Saitek X56 not working

Theres no way to bind the X56 in the game properly. Whenever I choose an axis it binds the mouse axis instead, and even if I somehow manage the axes properly the neutral position for the stick if far left far forward in the cockpit. Control setup wizard didn’t help either!

Have you installed the Logitech software and drivers correctly?

Default windows drivers may not work
109.blk (7.9 KB)

Here are my settings for 109 . . .X.52 . .hope it helps

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Downloading drivers, and understanding what ,Controls mode" with regards to mouse movement does fixed the issue. Currently binding everything. Thanks


First off

Joystick VTOL (Dual Throttle).blk (15.9 KB)

X-56 Config

secondly what control scheme have you selected at the top?

Thirdly. Have you tried unplugging your mouse before configing the joystick? Sounds like you might have some minor drift on your mouse, so when you go to set an axis, its defaulting to selecting the mouse before the joystick

This sounds like a missing driver/ joystick configuration issue?

Also is the joystick new? If its second hand, it might have some internal issues

Do u have ibk file for controlls of x56 in war thunder

Joystick VTOL (Dual Throttle).blk (18.4 KB)

Ignore the name, I use to have set-ups for different aircraft, but got fed up with switching, so this is an all-in-one set up that will handle wing sweep or vectored thrust with the dual throttle

That is my most up-to-date config for the X-56.

Quick and dirty rundown

Trigger is the primary fire
main pickle button is set to both fire secondary and drop series (drop series is disabled when weapon selector is on)
button on the right of the stick locks target

Going clockwise around each starting at the top

left hand DPAD handles radar (Radar mode, scale, ACM, mode)
Bottom right handles weapon controls (ripple mode, CM mode, weapon selection, sight mode)
Top right is more miscellaneious (tpod, drop tanks, IRST, CCRP target

Pinky trigger is for lock radar
Pinky button is drop CMs (note its set to drop flares and chaff so selected CM has no impact)

thumb stick for lock, click for zoom. Will also move the tpod

on the Throttle, going front to back

Engine toggle
SAS Mode

periodic CM drop
fire exstinguisher

activate target point
deactivate target point

MAWS slaving
radar toggle

the two hat switches handle manual radar controls. top handles elevation, bottom X and Y radar movement

my thumb stick and the button above are broken, so I dont use. use to use them X and Y radar movement and for laser

rocker on the back of the throttle, up for toggle weapon selector, down for drag chute

left button chaff, right button flares

top button for laser, the one below handles airbrakes

going left to right for the front switches

thrust reverse
cannon CCIP + manual wing sweep

Flaps up
Flaps down

nothing (use to be airbrakes, but havent had the need to remap yet)

and I think that is every thing on the HOTAS.

I still use the keyboard for a few controls, like

1 for cockpit close
2 for cockpit light
3 for cockpit HUD toggle
4, 5 and 6 handle MFDs
7 MFD zoom

For TPOD aiming, I still use the mouse.

So ctrl+left click stablises the sight, ctrl+right click disables it
clicking middle mouse button enables the laser
mouse wheel handles zoom (right click instantly toggles still)
left click will fire A2G weapon