SARH Missile Performance Issues

I had decent success with the AIM-7M this evening, but the F is entirely fudged. 5-15KM shots were just completely off the wall. Not sure why we keep having these issues come back up. I also don’t know why the sudden change that SARH missiles are being affected by flares? PD mode that shouldn’t be a thing at all.

Hi, please leave a report with correct format and I will take a look, I am not sure why AIM-7’s behavior is so poor.

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Its lack of TWS and HMD is what keeps it in 12.3. Also the AIM 7s are very meh compared to the ERs.


Is there any footage that we may review?

And its still wasnt solved? 7f is still a garbage. They are working on chance lol. You have a stady radar lock, full missile lock as well and, when you launch, it goes anywhere it wants. Or yes - going to flares. Missile, SARH that needs a lock untill impact goes to flares.

After gaijin intentionally broke rocket farm for f4s and such, would be nice to at least fix the only weapon that jet has. I dont count rear sided ir missile on 12.0br or gunpod in matches, where you easely encounter aim120 and playing against f14 every single match.

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Lmao skill issue

Maybe. The thing is there is nothing i can possibly do better. There is no better lock.

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There is things you can do better, like only firing missiles on proper targets. Just because yoy have a lock doesn’t mean you should fire immediately. Wait until the target is close enough and in the right aspect to where it will not be able to notch before the missile hits. And understand the limitations of your own radar. The closer to directly headon and faster the target is closing, the better the target becomes. Position yourself to create those situations, thatbis where you lack skill clearly.

Why would i wait for them to come close, in range of their ir missiles and get killed? I launch from 10 to 5km.
And in cases im talking about radar never loses the lock. Not for a goddamn millisecond.

Then you are shooting at targets in a bad aspect, likely already close to the notch if they are able to reach it with a 5km launch

Im not. But even if i would: why would i care? 7f aint active. Its enslaved to radar so, if my plane didnt lose the lock, i should not care about projection of a target.

You should! Just because your radar has not dropped lock, doesnt mean the target aircraft is not within the notch for the missile. And again, the better target presented to it, the more likely to have success with a missile shot.

Well 8/10 targets are almost straight head-ons simply because f4s radar is a pile of shit, that require abuse of serious Dambledore level magic to make it lock the target, even in hdn mode against an enemy on head-on course.
And f7 manage to fly away in that scenario. There is something seriously wrong with that missile. It cant be that bad.

I mean in head ons you should be using SRC anyways. The whole point of SRC is to determine the velocity difference between you and surrounding noise.

Edit: I think I was half asleep writing this. I meant to type PDV, so sorry for anyone that I may have confused. SRC is standard search mode. PDV is pulse is used for velocity differential.

I just came here to say, after my break from the game. I still feel so bad for you, as UK continues to suffer…

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The APG-59 with Aim-7F is just fine on the F-4J/S. How about try to go play the F-4E with its non PD APQ-120 then come back and we can talk about poorly implemented radars.

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the one that constantly disabled by earth? that one? no, thx. i wont touch that unfiltered old shit with a 10m pole.

its 0.7br lower with maverics? whats your argument exactly? i dont get it. i said that 7f are not working properly. you saying to me, that because on a lower br exists another phantom with another radar and a missile, its ok to have often just not working missile and barely working radar? idk what to tell you.

Its working just fine. And yes the F-4E is lower in BR even though it has ATG ordinance. That shows you how powerful a PD radar is, especially on the F-4S which also has HMS and the Navy’s version of Agile eagle.

Sounds ur just having a mild amount of Skill Issue

yeah. just fine. its just src just doesnt work unless an enemy right in fron of me and much higher. HDN works from time to time and only in the moment of switching, lock button works about 1\20 times.
and its just radar. even if this shit worked, 7F still can just ignore the lock and fly to where it wants. straight, hard to the side, to the ground, anywhere.

sounds like you dont have F-4S