Russian bias? What? Leopard 2 BIAS!

Russian bias? It is called armor I think.
Leopard 2 bias is a problem instead.
You shoot fronmtlaly in the LFP? Nothung hapens.
You shoot frontally in the UFP? Nothing happens.
The turret? No way. it seem it can bounce even 542 mm of 0 degree penetration.
I think they are OP. Not the russian tanks.
All people (meybe because of russophobia…) speak about russian bias, but here the problems is that Leopard 2 are really strong. Maybe like in the reality.


Just don’t pay attention, it is useless to explain that this is not how they think.


You never tried playing Leopard 1, didn’t you? Otherwise you would know what kind of a nightmare T-55s are.

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Sure ,lets talk about your regenerating ERA ,performance of which has been pulled out of star trek.


Blud mentioned Leopard 2 specifically.


Never had an issue killing T-54/55s unless I get uptiered in a 7.7 heavy. If you’re having issue in a Leopard 1 that’s just skill issue.


Ironically, Russia apparently got SLERA before Israel got it cause Russian Tanks have multi-hit ERA Lol

Not only multi hit but regenerating ,you shoot it off ,they retreat behind cover ,30 seconds later it is back on.
Pay attention and you will see it happen

And all that Gaijin defenders will say is " who are you going to believe ,me or your lying eyes"

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the coping mechanism of the russian main its one worthy of a documentary


That is also true, but as someone who has used the Leopard 2 series, they are definitely really good and weird.

Their fuel tanks do randomly absorb all damage similarly to Russian Tanks.

Honestly, it’s pretty absurd that the 2A5 and 2A7 are still the same BR. We need BR decompression ASAP.

they are good and fun but not op definitely this post its mostly coping cuz i really never struggle to fight leopard 2’s

Leopard 2 tanks are a bit stronger than the rest of the competition, but that would be easily fixed if Gaijin fixed the top tier BR.

As an example of the Leopards being above average at top tier, I once had my Leopard 2A7 stop 12 consecutive shells frontally while completely in the open on Seversk’s elevated road. In comparison, the M1A2 and Merkava, which I’ve also played, are noticeably inferior due to their armor being treated poorly.

The T-90M is the closest in performance to the Leopards that I own. Out of all my 11.7 MBT, the only two I own that don’t feel like a survival horror experience would be the T-90M and Leopard 2A7.

The Abrams and Merkava just feel… sad.

The Abrams has a good reload, but at 11.7, it’s sluggish and easy to kill. Its Dart isn’t horrible, but it’s far from the best. If it had M829A3, it would be more enjoyable.

As for the Merkava… it’s just green frontally to everything. Even a 10.0 shell will punch through the front and out the back.


Leopards are considerably better than anything else. The weakest part is the fairly average reload, but that’s about it.

Armor wise, they are very hard to kill in one hit from the front, the LFP isn’t super reliable in killing at least 3 crew, the breech almost never kills crew when hit, the UFP is like 700mm thick, and the drivers viewport works quite well but is hard to hit, especially if the Leopard is one the move. Also, the Leopard has arguably the best spall liner in the game, at the very least tied with T-90M, covering the entire interior, save for the UFP, unlike Ariete or Challenger with major holes in their spall liners.

Mobility wise, the Leopard is among the best, tied with things like Leclerc, Abrams and so on.

Firepower wise, the reload is fairly average. It still beats Russian and Chinese tanks, and is tied with Ariete and Merkava, as well as Leopards from other trees (Germany, Sweden or Italy). Thats tied with or beats more than half of the countries in game.

In return, you get DM53 which is the absolute strongest APFSDS in the game (other than 152mm APFSDS from the Obj. 292), or m/95, the best spalling top tier round. You also get amazing targeting speeds in both vertical and horizontal, as well as great thermals and optics, as well as CITV.


Far from it, the 2a7 is limited to 61 km/h, making it considerably slower than almost every other top tier, the current best is the ZTZ-99A, Type 10 and BVM

Strongest yet very inconsistent, I have had exceedingly frequent ‘critical hits’ and situations where my round does everything but kill the last 2 crew, all with well placed shots, the insane pen is nice but the spall has been lacklustre for a while

It’s Meta for now but best believe it will either be nerfed with some random change or left to rot while newer systems are modelled on fresh additions, I really hope this doesn’t happen though since the Leopard 2a7V has been my favourite tank since the moment I first laid eyes on it a decade ago, it deserves to remain extremely competitive since it’s one of, if not the best MBTs in the world.

the leopard 2 its undeniably good and its a jack of all trades but that dosent make it straight up op, one of the thing the leopard shines most its in mobility and firepower wich 2A7V trades mobility for armor and yes its quite noticeable the difference in mobility, DM53 isnt the strongest apfsds is the one with most pen but the strongest one refers to spalling, wich goes to the swedish slppjr-m/95 with a weight of a whoping 5.6 kg sharing places with the italian CL4143 while the second one is the russian 3BM60 with a weight of 5.12 kg

All top tier tank have this issue, APFSDS can be wonky sometimes. But if you know where to aim you can quite reliably disable a tank to kill it in with the follow up shot. And DM53 is on par or better than the majority of rounds in terms of projectile mass, and beats all of them in penetration.

If anything, Leopards are the tank this happens most often to. Whenever I engage them I always plan on having to hit them twice, whereas with Russian or American tanks, I usually don’t expect to have to hit them twice. The only spot on the Leopard that reliably one taps is through the engine or the drivers viewport, but if you’re getting hit there as a Leopard you’ve messed up big time.

Being a jack of all trades is what makes it so strong, you have at least one advantage compared to every other MBT in the game that you can exploit, coupled with the fact it’s far easier to make mistakes in your gameplay and live to tell the tale, making it both very strong when played well and very strong when played poorly, at least compared to other tanks.

There was a guy on here I was talking to before who was trash talking me, I checked his stats, he wasn’t positive in a single tank at or above rank VI, except for the Leopard 2A7V.

Welcome to the experience fighting top tier Russia for the past years, now instead of having to aim for anywhere on Leopard 2s, you have to aim for a specific spot, namely under the gun barrel, whilst everyone else has been forced to snipe your driver’s hatch for the past few years.
Oh and let’s not get into Russia having the best CAS, Helis and SPAA.

Also, no it’s not. Not our fault the Russian gouvernment, military and MIC lies out of their ass about the capabilities of every single piece of equipment they have.

A very real phenonemon to the modern day. “Invincible hypersonic khinzal missiles” got shot down by decades old western AA systems. “Modern” S-400, S-300, Tor and Pantsir batteries can’t shoot down decades old western missiles, multiple videos of these systems straight up MISSING stationary drones. The entire reason why the F-15 (the most successful fighter jet in the history of aviation) was created was because the Soviets lied about the Mig-25s (a literal shitbrick) capabilites. One of the supposedly most dense AA networks on the planet right now, still lets cessnas filled with explosives pass right by without being intercepted. The new XM-7 rifle which would stop hoards of Russian soldiers in their “.50cal proof” ratnik armor sets are now set to face Russian soldiers with barely any body armour and helmets from the early soviet days.

Read up on the Cold War Bomber Gap if you want to learn more, but I highly doubt you would if you instictvely think it’s because of russophobia that people call Russian / Soviet equipment overhyped garbage…


I think you got a little bit too much brainwashed by NAFO propaganda…

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“Everyone who says something I don’t agree with is brainwashed by people I don’t like”


Its funny, as many times as it has been proven that you can pen the BVM in that spot even in game. And you keep reposting it lmfao

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