Russian MBTs: Firepower and Protection versus NATO counterparts

Both of yall just advocating for removal of blowout panels right there basically

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Not when Ariete Abrams exist


Okay yeah Ariete takes the cake. Abrams? Not even. If you play semi consciously you’ll be fine

Really?? Tell that to my level 37 Leo 2 crew lol. They reload in 6.4 secs if I recall. Really not that bad. I think all the nato mbts should go back to 6.0 secs, or at minimum 5.8 secs, other than the TKX and leclerc auto loaded tanks etc. they should stay as accurate as possible.

well shoot at the hull mostly kill them in one shot (or two but it likely aren’t able to do anything after first shot go through) but unlike Russia they don’t have armor in that area find that killing Abrams it lots easier to kill T tanks because hull don’t have armor or spall liner less afford to aim and result is very predictable.

The lower abrams plate likes to eat all the spall fairly often, in fact I’ve bug reported it several time over, with many clips about it, but gaijin won’t do anything because they don’t want to upset usa mains again.

Keep in mind, I was using an Obj 292, which is a 152… I’ve noticed many people like to use the 10.3 abrams, (both KVT and the normal one), because that seems to have that bug the most, but it’s not limited to just that one.

Gaijin said it’s a “visual bug”, yet if you note, the round literally hit the driver in the arm, and the gunner in the leg, with the commander getting hit in the foot, but it only killed his engine… tbf I think that guy also may have been cheating in some fashion, because myself and 6 others all shot him… he killed everyone, even though he was hit from all sides.

@ARK_BOI @aDSD @ltl_Chiller

Possible because most of the time against them using Slpprj M95 from strv122 shoot them at front like that they’ll die if not they are cripple aren’t able to do anything anymore being gun out or turret ring out or both waiting to be finish off (it rarely takes more than two shot to kill Abrams, but the fault is mine being bad shot most case)

It’s more than it just doesnt want to create any spall rather than eats it.
That isnt really only a thing of Abrams, Leo2A4 mask used to not make much spall at all, cant really check if it’s the thing RN.

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this should be achieved as the next goal. at present, there is a significant gap in tank loading time between the east and the west. we need to narrow this gap.

Same as russian fuel tanks ¯_ (ツ)_/¯

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Does it? My fuel tanks always explode when hit, so I wouldn’t know. And it kills my whole tank.

Well… for me 70% of the times I hit russian fuel tanks they start burning but eat all the spall and just one shot me instead of blowing up

Oh just like the German and American tanks?

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Fuel tank detonations can be tanked if your crew vitality is aced. It requires the fuel tank to be the only thing damaged with no spall hitting anyone; because it will leave the crew on “one HP”.

Very incorrect, my T-80UK which is aced, gets hit only in the fuel often, because the enemy had bad shot placement, and the whole tank explodes.

Its like they only explode when you’re actually playing the vehicles lol.

I only have 10.0 wallet warrior lineup for Russia, just now have started to hit 10.0 on Russian tech tree and I don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

In my t series, generally, if I shoot you, you go boom. If you shoot me, I survive much more often than in my Abrams at top tier. I’m not at Russia top tier yet but I don’t assume it’ll be much different. I have to pixel snipe in my Abrams, but not in my t series.

I already get up tiered to 11.7 now cuz of my 292 and using 10.0 tanks in 11.7 matches because of it. I think I’m still managing at least the same KD as my Abrams with I think a lot of them near 1.5 and my 292 approaching 2.0. With like my turmsT at like 1.1 or something idk

However at 9.7-11.7(now) I don’t seem to be doing any worse than with my Abrams and in fact quite the contrary. So I really don’t get the fuss about everyone saying the tanks are bad.

They seem good to me, AND your team yes aren’t complete shit.
They’re shit, just not complete shit like playing US.

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