This Thread will be for finding information about Russian Targeting Pods/Laser designators that could come into the game in the future
Please be civil and don’t start arguments or anything like that (I’d prefer this thread not being closed)
(If you want to discuss balance issues or other things about a vehicle, please do it elsewhere ^^)
(I will be putting any pics posted in the thread in the header message to make it easier to find them)
T/220 (Su-35-2/Su-35S, MiG-29M2/MiG-35)
SAPSAN-E (Su-27SM, Su-30, MiG-29SMT, Su-35, Su-34(?)
OLS-K (MiG-29M2/MiG-35)
SOLT-25 (Su-25SM3, Su-25UBM2, Yak-130/Yak-130M1)
IK SPO-3 (Unknown)
TIALD (T-10M-3)
SOLT-130K (Yak-130M) (Probably just podded SOLT-25)
Its Yak131. Russia’s future Su25 replacement.
It’s not. It’s just Yak-130 on which they tried to put SOLT. “Yak-131” was canceled, never went out from proposal state and never gonna replace Su-25.
Yeah I was assuming that but wasn’t sure if they made a prototype or not
Any idea what I should call it? since I already have a pic of Yak-130M1 on there… soooo idrk
You can just call it Yak-130. You can add #130 as this certain Yak-130 bort number. This plane is used by bureau for tests and exhibitions.
According to Wikipedia it is Yak131 but yes it failed to replace su25
I have a semi-old book about Yak-130 at home, I’ll give it a look over to see if it has anything about it when I get home
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Unfortunately it doesn’t cover Yak-131 or Yak-130 fitted with SOLT-25 at all, it’s joever
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Would the Su-39s Khod pod count
Eh as there’s no plans on it being added for Su-39 (unfortunately), I’d say no
Wonder if they’ll reconsider now that the Su-25SM3 is moving up to 12.7.
They probably won’t, but still.
Currently Su-25SM3 equipped SOLT-25 Laser Designator pod ?
Wonder if they’ll reconsider now that the Su-25SM3 is moving up to 12.7.
They probably won’t, but still.
Now if 12.7 BR for ground RB, You guess gajin increase lock-range Kh-38ML & Kh-38MT to 35 km in next major update ?
Su-25SM3 uses SOLT-25 yes
I remember looking at a photo before, and I can’t remember exactly whether the plane inside is a SU25t, SU39, or SU25sm. But I remember it has a pod near the mounting point of the fuselage. Do anyone have any relevant information?