SB is in such a broken state, will it ever be worked on again?


Honestly Schindibee, we’ve made so many efforts to voice our opinions.

We’ve written Feedback on Forums, made Open Letters on the Forum and Reddit, have taken part in surveys…

What else do you want us (the players, not employees of Gaijin) to do?

If people at Gaijin were the least bit competent, they would’ve made changes to SB ages ago.

Everything that’s gotten better since the introduction of UA* has only been collateral because those changes were for the “main gamemode” which is RB.

They do NOT listen to us and are more than abusive towards us the players.

I know that you are not directly employed by Gaijin and do not have a contact with the devs. You’ve said so yourself. And thus I admire your commitment to this forum and gamemode.

But please do not tell us again and again to write everything we’ve said over and over and over again over all of these years in a goddamn feedback forum. At least be honest to all these newcomers that do not know what we’ve already written in the old forums regarding all of this.

The Devs are a bunch of greedy slimy pricks that don’t care one bit for SB and from what I can tell never will.

If you really need feedback, fine. I’ll make it simple:

  • Remove Useful Action
  • Swap Spawn Cost for Repair cost
  • Stop undertiering Premiums
  • Stop by the forums and give us feedback on our feedback (the DEVS, not Gamemasters)

There you go. Signing off.

*Useful Action


I read somewhere that feedback given on russian forum is much more impactful as devs are active there. Also that russian feedback is often different than western.

that’s an issue on their side. how the hell do they not have an employee that communicates with the western playerbase (which is most likely much bigger than the russian playerbase)?

They do… obviously. This is not what I wrote.

well if they do, they do not talk to us the sim community.

[Development] Collecting Your Ideas for the 2024 Roadmap - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum

Please help make Sim great again! = )

I don’t think they treat it as “SimCommunity”, “RB community” etc. It’s one game.

You have the wrong representation about the Russian forum. There are no developers on the ru-forum. At least I don’t remember them standing out in communication. But there are many -very- useful watchmen from gj who can write -very- useful things. No extra news, no instant reports about problem.
Devs: More feedbacks from russian forum?
Wathmans: Oh ee ↓↓↓

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Yea, they ignore whole comunity until everything explodes

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With how much mess ru forum is it is understandable

how much mess is it? :D

imagine there was random tags on a every post and no country\suggestion\category specific tags. And full of 12y.o. minds arguing how soviet(especially ka-52) is underperforming. At least that was last time I checked it(4-6 month ago maybe?)

we sim players are probably the “collective west” and letting the sim mode rot is a “military special operation” of the Russian developers.

sorry but I’ve written so much here and made so many suggestions. now all that’s left is a touch of sarcasm. we sim players are really unlucky. we deserve sensible developers.

I also don’t agree Schindibee that we ALL be a WT community.
What do Air SB pilots have in common with Navy RB captains? - none!


I very much regret the time investment I’ve put into trying to make Air SB better here on the forums and in the game, as should all of you.
Being passionate about a video game is one thing, being insistent on improving it when it’s clearly falling on deaf ears is another.

What we all see in EC sim is potential - potential for it to be something great - This potential is not being realised and there’s zero plans for Gaijin to have it realised. I’m calling it now, there will be nothing regarding Air SB in the next roadmap, and we’ll be back to yelling into the void for yet another year on the forums. Until Gaijin acknowledges SB or gives SB an official air SB feedback topic, there’s no point in yelling into this void.

Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.

edit: Also Schindibee, knock it off with this out of touch lecturing on our feedback. The ball is in Gaijin’s court now.


how about some sim players try to get in contact with this MikeGoesBoom?! the one who always does these update previews. the one who always sits on the left. not the michael jackson with long hair.

MikeGoesBoom once made a stream in german (he is german). he once said that SIM is the best mode that should be expanded. he praised Sim features that have more potential than anything in AB and RB. most people probably didn’t realize that. he should say that more often in english!

anyway, the forum is ineffective. we know that. waiting and hoping for the roadmap is probably ineffective too. maybe talking to this guy about the problems in sim would be a first step?
I think a few sim players would have to try that together. a snappy camel alone wouldn’t do anything.
of course he can’t work miracles. but at least sim players could talk about our bad situation. maybe even publicly? or privately. so he would at least hear us and take note of it. I don’t know who else the sim community could turn to? some RB streamers who only want to profit won’t help us in any way.

I don’t know how much influence Mike has. but he does the previews!

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Very much how I feel… until I see actual improvements to simulator, War Thunder is remaining uninstalled and I will not be giving any more money to Gaijin. A roadmap is not enough, we need actual change. Gaijin has proven to us now that they will abandon the roadmap as soon as people stop caring about it.

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We tried. We gave feedback. We presented an open letter to gaijin. We literally brought up various suggestions FOR YEARS.

Why should we expect this time to be better? What guarantees can the devs provide?


Their approach to air sim has been negligent at best and down right malicious at worst. I was once optimistic about this, but the past few years made me realise that i was simply wasting my money on this dumpster fire. Instead I spend it elswhere.

I still play WT for the tank gameplay in RB, as that area at least has the devs attention, but im a FtP player now. Gaijin dont deserve my money.

They could have provided a fun competitor for the air sim community, something a little easier to access than DCS and a bit more varied than IL2. But nah.

1/10 would not play sim again. My biggest regret was getting into Sim EC in the first place.


you as a player are doing exactly what Gaijin wants. of course it’s your decision. but if we Sim players all only play RB Tanks, everything has really been in vain.

I would like to point out that the sim lobby was full of battles yesterday. you could scroll endlessly. that means there are a lot of people who want to play it. at least temporarily. if Gaijin’s people are not completely blind then they must have noticed it too.

They are full because event grind

90% of lobies are like this, other team is stacked with Su25K

this is much better than a big 16 vs 16 chaos. at least you have air to breathe in a room and can play tactically. in completely crowded rooms the life expectancy is what? 2 minutes max. it’s no fun and feels like an arcade.

and yes, of course people grind. we’re in a game with techtrees and silverlions. to stop people from grinding, you’d have to get rid of techtrees and silverlions. which would actually be a good idea for a new sim.

there are a lot of rooms. more than usual. that’s positive. I don’t care what people do there. the main thing is that people play sim. and the main thing is that there are lots of rooms. lots of rooms with fewer players is better than few overcrowded rooms.

but it would be important that the players who have left the room are no longer displayed. otherwise new people think the room is full and do not join.

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