SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I dont see why it would matter at all either way the missile misses because the R-73 goes for your flares

Yeah, barely, though I was lucky. Usually they ignore flares and nail me and Im also finding now after the nerfs. Su-27 can easily do a 180 faster than the Gripen can. So im usually on the defensive immediately

It is, but he posted stuff about the rate of G-onset (pitch rate of 15G’s per second)… not sure what aspect of this he’s trying to show.

Ah, prolly trying to get the g-onset un-nerfed from thrust update or something

Full real G-onset is pretty fast already unless you wanna rip wings because you yanked the stick suddenly at mach

I dont have much issues preflaring R-73s the pre launch FOV is massive, though I dont use auto flares I just dump them at a faster rate to ensure theres not a brief period between that 1 second auto interval the R-73 can be launched and the FOV shrinks on me before a flare appears.

Yep. I’m just glad FM has settled down a bit. Just a few changes I want now, like being able to airbrake on landing with the canards, tinted hud, getting the radar fixed so it’s playable for my friend in sim, getting the HUD to cover more of the glass, having HMD information on the Gripen C like the F16C does… etc


Which is absolutely incorrect behavior of 9M.

Also do you have a sound mod

Yep, Epic thunder

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Now to figure out how to install
never mind i need to pay

Yeah, Patreon, I just sub once every so often to get hte update. Im gunna need to sub in Jan I think for the next update. I dont think the Gripen has any engine sounds :D

I recall someone finding that there was a BOL pod for Skyflash rails or something a long those lines, was there ever a report made on that just curious?

Internal tech mod report I think

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It was BOL for AMRAAMS but should be compatible with Skyflash

Gripen has CRL rails and:

So should be a slam dunk


you love to see it

notch filters? How does that work in game? Is it the chaff part, but i dont think they locked chaff in pd?

it will lock-on chaff while tracking target is performing 3-9

They locked chaff in notch? I never experienced that in Gripen, just ususal lock loss in PD