BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

I’ve found the same. Was really excited about finally having IFF to ID targets and finally being able to use the 9Ls fully but then found that half the time. I couldn’t even see the target on the radar

Think it was an update or two ago. It had of for a while so I decided to finally bring it into sim but ended up getting multiple team kills due to the radars iff being worthless and my teams never bloody replying. This was the update they gave the British phantoms off for their iff modes.

Updated the section on FA.2 A2A loadouts, @Flame2512 rightfully spotted mention of the CRL (Common Rail Launcher) BOL listed in the FA.2 manual and another document hes recently copied.

As such full AMRAAM loadouts will carry up to 380CM’s.

4 x AMRAAM (Outboard and Under Fuselage) 2x ALE-40 & 2x CRL/BOL (380CM’s)
2 x Sidewinder (Outboard) 2 x AMRAAM (Under Fuselage) 2x ALE-40 & 2x BOL-304 (380CM’s)
2 x Sidewinder (Outboard) 2 x ADEN30 Gunpod (Under Fuselage) 2x ALE-40 & 2x BOL-304 (380CM’s)
2 x AMRAAM (Outboard) 2 x ADEN30 Gunpod (Under Fuselage) 2x ALE-40 & 2x CRL/BOL (380CM’s)
4 x Sidewinder (Outboard Twin rail) 2 x ADEN30 Gunpod (Under Fuselage) 2x ALE-40 (60CM’s)
4 x Sidewinder (Outboard Twin rail) 2 x AMRAAM (Under Fuselage) 2x ALE-40 (60CM’s)


I love you flame.

Nice! I don’t think I’ve seen the BOL unit stuck on the back of the CRL on Sea Harrier but I know the CRL style launcher is something we had in common with Sweden, until both countries seemingly ended up switching to ACMA Multi-Function Rail Launcher and LAU-127 for more modern aircraft like Typhoon and Gripen E (both of which also accept a BOL unit)

I assume the CRL+BOL fit is this configuration we often see on Swedish Gripens?


Sea Harrier’s Frazer-Nash CRL:

Profile of the launcher is clearly the same as the one in Swedish service.
I assume this is where the BOL-300 unit plugs on


That image shows an AMRAAM launcher with BOL in it. According to the manufacturer the CRL accepts AMRAAM and Skyflash.

@Gunjob is this grounds for the Gripen to have a Skyflash+ BOL option in game?


Well, if manufacturer says so, then i do not see a reason to say no. Sadly my view is very narrow.

AMRAAM is lighter though (i think this as the AIM7 is heavier then the AIM120)

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Can you send me the manufacturer bits I have a report in for this but that will be the missing piece.

Yeah its pretty clear that it is the CRL with the BOL attachment in the manual;

Here you go: Flight Refuelling :: Products >> Auxilliary Mission Equipment >> Common Rail Launcher

Flight refueling is the old name for Cobham Limited (a UK defence company).


Just realised that website link really does have all you need:

as well as a ballasted rear section which is interchangeable with the BOL 539 chaff dispenser system.


The Common Rail Launcher is currently capable of deploying the following weapons:

  • Skyflash
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Yep added to my report. Got a good few pictures of the CRL with BOL on there too. It supporting Skyflash though, very nice find. I was just speculating it would support a range of missiles.


Well, that’s my 4 Harrier books finished.

Now onto one that isn’t Aircraft Specific.
Still Falklands war, but from a British Spy stationed in Argentina in the run up to, and during the conflict.

I think we need to start a book club on here 🤔


Hottest take of them all. Wonder if imma get any books for christmas haha.

As mentioned on the archived Cobham site, Japan’s F-2As are also using CRL. If more proof were needed that it can launch Skyflash and other Sparrow derivatives, Japan actively uses it to mount AIM-7M.

They use it for their AAM-4 as well

Interestingly the Jaguar GR.3 we’ve seen with ASRAAM was also using CRL on the over-wing pylon instead of the usual LAU-7


Now that is spicy!

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That brings the total countermeasures up to?

i think you might be in the wrong place

Well, from what i understand it is a skyflash and a bol, so 160 per rail