Russian IS and t44 Tanks wont die to bombs where other tanks would die

Hello everyone,
I’ve been playing Warthunder since 2015 and I still enjoy it. However, one thing bothers me that I can’t explain. If I throw a bomb next to, in front of, behind a tank, it is always destroyed, but with the Russian IS and T-44 tanks you have to make a direct hit to destroy them and even that is not guaranteed. Most of the time i only destroy the track, the gun barrel or the engine. This has bothered me since day one and I would like to have an explanation if it is a bug or if it is even possible an advantage of the Russian tanks (I just want to say the buff of the IS tank hull to 160mm instead of the historically correct 100mm). Anyway i would like to have a fair and fun game again and would be happy to get feedback from the community or warthunder support. Thanks in advance

My feedback is this. I don’t have this issue. I kill Russian tanks as easy as I do/would German and US tanks with bombs. :)


Fair and fun you say: “I’ll bomb a tank with a plane”.

Im sorry i correct me with the buff. Only the IS 2 1944 with now 160mm instead of historically accurate 120mm.

But now honestly, depending on the model, some how IS-4M can be very tanky, it’s low budget Object 279.

According to a article (not Wikipedia nor War Thunder Wiki) mentions specifically the front of the turret with 160mm of armor thickness.

show me a clip where you bomb an is 2 or is 3 with a bomb and destroy it where the bomb is right behind him.

i meant the hull not the turret

Okay, next time I bomb an IS series tank I’ll send it to you 😂

Also, I’m not insinuating that you have a skill issue or anything nor do I believe in Russian Bias, I just am saying that I have no issue killing Russian tanks with bombs. The hardest part is honestly just getting to the target because of their AA MG’s.

Also, out of curiosity what bombs/plane are you using?

i play 7.0 with the me 262 a1 jabo with 2x250kg bombs

can i send you a replay of mine so i can prove it?

Okay, I don’t have that so I’ll have to use something else

Umm sure? Idk what you sending a video of you not killing a tank will prove. My whole point is that people can kill them with bombs

i just want you to prove that if a bomb lands to a different heavy tank like t34 or t32 the bomb will kill it but the is 2 would survive however.

Okay. I think overall just in general it’s harder to kill a heavy tank with bombs. I don’t find specific tanks being harder than another.

Okay, did you drop them all at once? Also I still don’t have that so again I’ll be using something else. Probably US 1000lbers…

I’m doing a deep clean rn of my house so it might be a while before I am on to play, then it might take a hot second to find and bomb a IS specifically.

Also, just a side note, I’ve had bombs land on my head in multiple different tanks and still have survived when they all should have killed me. I don’t find it exclusive to Russia. I think that most people and possibly you just associated with specifically Russia and Russian bais, because it is such a largely accepted concept

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Maybe it is a physics that represents USSR tanks being diesel not petrol?

Just send the link and the moment.

Lol, no. Sorry… That’s not something I give out.

Why can’t you just PM me a server replay and the moment??

Maybe you’re not good at aiming bombs?


You can PM me by clicking my name on any of these comments and pushing send message

bro i have 12000 hrs in this game and you tell me that i throw my bombs bad? the bomb is right next to him and he didnt die