Scouting missing reward

Noticed on some matches after scouting an enemy, when destroyed by an ally i don’t get any rp just some silver lions. It also doesn’t count as an assist & the kill-message is just “scouted target destroyed”.

Has anyone else encountered this or am i missing something?

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I think it depends on time when enemy was scouted. But even then it doesn’t work properly.

After the recent changes it went to a timer with reduced rewards.

Probably is the “not by intelligence” award that they implemented in February. If the enemy you scouted was destroyed by an ally who had already shot that enemy, it doesn’t count as an “Intelligence” award, so you don’t get RP and an assist.

See this post:

They ruined scouting so you can’t complete your dailies anymore, something literally no one asked for.

What is funny though is that they decided to make scouting actually work now, so all the failure to scout a target and it not working was a design choice, baffling, but unsurprising.

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