Russian Bias in 2024?

11.3 isnt top tier with a 12.7 f15? ?

Im also working through my stat card br for br trying to improve kds.

So yeah.

Yet you have better KD with T-80’s 🤡

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What a mature response.

Ive also played far less with the t80s, after id got the challangers, type90s, and abrams so i had a far better idea how to play.

Like i said, im working my way back bringing the kd up as i go.

I did give you the mature response, you’re are the one making a drama without even reading what I wrote.

I read what you wrote and i quote “yes, thats not OP because its the only good thing USA has”

The f16C is not the only good thing the US has is what my response was.

As well as correcting saying the f16 is the only good thing for cas that france has when arguably the mirage is on par.

So yeah havent read what i said. And instead are , insulting me, belittling what i said rather than objectively staying on topic with the su25 and what is better / worse.

So yeah. Ill probably start patching your responses.

Edit as far as number crunching in my head. Statistically my stats with the m1a1HC, m1a1 and IMP1 go theyre objectively better over all due to more matches and closer to 1.0 kds overall.

I personally don’t believe in nation bias, it’s mostly due to the game’s terrible coding.



Seriously, get your glasses. Where did I say F-16 is the only thing France has? I said that for USA.
This is what I said for France:

“the same F-16C as CAS” as both USA and French F-16C has the same CAS loadout with Mavericks.

The leclercs aren’t on par with abrams at all the abrams objectively is better over all as an all round tank.

And the helis i didnt reference at all due to the fact thats spot on.

And the way you word it, it has the same cas with the f16 makes it out as if that france only has one viable cas where as im saying France has a plethora more.

Is the flakrad equal to the ITO90 as well?

And as is well known US Doctrine didnt invest much into spaa that werent multipart or built in.
They focus on air superiority. So yeah the adats isnt the best for spaa, but i wasnt stating it was, i was stating there are many trees without even something even half as good.

You keep using this argument that “mr expert didn’t play this and that” but you literally only play with USA and say stuff like leclerc is better or on par with abrams. I mean you are literally doing the same thing.
And 11.3 not counting top tier? lul

Your stats with Leclercs ohh there arent any…

Your stats with Abrams

How are so sure on coming this conclusions? I’ve listed mine above.

It kinda does but that wasn’t really the my main point.

M1A1 AIM is on par with SEP except in shell and I have over a thousand matches on it. And I play 11.7 with ADATS and 12.7 with F-16C. Newest Abrams he has is 11.3 M1A1 HC which he played poorly in but keeps proclaiming it’s better than Leclercs and T-series (which he has way better KD in).

Hows it played poorly ?

You have close to 1 kd same as mine lol

So i cant objectively observe how tanks perform overall?

After 5 years of playing this game the community never ceases to amaze me on its gate keeping.

I too also play my abrams in full 12.7 games every single game due taking the f15 with me.

The m1a1 aim isnt on par with the sep either the sep is an m1a2.

So then yours is played poorly as well then?

Also its more than 1.0 theres air kills as well so its 85 total kills to 83 deaths

The reason why I believe Leclercs are on par if not better than Abrams are:

  1. Both have 5 second reload but Leclerc is autoloaded so it doesn’t require Ace crew and doesn’t suffer from downed loader debuff.
  2. Leclerc have better mobility than top tier Abrams
  3. Both are paper, easily taken down or disabled by one or two shots.
  4. Abrams have impenetrable cheeks that can stop a round every now and then, Leclercs lack this.
  5. All Leclercs have gen 2 thermals while for USA only SEP variants and Squadron one have gen 2 thermals.
  6. Leclercs have faster turret traverse both in vertical and horizontal with 2 degrees less in depression.
  7. Abrams engine sound is still loud and can easily be distinguished from teammates, making it harder to flank in small urban maps.

Abrams have little bit more protection because of cheeks that can sometimes stop a round, meanwhile Lercels is consistenly faster with reloads and turret traverse and better thermsals on more tanks.
Abrams isn’t an upgrade to Leclerc but more like a sidegrade.

EDIT: And if you gonna say “no you don’t know because haven’t played with it”, here’s from someone who payed with Abrams and Leclercs saying the same thing.

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Like I said, the Australian Abrams is equal to SEP with thermals, protection (without TUSK package), engine, only differences are SEP is 0.2 t heavier and have better M829A2 round instead of KE-W.
Please go fact check these before coming here and saying I’m wrong.