Safe Exit planes in Ground AB

You introduced new safe exit for airplanes in ground AB. Like why? Who even wanted that? For more player engagement?
WELL, I HATE IT. I hate it!!! Game literally steals my kills. I’m playing some SPAA at the moment to get their skins. Only SPAA, so as you can imagine I interacted with this new stupid game mechanic a lot. Just today I had countless critical hit on planes and then they disappear cause of this safe exit BS. It’s disgusting. Roll it back to how it was before.


No. Being able to land two bullets on every constantly-spawning plane that will always crash and thus get a billion full-credit kills (mainly with SPAA) has always been dumb. Especially when this is inherently a result of not doing your job, which is to kill planes before they drop their ordnance or kill your bombers.

Finish your kills, or they’re not kills.


How can I finish them if they disappear, genius?
Where is the Safe Exit for tanks and spaa?

What is dumb is ground AB planes spawning right on bomber’s ass (while other times they get no chance to ever catching the bomber before it drops) or coming from random freakin directions or not being in the player’s lineup or not even being the same nation as the player’s other vehicles.


try shooting down the plane instead of relying on them to kamikaze


While the OP may be a bit “zealous”, he does have a point in that these “Safe Zones” are a bit too close in really, and the fact the planes just randomly “disappear” is somewhat problematic for that mode as I have seen it so far. Some tweaking would seem to be in order. I have thought that if the player flying the plane wishes to get back in their tank before the “timer” runs out, perhaps a “Return to tank” function/feature could be employed. At which point the plane would not vanish but continue flying in the last direction/heading it had for a period of time. Say :10 for example on “autopilot” but still considered a player’s plane for that time. After which it would become an AI, as has been the case in the past. If the plane does reach the “Severe Damage” stage before the end of this time, but dies after, whoever caused the most damage would get the “Ai kill”. Which doesn’t pay that much. It would still give SPAA and ground units incentive to shoot at these planes, but also give the pilots a bit more time in their tanks. The “Random Rewards” given now could still be doled out if the plane survives the extra :10, so not a big change in scoring. As is, players on the ground are indeed missing some opportunities.
It seems that Gaijin is making an attempt to gives pilots some incentive to not faceplant/kamikaze their planes as time is running out or something. I’m not sure if this new mechanic will help much with that or not. But it doesn’t really improve the hate/hate relationship most players on the ground will/do have for planes.
The continued nerfing of planes in ground AB is about to the point that just removing them altogether and making a “Tank Only” mode out of AB might be the better option(I am personally not really for that, but . . . ) . . anyway, just some thoughts on what I have seen of it so far . . always room for improvement.

Ground AB can’t become a tank only mode cause even if they change the BR of some SPAA, there’s still many of them that wouldn’t be able to compete and only be able to kill other SPAA. For example Crusader AA mk II would need to become rank 1 at BR 1.0 with its 38mm of pen at 10m. Similarly you have those entry level SPAA armed only with small caliber machineguns that don’t get more than 13mm of pen.

I’d rather the planes have fixed spawn points and fixed exit zones, not come from random directions and puff disappear like magic whenever.

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@kcns You either don’t play the mode or don’t play SPAA, cause I guarantee you’d be pissed out too when you Crit the plane or set it on fire and just disappears.
Muh “try shooting down le plane”. Frend you don’t even know where the safe exit is.

Even before this safe exit thing, they had safe and sound if they ended up lasting until thier time expired, then you wouldn’t have got the kill anyway.

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You still get that if the player doesn’t go for the exit zone. But when you crit them they at least have the decency to crash with that and get Aircraft Destroyed as it should.

I think you’re confusing critical for severe damage…

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I exclusively play ab and I do play spaa. Difference is I can actually kill the plane instead of grazing it and hoping for a crash like you

No, I’m not. As far as I can tell severe damage still gets you the kill even if the plane exits, critical doesn’t.
I should have said “had the decency to crash” for crit planes.

Hey expert, grazing and hoping for crash still happens if player doesn’t exit or suicide runs something.
And I’m talking about crits, about fires not about grazing. Cause even before this, if you didn’t crit a plane it wouldn’t crash, it would just fly around after the player returned to his tank and you wouldn’t waste any more ammo on it. So why do you even reply ?

Then it’s nothing to do with ‘decency’, as that makes out that you’re thinking yourself entitled to the kill, which really shows an issue.

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is this about arcade? already funny.
no need to use armor-piercing, no need to use stupid american machine guns. and then planes will be shot down more often than they run away…

Of course I am cause if the safe exit invisible thing didn’t randomly happen to be there, he would have died.

You literally argue for SPAA grinding more, just because what, you want others to suffer or what is the point? The Ground AB planes don’t pay repair cost, they only give the player some more SL and if that player plays normal tanks he already has the means to play the game. Small calibre SPAA (usually) can’t engage tanks.

happy to educate!
a crit isnt a guaranteed kill. a fire isnt a guaranteed kill. a guaranteed kill is when a plane gets… shot down. plenty of times ive kept a badly damaged plane in the air to deny a air spawn point to the enemy, safe exit zones doesnt change a lot in this regard

tldr git gud


hey expert, even in Ground RB a crit plane doesn’t usually make it back

They already heavily nerfed SPAA rewards for this so it’s balanced around planes crashing, which was after an SPAA was 16.000 SL to repair in arcade ffs.

They are planes that players don’t even own and don’t have to pay repaircost on, who cares if they crash and burn, we don’t need another SPAA nerf.

Don’t make my arguments or statements for me, you have no idea what I want or stand for.

Not necessarily, hence why I pointed out that a crit doesn’t mean you’re gauranteed the kill, but you lean to it being as though it is, always.

And it’s not just the exit zone making them disappear that is your issue, if you had them get safe and sound, you’d have merely been shooting an AI plane that didn’t count toward a lot of tasks.

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