SB Brs are better than RB Brs

Some sim brackets are still wildly out of sync, especially when post-war is concerned. They did some foxes last time but there’s still outliers.

Yeah, I play sim sometimes but it is a complete joke that FGR.2 has the same BR with F-4EJ which doesn’t have PD radar and dogfight sparrows. All british Phantoms should be at 11.3BR instead 10.7BR, but that has not happened for years for somehow.

Reminder F-104 was moved DOWN to 9.3 and stayed there for some time, thus snail had statistical evidence of Starfighter underperforming, moved it down and is “okay” at current place.

What you’re complaining is BR compression, something snail has yet to show interest in actually fixing besides moving compression hotspots back and forth.

F-104A/C are 9.3 and can’t go 9.7 rn because they got insta wiped by some 10.3/10.7s like MiG-21SMT/MF, F-5E, Kfir Canard that is one of undertiered plane at its BR. That is certainly attributable to BR compression, but rotational BR basically simulates decompression. The problem with the F-104A is that it faces early missile and missile-less subsonic jets and the F-104A itself has no problem facing other early supersonic aircraft such as the MiG-19, MiG-21, EEL, etc.

Reminder how 9.7BR hardcap almost works fine in 2019 to 2020 until F-104 comes because subsonics couldn’t face against early supersonics at that time.