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they should remove drones 100% it was one of the worst thing they added to this game
I like you to shoot it down with lmg while the scout drone is flying 3 km above you verhicle unless you play SPAA but then is funny to waste missile on scout drone if the drone player just can get another one from the capture point. Shooting on scout drone also reveal your postion to enemies nearby.
That’s nearly no different from using scouting on a tank. There is just less of a chance. You folks tend to complain about scouting on tanks but you now swapped to complaining about drones doing the same thing.
Probably because both are novel ideas but with some real problems. That you can still be scouted after destroying the vehicle that scouted you and having you highlighted on the minimap is really silly (there no counterplay either, you can’t smoke it off or anything, and arguing for it: there’s no grace attempts for failed scouting and losing assists because the guy died 1 nanosecond after the scouting expired is real cool). And Scout drones, while less immediately frustrating; have far more value than Strike drones with no real cost and imo have always been more broken.
A fair and logical reasoning than what the other folks were replaying with. ^_^b
The big issue is the game hasnt changed in literally years, game modes, maps and systems are designed for WW2 and post WW2 tanks, not abrams Sep V2s and the likes.
Now we have scout drones on big massive open maps which
A. Have no battery life.
B. Are insanely difficult to actually shoot down.
C. are also Incredibly busted because people can essentially use them even running a flank solo to just hop in, see where someone is, hop out and fire.
They remove the realistic spotting and such from RB
Fair points. Fair points however once again Scout Drones don’t have any weapons. Most also don’t use the map.
Completely irrelevant that they carry weapons or not.
They actively can point out where people are both on the screen and on the minimap.
As well as this, when a player chooses to use it, say near a capture point, they can quickly identify the location of everyone on said point then facilitaty easily wiping them out.
Ive done it with the CV90105 multiple times wiping up to 5 people a time.
Mate, they do not carry weapons isn’t irrelevant, you’re just making them irrelevant cause you want them removed despite them being nothing more than a nuisance at best.
Also even if they added a battery it would be around 12-48 hours. In the game that’s around 6 hours when you need to balance it. So the battery is negligible at best.
Mate, a nuisance??
The drone that offers a birds eye view of the area, has thermals, great optics and a form of spotting mechanic, you dont see the issue to that when only one specific vehicle has access too it.
You’ve only one argument and that is it doesn’t have weapons it doesn’t need them to an unfair advantage. Completely ignoring how biblically difficult they are to even hit in the first place and most the time when you do hit them, its just that hit and then it buggers off.
You can literally hop into it, paint up an entire cap point, whilst also advancing to said point mind you and know exactly where everyone is.
Who said its to be a realistic battery.
Reloads are used for balancing as are ammunitions.
So they can very well balance using the air time of the drone.
Oh also in response to this, it doesnt just ping the map, it puts a big red marker on the screen as well. Which last i checked isnt very realistic
Scout drones are pretty strong for a solo player as they give you perfect awareness, especially if you’re flanking.
However, in full squads they go from strong to outright broken.
Have you ever used them?
I genuinely reckon you haven’t at all.
I totally agree! Drones utterly ruin Top Tier! I am so heavily abusing drones currently its not funny anymore. No one is able to flank anymore. Enemy get constantly sniped through whole forests and theres nothing they can do to prevent it. The best solution in my opinion is to remove them outright.
Or at least give them a short live span before you have to reload them again.
As it stands right now, its just POINTLESS to play against a team with drone usage. The whole cat and mouse mechanic is just gone and it becomes a game of click the red arrow.
- Remove them (best scenario)
- Give them a short battery live (second best scenario)
- Or at least remove thermal vision from them since thats the creme de la creme of OP
- Or remove the ability to mark targets on the map. Let the drone operator mark the map by hand. That at least would require SOME form of skill.
How bad you have to be to get killed through a whole forest …
Like come on be mobile hide fight back… use the drones to your advantage try to kill them for extra SP
Oh btw if someone is flying a drone they are occupied their vehicle can’t do much you spot him it is free xp my dude
Dude - reading is not your strong suite…I USE drones EXACTLY for killing enemys through whole forests. Today I killed a BMP through 3 containers - he had no chance to see me. And how bad do you have to be to think you would always be moving? Holding angles is half of the game in Top Tier. If you move out of cover just for the sake of moving you are dead quicker than you can write “mimimi I have no idea how to play”
On top of that: You can move while beeing in drone view. Its totally possible to be cruising over the map at high speed and simoultaneously scout with drones. Also it takes exactly 0 seconds to switch between drone view and gunner sight. You can spot with a drone, set a mark, smoke yourself and instantly are able to shoot an enemy through your own smoke without him having any chance. Theres so much bullshit you can do. And I totally utterly abuse drones. But I hate that its possible because its cancer.
Oh and I just checked your profile…your most played tank is the XM1 and you dont even have a positive KD in it…I believe you just have not yet fathomed how utterly OP drones are. Its called the dunning kruger effect. If you knew how to abuse them maybe you would think differently…
I agree I did not read correctly…
oh btw K/D does not mean anything in this game since we don’t play ranked games ;)
But I play this game since the begining so I am quite qualified to have my own opinion and I belive that drones are not OP in any means if you use more then 2 brain cells to actually be mobile and use the terrain to your advantage as the game devs tought you would play ;) the smoke method leaves you a sitting duck as well
You can’t be mobile against a tiny flying wasp that can see you with thermals, great optics and a birds eye view.
Secondly its incredibly difficult to even hit the buggers never mind destroy them.
I absolutely abuse them with teh CV90 105 man allows me to scan a full cap point get locations of everyone on / near it then wipe em out.
Right, hop into a 10.3 match with me, ill use a CV 90105 , you use an MBT will see who wins.
The drone allows me to know exactly where you are at all times, it has thermals, fantastic FoV, can fly to massive altitude and hover, whilst I move and relocate around you.
Ive got over 3000 hours on the game and have yet to find something as stupidly broken as these drones, if you have a squad of 3 people and one uses a drone youll be lucky to win.
hell take a 12.0 MBT! my CV 90 105 will have the far greater advantage in spotting over all and mobility around safe spots around you.