Improvement idea for safe exit solution in ground battle

My old balance note:


In ground battle:

-Planes Can’t able to collect research points for next plane(Except Attackers)
-Credit 0.5 multipler for destroyed ground units
-Credit 1,2 multipler for destroyed air units
-Ground units which destoyed with plane not will count for the skill bonus(not a skill to drop a 12000 LB bomb and get 4-5 kill…)
Ground units:
-Free repair cost for ground units which destoyed by air units
-Minus 50% repair cost if damaged by air units and caused die(assist)
-SPAA credit multipler 2.0X if destroyed a plane
-SPAA credit multipler 0.5x if destroyed a ground units
-Ground units RP multiple 2.0X for a plane kill

Arcade battle:
Allow to enter air combat with fighter but no ammo when no enemy interceptors–> favor for ground units + you able to spot the battlefield from bird view while not lost air event points. Since when removed ability to join air battle with fighters when no interceptors reduced shot down plane numbers. Used to be able to shot down 7-8 /battle now this number rare.

Let’s analyze and improve the current solution: “Following the Roadmap: Safe Exit Zones for Aircraft in Ground Arcade Battles.”
[Development] [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Safe Exit Zones for Aircraft in Ground Arcade Battles - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum

"How it was before
Currently, after bombers and attacker aircraft have attacked ground targets during air events in Ground Arcade Battles, they usually have to spend the remaining time of the air event (usually about half a minute) doing nothing. "

“Many pilots J’ed out of their aircraft or crashed them, therefore losing the reward for saving the vehicle. This also happened to fighters when all enemy aircraft had already been shot down.”

But what was the reason you know? ground unit in danger players join air event to shot down enemy bombers and give up plane try to avoid his ground units destruction.

In top-ranked battles, helicopters can also fly out into air events as well. The equivalent of a bomber is a helicopter with ATGMs, an attack aircraft is a helicopter with unguided rockets, and a fighter is a helicopter with machine guns or cannons without rockets.

Let’s take a look at the new system."

“The new feature
To make battles more intense and give players the opportunity to get the well-deserved “Safe and Sound” reward for preserving their aircraft, we’ve improved the mechanics of safe exit zones and have added it to Ground Arcade Battles.”

If you’re flying a bomber or attack aircraft (and their equivalents as mentioned above) and have used up your bombs or rockets, you’ll receive a message about the option to save the vehicle for additional rewards. An icon will appear on the screen indicating the safe exit zone and the distance to it. If you’re in fighter (and their equivalents as mentioned above), you’ll receive this message if there are no more enemy aircraft up.

The new icon is displayed at the height of your aircraft, and the exit is available at any altitude. If you’d like to, you can speed up the process by diving down as the exit is close to the ground as well!"

All you have to do is fly to the icon. When the distance to it becomes 0, you’ll automatically leave your vehicle and receive the “Safe and Sound” reward.

That sounds great, but in practise cause problems. Let me explain. Let’s analyse negative effects and eliminate it.

That good, if you use planes u just drop a bomb or rocket and fly away and exit the battlefield with reward. Thats good.
BUT this again a half ready solution. Let’s see what other component not taken into this new mechanism:

Disappeareling plane: When plane enter safe exit zones it disappearel from battlefield. Not matter his condition or it in middle of dogfight. Why bad this?


Bad for SPAA and planes:

-When planes exit from battlefield they lost his several damaged/damaged or set fire plane kills. Planes Disappear without able to get killed/destroyed later(fall down or burned down).

-Mostly bombers drop bombs from 2-3 km which out autocannon SPAA range. From this SPAA useless because they cannot able to shoot down planes and miss the valuable research points because bombers not circle around the battlefield just they exit… fighters also…

-Stongly reduced the air targets number, because if planes exits they disappeared and not circle at leastt as a BOT plane above the battlefield.

-When you use fighter and severe damage or set fire enemy fighters/bombers/attackers and they exit you lost a kill… and what happend when during dog fight enemy or my plane enter exit zone? I lost the target or i lost my plane… and got a "Safe and sound fighter’

-When ally fighter try to intercept enemy plane and they fly into the exit zone and both exit. Ally plane lost a kill: “stolen”.

-What if accidentally reach too close the safe exit point while try to shot down enemy bomber and when it disappeard my plane also leave the battlefield. Lost a kill again…

Solution to improve this mechanism

What if the plane which exit still fly around a battlefield as a bot and simply not disappeared? …that favor for SPAA-s and improve the implemented solution.

What if to enter exit zone should be activated manually? When enemy and ally run to exit point and exit olny the plane which activated…and after exit plane not disappeared… thats favor for players again… if you not activate safe exit you will able to shot down enemy bombers while still exist as a bot and interceptor able to finish his job…

What do you think about it?.

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I don’t know about the bot solution. It’s a waste of ammo and time. Most people don’t even bother shooting at them.