Scout drones break top tier ground rb and should be removed or changed

I know scout drones are fun and useful but they are too useful. They allow any player who has them instant risk free knowledge of the entire map. This is breaking a core tenant of good game design, not that Gaijin cares about that. Information on your opponent should never be entirely risk free and if it is should always come at a cost. One person playing the drone correctly changes the balance of the game so uncontrollably that their is no option for drones to be free. If their is a good scout drone you cant flank, they’ll see you. You cant manually scout, they’ll spot you. The only counter play it is to rush as an MBT because whats the point of a LT when they’ll always see you anyway. Or you can try to destroy the hyper manuverable small drone flying at 100km/h 3 km away. Not to mention how they can easily absorb direct VT1 hits, Ka 50s are more vulnerable then these tiny bastards.

I have 2 solutions for this problem.

  1. Remove the drone out right. This fix’s the game breaking issues entirely and all that was lost was videos of air field bombardment. Gaijin would never do this as removing broken additions is not in their playbook.
  2. Add a spoting or kill cost to the drone like AB. For instance maybe 1-2 kills or 3 destroyed spotted targets. This adds a degree of risk in gaining the drone and makes them a valuable item instead of the disposability they currently have. By forcing at least SOME interaction with the ground battle in the ground game mode.
  1. Add a timer for drone usage that extends with every kill you make or something
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We… dont have this. It literally doesnt exist lmao, drones are free in AB. [For good reason, who would use them if they werent.]

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Or 4. We all have to live with Gaijin’s poor implementations.


i mean like plane spawning mechanic not drone mecanic. imagine it like how you need to spawn nuke carier.

Agreed. The core problem is Gaijin trying to add more and more features, no matter how stupid they are.
It was the same with Helicopters that add nothing positive to the game.
Gaijin should start focusing more on fixing the game and keeping the balance.


Drone age - most cancerous and useless update ever! Should have been reversed the following update!


You guys are the same people who complained about Modern stuff being added like AH-64, KA-50/Ka-52. ATGM’s, Recoilless rifles. Heavily armed dreadnoughts and AP bombs are a few examples. To be removed over the years. Guess I can add to the massive list of drones.

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Idk if the concept of people complaining about things because they think they aren’t fair came across you mind once.
It’s not that these things are just modern, it’s that these things are/were broken in these peoples’ eyes.

They should certainly have a limited battery (Like 2 minutes tops), if only to prevent them from cluttering up the IRST/RADAR returns late game. Any drone that’s left in orbit mode will do so infinitely until the game ends, while also being unengagable by most SPAA, meaning they’ll will constanly be a “fake” return on the IRST/RADAR scope.

Scout drones generally aren’t well implemented. It is effectively perfect recon at will with no cost, and there isn’t much the enemy can do about it. The only things I’ve seen consistently kill scout drones are proxy HE and very high performance IR missiles (and only at longer ranges).

However, the reason they’re so rarely used is because it’s completely unrewarding to play. As a drone operator, you get absolutely no compensation for the kills you set up. It’s alway depressing to have fantastic overwatch that’s just feeding you kills, and then look at the scoreboard to see them sitting at the bottom.

I propose a couple changes:

  • First, drone pings would tag to all tanks within some range of the ping, for 10-15 seconds. They wouldn’t be marked for your team outside the ping, but any of those tanks that die while the tag is active reward the drone pilot with a recon assist (worth less than a standard or scouting assist).
  • Drones would have a limited battery of 1-2 minutes (increased at higher tiers?), after which they will fall from the sky and crash. Drones would also immediately lose battery and crash or simply despawn once the vehicle they were launched from is destroyed.
  • Drones would have multiple (Or infinite?) charges, with a longish cooldown between launches. This cooldown could be decreased by scouting and assists, discouraging players from sitting at the back and spamming drones.
  • Add more anti-drone countermeasures. Jammers around the enemy spawn that disable the drone if they fly too close, or more weapons that can directly engage them. Basically, enemy players should have more ways to interact with a drone that’s currently feeding all of their positions to the enemy team.

Basically, scout drones should be a powerful but limited tool that requires careful consideration on when to use, rewards good usage, and isn’t uncounterable.


Reconnaissance drones are not as powerful. It works as a “passive” scout than a “direct” scout tool. They’re quite rewarding, on the start of the match of you manage to shoot down one, you’ll get ‘First Strike’ award and a air vehicle kill.

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and like 400 SL… and that after shooting down a drone what is nearly impossible with most vehicles

Mate UAVs are incapable of engaging targets and the only drones that are, are relatively expensive and only equipped with 2 anti armored related missiles.

This is the equivalent of complaining about plane spam. It’s the same thing with a different coat and shade of paint.

Guess what, there is many players, too, that complain about plane spam.
Even though that’s not comparable but anyways…

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Anecdotal evidence, is that all?

Drones don’t fly in straight lines, they always wabble. On top of that they are extremely tiny.

Many anti-air missiles won’t even get triggered by how tiny the renaissance drones are. It’s literally impossible to shot down a such drone with the VT1 for example.

Nobody over the player lvl of 5 does that.

I’ve seen higher levels do that. It isn’t only low levels.
Yes, they don’t. So do your job and shoot them down. :D. Other wise these posts are completely pointless.

Only because you have seen higher levels do that occasionally, that is why any critics about planes is automatically wrong?
Your whole argument is based of anecdotal evidence. This makes no sense, 0%, it’s illogical.

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