Safe Exit planes in Ground AB

Don’t make my arguments or statements for me, you have no idea what I want or stand for.

Not necessarily, hence why I pointed out that a crit doesn’t mean you’re gauranteed the kill, but you lean to it being as though it is, always.

And it’s not just the exit zone making them disappear that is your issue, if you had them get safe and sound, you’d have merely been shooting an AI plane that didn’t count toward a lot of tasks.

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You’re putting the cart before the horse. SPAA costs have historically been extremely high in AB specifically because of the extreme ease with which one can farm kills, just putting a couple rounds into everything that flies and waiting around for them to crash.


An SPAA’s job, especially in AB, is to kill an enemy plane before it drops its ordnance. If you don’t do this you’ve already failed.

OP is complaining that they aren’t awarded a kill despite failing at their main job, then also failing to kill the plane while it’s still under player control.

The current system still needs further improvement, but this change is a step in the right direction.

And even if he gets a kill get gets absolutely nothing because rewards are nerfed in the ground because they’re balanced around getting a higher number of kills.

Again, cart before the horse. Reward multipliers and such are calculated automatically even more so than BRs are; you don’t design or balance the game around awards.

Rewards are the goal of the game for many players, messing with the rewards messes with player behaviour which doesn’t leave you with distorted data on which rewards will be based.

…yes, that’s generally the purpose of rewards in games.

Okay, then having really bad rewards to skew player behaviour and then base your rewards based on that altered player behaviour is stupid?

Did you miss the part where it is a question?

In fact I think it counts as a “player kill” even after “safe and sound” if the damage was done before.

Even if it were not, at least you’d get satisfying Aircraft Destroyed. You want the game to be enjoyable, not non-enjoyable, no? Logics.

“Pray harder to RNG!!!” - the argument.

A crit or a fire is usually a death sentence. Or it used to be.
Also this “right direction” system comes at the expense of enjoyment of SPAA, you know like real vehicles in ground AB that you pay repair and own and grind modules for, not bs phantom planes you pay nothing for or not even own.

BTW, as a side-note but also as more context, if I wasn’t grinding the camos and instead just the SL or the modules or the next tank, I would always jump in a fighter instead. Cause it’s more effective than a SPAA and costs nothing.

were not talking about ground rb bozo. planes in ab have different flight models

Hi bro, as i see not just i am the one who realised, this new feature half ready…


Improvement for safe exit solution in ground battle - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum

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That’s nonsense.

There’s no question in that, even though you’ve thrown out a ‘what is the point’ at the end of your attempt to make my statement.


Your enjoyment is none of my concern, but the thing is it’s not counted as a player kill if it dies after the player has left it.

A lot of the true issue is mindset and perception, and you are fixated on being hung up on the fact you missed out on ONE kill, which you think you were entitled to.

And that entitlement makes you throw out things like making out that it’s ‘decency’ to crash because you’d hit them.

Seriously though, I don’t care for your issue, and you can wallow about in that all day if you want, as at the end of the day it comes back to this merely being a whinge thread, and nothing other than that as you refuse to accept anything other than backpats for your issue.

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Even without “what’s the point” it would still be a question, genius. How about you answer it already?

How sure are you about that?’
Cause I’m pretty sure I get it even after the player leaves.

You keep repeating you don’t care about my issue, yet you take the time to post. Why? And why are you so opposed to this? What are the downsides of SPAA having fun?
That you give up a kill in a nonexistent plane? It doesn’t even count on any of your stats or repair or for anything, it only counts for the SPAA or whomever downs the ghost ground AB plane.

Haven’t managed to use a safe exit at all yet either shot down or there doesn’t seem to be one - what are hte “rules” for them again?

Also of course planes could always jsut fly off and never get killed in the previous system - so WTF is the fuss about?

The way you attack people is indicative that the issue is truly with you.

As fighter/interceptor you kill the bomber/strike aircraft (and it’s escorts if there’s any) and there should be a small black icon somewhere in the air, you go to it and it’s done when you reach it.

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Thanks - is it only for fighters?

It’s for bombers/strike aircraft too. I think you need to bomb some tank for safe exit to appear, but don’t quote me on that cause I rarely spawn bomber (though I got it as bomber too).

And they still do the same. But when you get critical hit or fire on them, they died.

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Several players asked for this…for years…the idea is obviously to remove the suicidal attacks…
Of course…this also removed some easy AAA kills when the fighters would dive on you…
Game looks better and more realistic without (or with much less) the suicidal planes…and AAA should actually engage planes that are NOT diving on them :)

IMHO it was an improvement…and BTW…the plane can opt NOT TO LEAVE if they want to…

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laughs in Bkan

This was “easy” and made SPAAs the best kill ratio vehicles BY FAR. I used SPAA as 3rd vehicle a lot…
Was somewhat fun and it did provide nice rewards…but was far from realistic…and the crashing planes were annoying as hell IMHO.
Also agree this is a good step…even if it will cost me :)