Theres a very limited amount of tanks that can actively shoot drones down, even with IRST , radar and proxy. I know as ive tried it even with yorks, bagliets, wz305 , amx dca, falcon, chieftain marksman, the chinse SPAA at 8.3 PGZ04 is it?
No but it does substantially change things when you are claiming to be able to shoot things like scout drones down with ease. Ive got six out of the ten trees of the game at top tier, and must say the literal hardest thing to hit is a scout drone.
No worries then.
I play solo and do it regularly when using stuff like the CV90105, its literally how to print nukes with it.
You dont understand, im saying if more than one person is on cap, and the team is around the cap, the drone allows you to :
1, pick the target with highest prioritisation.
2. avoid being in bad positions in comparisson to the enemy
3. also allows you see exactly what they are doing
as per the screenshot above, the drone not only allowed me to get 9 kills and 1 assist, it also allowed me to know where the most dangerous enemies were, avoid them and subsequently just over half their team.
It took 2 2s38s and a PGZ09 to shoot the damn drone down.
Just because situationally cas has a different role which is directly effective, does not mitigate how effective the drone is / can be.
If your arguement is “it shouldn’t cost anything as it isn’t cas and doesn’t reward you” then its poor af.
The scout drone rewards you in a passive manner that you have to take the initiative to actively use.
Just cause its not throwing RP and SL directly at you doesn’t mean it isn’t earning you a plethora of it, keep that in mind.
I’m sorry then what is it measured in? the SP literally is determined how potentially effective the vehicle is in that match. Hence why if you have say an A7D with mavericks it costs more to spawn than say an F15A with GBUs.
As for ground vehicles, look at a down tier, if you are the top one say a 10.3 going to 9.3, your tank costs more SP because it has a higher potential effectiveness. Regardless if you drive it into a wall for the full game.
Then why bother commenting on a discussion if you do not want to discuss.
In the screenshot of the battle above i left my drone hovering above 2 2s38s and a gepard and it took them about 2 minutes focusing on it alone, which allowed me to focus elsewhere as my team crushed them.
Drones are only found in high tier light tanks. Anybody who opposes drones is also opposed to light tanks. At high tier, MBTs are the most powerful. MBTs not only match the speed of light tanks at high tier, but also have armour and better guns. Without drones, light tanks wouldn’t be fun to play.
Scout drones make gameplay more dynamic. They discourage camping and encourage teamwork. Scout drones can even be used to correct artillery fire, an uniquely interesting tactic.
They are still far to powerful. if you want a drone spawn a jet with a targeting pod or a predator drone. These drones fundamentally break how games should be designed.
The scout drone is to small and I use it a lot getting shot down by 12.7mm machinegun fire or autocannons. Scout drones can be dangerous and annoying on hight attidude revealing your spaa/tank postion to CAS nearby to send you back to garage quickly.
Update. scout drones are about to revive one of the most impactful changes possible. you may now use them while still controlling your vehicle. this means free intel at no cost to using your tank. Scout drones are now even more indisputably game breaking.
CV90105 is one of the last great lights and many others higher up lost a bit of their usability.
That being said, I think scout drones would need some nerfs, like limited usage or something.
Change the flight model, make it less maneuverable and agile
Fix the damage model, it’s currently WAY too strong and borderline broken to the point of surviving HE and direct SAM hits and AA fire.
If left unattended it should crash into the ground, no hand holding, and no snake pattern that makes it impossible to hit.
Add a battery limit, so that it’s only effective for so long and not for the entire duration of the battle.
That or make it a bigger quad copter type UAV that has to hover still when left unattended, making it easier to take it down, that would be a good place to start.