SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

i doubt the SAAF one will get it but definitely good for Sweden

Hopefully they might add the A-Darter to it in the future to keep it useable in the future. Yes it’s a silly high agility missile but it’s only 18km plus you can make better use of HOBS until we get the Eurocoomer and allows us to fire at jets direct behind us 💀

i feel like it will be left behind like everything we have

Likely yes but I guess if it does get left behind we might get other commonwealth craft until we get eurofighter. Hal Tejas would probably be a good addition tbh

or cf18 to fill the naval gap

I dont see why not it already has missiles the SAAF never used

How fast is the gripen at sea level clean now?

It depends entirely how they handle fox 3 addition. I can see Sea Harrier FA2 or Tornado F3 AoP instead for patch 1 and possibly AMRAAM on the Gripen C to keep It going in a future patch. Unless Typhoon comes sooner rather than later. In which case keeping the Gripen C AMRAAM-less means we keep something at 12.3 to dogfight.

yeah there’s no space for that

Rather than space i think it has more to do with the mass that would be added on the wingtip. BOL rail weights 12kg, that is a big mass to be put on the tip of the wing that is supposed to carry full load and pull for example 9g. Wingrip is unavoidable

Its based upon this:

I think Gunjob was investigating if it did or not.

i dont think its really an issue with weight. the tip carries an 87.4kg iris-t and EW systems.

hell, EF carries 2 entire TDs in the right tip with kevlar tether and fibre-optic cable…

Well, then maybe wiring?

no… its a normal ass rail in the tip. just like the one on pylons. its space constraints. the aircraft is small and it uses the tips for RWR/EW + the rail + cooling. there is simply no space


Снимок экрана 2023-12-29 030659
Снимок экрана 2023-12-29 030858
Снимок экрана 2023-12-29 030954

This is a 100% serious question, because this is happening to me constantly at the moment

Are Aim-9M still all-aspect?

I keep on encountering situations where, no matter what. They will not lock on, at all. In front aspect. Even with SEAM. They just… Dont lock until within a few metres of the target. Literally.

Here is a clip for what im talking about:

A behavior I noticed is the seeker will refuse to track if flares are present in the FOV before lock on, which will prevent the seeker from acquiring the target since its suspended from acquisition/tracking. So this target was likely just preflaring before your seeker was pointed at them.

What are you trying to show here?

So they can fire R-73s at me, even though im flaring but I cant fire AIm-9M at all because they are pre-flaring. That doesnt sound fair

Isn’t that the g-suit development document?