t know what I see in battles and what I experience.

Okay, I’m stopping here for now, even war thunder players like me have a life, a sad life, but still a life ;d

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The limited upward radius of effect makes this SPAA easy prey for pilots with a bit of brains. However, if you underestimate this thing, you will quickly become cannon fodder. I see no reason to change anything.


Indeed, yet I don’t have any troubles dealing with this particular SPAA. Unlike you… :)

And that’s the problem. They don’t want to use the mass between their ears. All they want to do is flying low and slow above the battlefield without any opposition…

flagged for being “spam”…
OK… :D


You certainly don’t use your brain, do you understand that spaa may surprise you? Spaa can respawn or just shoot down from a kilometer away. I won’t try harder because I’m repeating myself 10 times.
Not everyone plays with a plane just to hunt spaa.
I have no problem with destroying spaa. You have problems with logical reasoning and reading.
3x15mm with HE belt, rate of fire and surprise shooting, not everyone uses cheats or has thermal vision in their eyes to see a non-firing spaa from several kilometers away.
I use this thing between my ears to think. Unlike you :)

And this is sometimes the main point that 80% of all crash pilots underestimate. The element of surprise.
Not all SPAA players have a loose finger on the trigger.
That’s just the way the game works.

Those who circle slowly and low over the battlefield will end up as SPAA fodder. And it doesn’t matter which SPAA is there. The most important thing is that the player can handle it. This requires practice and many pilots often think they are safe because many shoot more holes in the air than in planes. It only gets hairy when there’s someone standing there who knows what he’s doing. And basically it doesn’t matter whether it’s an M16, BTR152A, Pbv 301 or Sd.Kfz.251/21. They are all equally good and do their job.

Personally, I find it difficult to take demands for BR adjustments seriously when the number of rounds the author has completed in SPAA vehicles is within this limited range.
This is one of the reasons why I started using aircraft. I had to see for myself if the whole CAS issue was that bad or if it could be dealt with.


What? 😆 better move it to 10BR then.


Apparently not if you have an issue with an SPAA with such a giant blindspot… :)