Russian missiles need a nerf on 12.3 perhaps reducing the number of total missiles from 10 to 8 for the su 27/j11 (in addition to the nerf)

How about adding AIM-7P or MH for other nation instead i know i know unrealistic sht but better than just leave with M isn’t it?

This is how every match in RB is

We hurry up into a furball in middle of the map and it end up just being a cluster. Then its who isnt paying attention to you to get a shot off. I bet 99% of you hasnt even been to D9 on Sinai. If we utilise more of the airspace we are given we may be able to get better fights in.


no dont reduce then to 8 msls thats dumb.
also not being able to dodge the 27 & 73 IS a genuine skill issue cause with my mig29 with 30 chaff and flares i easily dodge all of them and dodge the r27s without hugging the ground. yall genuanly need to get better


I dont really think they need a nerf in terms of reduction, yes R27ER is the best SARH missile in the game currently and R73 is among best IR missiles in the game, but I dont think thats the actual problem, the problem is in amount of players in team whose aircraft can house such missiles, now I might gaslight the topic with this but Su-27 and J-11 even tho they are stated as super maneuverable they are not nearly as good dogfighters as M4k, F-16 and Gripen, to hell even F-15’s, as it just starts floating in the air below 400km/h. 10 missiles are in my opinion just a compensation for bad dogfigting capabiliteis that it faces currently. I believe it all would be fixed with player reduction but who knows I might be wrong.


Since you put a screenshot of top tier maps here are some of lower tier maps just to see how different and noticable design in props are compared to this:

Even though layout is basically the same most of the time since the map size and layout was originated with props gameplay in mind, the same layout is allowing objectives to be more spreaded out across the map. But in top tier same maps were taken, strapped airfields 96km away from one another without changing the size of layout which is now negatively affecting the current top tier, not to mention 16v16 clusterfucks, but there are other topics for that to disscuss in.

Definitely tossing my vote behind a reduction of R-27ERs. And having an HMD that helps you throw a 40G capable IR missile alongside it; doesn’t matter if it’s not the most maneuverable plane. It doesn’t have to be if its weaponry are clearly outperforming everyone else not also wielding it. Since it’s seems unlikely Gaijin will improve the 7M or give us the 7Ps, this would be the next best solution. Or just remove it and give them the R-27Rs vs the ER.


No and we dont want american dominance in top tier air for years without counterparts

Do not balance the armaments around player’s inability to deal with them, this happened back when the Aim 9L was introduced and it’s since been reduced to a 1-tap flare away by repeated nerfs, and other missiles such as the Aim 7-E2 sparrows and Skyflashes are much worse than they were on launch as well.

The solution here is to introduce equivalent armaments for all nations, Aim 120A/B vs R-27ER in the radar missile department would be acceptable as early AMRAAMS have worse flight characteristics than the R-27ER, but would be low committal and be more difficult to notch, Aim 9X is a possibility, but I don’t think the 9Ms are in a bad spot at the moment, so not necesary, Micas in both their IR and ARH form for the Mirage 2000 5F would be good, with holding off on introducing them to the M4k until a later patch.

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I think tutorials on dodging missiles would help out. Yes there is YouTube, but some of them talk for 10 min before getting to the point. Having a training environment to get shot at constantly could help.

Just playing Russia and China and enjoy new meta. when only Russia and China are in top tier match, GJ will balance. xaxaxaxa)))))

More importantly majority of kills are done with missiles, they are way more important than maneuverability. Missiles and maneuverability are not equal in combat with multiple jets. Maneuverability will be more important only in safe 1v1 situations and only when the opponent cant send a HMD r-73 in your face.

It should always be balanced, not have someone dominate. Balancing something properly will mean that there is no clear dominance like there is now. It is indeed true that russians can have the most missiles, the best radar missiles and clearly extremely potent r-73’s with HMD which is a large factor in furballs. That is what makes the missile better than aim-9m as especially f-15’s with slow roll rate can’t spam them properly in furballs. Magic 2’s are a no conversation, definetly worst top tier ir missiles.

Lets also not forget the R-27ET’s, practically same range and speed as R-27ER but IR guided which gives the russian designed jets even more edge in combat, especially when someone is trying to escape. There is no counterpart to this missile. It is even more dangerous when coupled with IRST.

Overall i don’t see a valid argument where one can say that the su-27 should belong to same br as some of the other jets as top tier isn’t all about dogfightning ability. It is not the sole factor nor the main factor for the BR nor should it be. Majority of situations you are able to engage with missiles, not in dogfightning. Russians would have been fine with their mig-29smt which is still a 12.3 and they could have introduced the su-27 in next update when everyone else possibly gets something equal.

This is more about gaijin wanting money than balance as they get profit from releasing strong shit in bulk, people will want to grind it fast for the meta and pay premium for it.

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9Ms ECCM is much better than R-73Es IRCCM unless you fire R-73 at extremely close range. And R-73E and Magic 2s have the exact same tyle of IRCCM.

On top of that thrust vectoring is counter-productive unless were again talking about extremely close range, as the missile currently bleeds SO MUCH energy correcting itself.

9M requires player to dump more countermeasures and energy to be evaded than R-73E.

As for R-27ERs, AIM-7Ms actually perform better at extreme ranges or if the target is cranking for example because they lose less energy on longer distances.

R-27ERs overperform AIM-7Ms only at ranges under 20ish something KM.

All of the above tested in controlled conditions with friends with multiple people spectating.

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The problem itself isnt with the planes or the missiles, its a problem with the gamemode. If you can focus on dodging you can dodge all 10 of them, but you cant focus while fighting 5 other guys. Thats a gamemode problem, not a broken plane problem.

Spoken like a dude who didnt use both missiles.

i mean they’ve nerfed things artificially in the past.

Does that make it ok?

It’s not the fact that we can’t dodge Russian missiles, it’s that they are almost factually better in ever aspect (fox 3s aside) to their American counterparts (the only other major missile manufacturer) which is a tad bit unrealistic, as of right now a aim9m falls for a single flare and the aim7m chases air molecules, r 27er? Gotta treat it like a god damn close range fox 3, r 77? Soft eject button for Russian jets in a dogfight, do you know how many fucking times I’ve had a good dogfight against a Russian jet, lured them into a low energy position, fell in behind them for the kill and then they just pull out a r77 and kill me (cause it’s more flare resistant than the aim9m apparently and can pull 360s around your plane) Russia should not have a get out of jail free card ig you fucked up in a dogfight, the ONLY advantage missile wise america has over russia is the amount we carry and the aamram

If you are flaring R-77 no wonder you die when its ARH.


i mean look i agree the r27er is busted as hell. before fox 3s where added I was just bullying enemys with it getting 5/6 kills with a 6msl load
but the aim9m is better than the r73 by a longshot.
also isn’t the whole point of the r77 to be maneuverable? that’s its only good thing it suffers in everything else compared ammram